Is it wrong to be extreamly focused and have priorities/set goals? vol. GO HAM ON EM LUCKY!!

May 26, 2003
Like real talk do yall ever question the priorities of the people around you?
Like idk how to explain it, but like yall ever just sit ad observe the stuff going on around yall and just say %$*!?
But like you cant/don't have anyone to really explain or that can understand the stuff you see wrong with the picture? Like I know freshmen year in collegeyou got alot of people that most likely won't be there by their 2nd-3rd year, but I`m like come on idk maybe I got to much at stake with this school stuff,because if I don't do this school thing then I might have to call up Pablo and start baking pies, cause I don't have parents I can just munch off of.Idk especially with my moms loosing her job around Thanksgiving time and the Pops hitting me up last week telling me he lost his job, like idk I see my ownproblems at home and it motivates me to grind even harder, but then I see my peers and like folks just don't give a damn. Dudes on HOPE Scholarships andalready got 2.0s and stuff after the 1st semester and like still screwing around with no worries, while me I`m busting my butt and I`m at times frowned upon?Like idk if this the future of our society? Like I'm not mad at anyone but at times it's like everyone else and crazy and I`m the only sane person, ormaybe everyone else is normal and Im the crazy one.

Well, I'm taking 7 courses this semester(upper level econ courses and commerce courses) and trying to get some internships set up for the summer so it isdefinitely no fun when you see all your buddies out and about when your at home slaving away... But I just think of it like this, would I rather put in the 3months or whatever of hard work right now and know where I'm headed or f**k around and not get into a good grad school. Just thinking about how to maximizemy possibilities for the future tends to motivate me, but everyone is different.
On some G.S i'm might be exactly what your talkin about. Right now my GPA is at a 2.0 and i'm still playin around. It's a month into the semesterand i don't even have my textbooks yet. For the most part it might be because i'm really not feeling the school route. However i know that it'salmost a must as a black man if your trying to get atleast a decent job.

It's just difficult for me to concentrate on school when i don't really wanna be there. For the past two months my whole goal has been to come up withsomething else that i can do because college is proving that it's not for me. Believe me i wanna succeed but i need another plan now.
Man idk, I guess people nowadays just go to college cause their parents want them to. I`m like why waste time and money when your going to end up hurting yourparents either way when you drop out.
Youngjordan23 man i know exactly wat u talking about. i am going to school rite now and i have a decent gpa 3.2 but i just feel like school isnt for me. i cantconcentrate in school at all. sometimes i think i got ADD. i try to fcous for like 10 min then i cant so i just wonder around. i want to have a good future andeverything but man there has to be something else even though im going to finish school.
im one of them bums of which you speak

trust me, your mindset is worth its weight in gold. hold on to it.
i get frowned upon ALL THE TIME for not wanting to go party with them etc...i dont care...because i know since im grinding crazy hard right now, in a few yearswhen they still broke and working in a retail environment for less than $10 hr im gonna be the one they grabbing somethin out the back room for...cus theythought it was cool to go drink and party 5 days a week instead of focusing on the only thing in life that matters anymore..Financial Status..
Real talk - My freshman year of college was a blast. Loved every moment, wouldn't trade it in for the world.

Then I became a Sophomore.

And from that point on, it was the same crap, got old. So I got my mind right, focused on what I had to do.
Could see my friends and peers in the rear view, still caught up on the party (excessively) scene and just having NO goals.

I wanted to be done, and out of college. So I put my head down and stuck to the grind. It sucked, wasn't fun.
In the end, I stuck to what I needed to do. Graduated in 4.5 years with a degree in Finance and one in Accounting.

I believe having money on the mind is poison, but that doesn't mean you can't have trying to better yourself financially on the brain.
A college town like mine is a joke, competition for minimum wage. I value myself and my time much more than that, so I had to get out and get out quick.

When I was in college I wrote down my goals. Some were realistic, some I still strive for, and some I have no chance at. But I keep at it.
It's all about balance... But all the time you spend on NT could be spent partying or socializing.
Do you.
to the OP, I know exactly what you're talking about. I got to a CUNY school, so its only 2 types of kids; go hards, and slackers. People really don'tunderstand why I go so hard, and it shows how sheltered they are. This school joint...thats it for me, without this I'd be on Baisley serving pies, whichis the LAST thing I wanna do. People's priorities are all screwed up, because the pressure aint on their shoulders.
Originally Posted by MakeMyHam

It's all about balance... But all the time you spend on NT could be spent partying or socializing.
Do you.

haha the hell? where is there a party going on at 9 pm on a Tuesday?

I NEVER said I don't party. I party with the best of em. Does that mean I don't do my work? I mean now I'm not worried about anyone anymorebecause more drop outs = more jobs for me.

But I just don't find the random dumb stuff, or going to the club just to go entertaining, like I guess since alot of these ppl are from the country orwere in Prison type homes, they just go out cause they know back home sucks, but I got to much at stake to play around. Even if I did come from a well offfamily and stuff I still wouldn't BS.
College is really wasting my time. I'm really doing this to make my parents happy and to have it as a back up plan. I don't know but my parentsstressed school so much that they made me hate it
. Back in HS if i bring anything less than a B and what not I was automatically getting crazy heat forit. At the end i managed to get in to to a fairly decent college and my parents are somewhat happy but I really could careless. nonetheless right after Ifinish undergrad I will go to graduate school, But after that I will just try to do something on my own. I am not trying to waste the rest of my life doing 9to 5 which is basically slaving. Most people strive so hard in college just to make that 40 thousand at the end
... I wonder though do people really go tocollege to get education or just to make more money??? my parents swear that college is the only way.
But after that I will just try to do something on my own thing. I am not trying to waste the rest of my life doing 9 to 5 which is basically slaving.
it's not slaving if you like it.
what is it that you're going to college for?
thats the thing, my parents didnt stress school
I just seen the state of my life and surroundings and realized that stuff wasnt for me.
Originally Posted by supra97RX7

But after that I will just try to do something on my own thing. I am not trying to waste the rest of my life doing 9 to 5 which is basically slaving.
it's not slaving if you like it.
what is it that you're going to college for?

i am computer science major. But seriously, how many adults that you know of enjoy there jobs??? it have to be a small percent.
Originally Posted by GoldenTicket21

i get frowned upon ALL THE TIME for not wanting to go party with them etc...i dont care...because i know since im grinding crazy hard right now, in a few years when they still broke and working in a retail environment for less than $10 hr im gonna be the one they grabbing somethin out the back room for...cus they thought it was cool to go drink and party 5 days a week instead of focusing on the only thing in life that matters anymore..Financial Status..
How do you know that you will be "cakin" in the future? and to be honest have some fun, i am not advocating the fact that you should go outevery night but live a little.
YoungJordan, you sound like you dont want to see sucess.

School is cake work, work 5 days a week for 8 hours.... or school for 3-4 days for 4 hours each day... you pick>! I work when i dont have school. But i willtake learning over anything... come on

I feel you Lucky....

I saw this in HS,
friends did the same thing,
said F school and Fire up that B.....
I graudally seperated myself from my friends
Right now, I sit at home study/play my 360/NT/Read my books(got art of war today
When i am not at school, i am usually working at the shoe store

I feel kinda like

I got no friends that i can act crazy with....
but at the same time, i dont wanna be tempted to smoke that and drink all the time like them....
I kinda set myself up and am like, ya know what, I am gonna see them later on,
feel smarter, look smarter, and become a better person....
not to be conceited, but to prove to myself,
I am working harder then them and its gonna show
In the long run it will pay off for you, and If your crazy, WE are ALL crazy
Originally Posted by DunkNForce

YoungJordan, you sound like you dont want to see sucess.

School is cake work, work 5 days a week for 8 hours.... or school for 3-4 days for 4 hours each day... you pick>! I work when i dont have school. But i will take learning over anything... come on

I feel you Lucky....

I saw this in HS,
friends did the same thing,
said F school and Fire up that B.....
I graudally seperated myself from my friends
Right now, I sit at home study/play my 360/NT/Read my books(got art of war today
When i am not at school, i am usually working at the shoe store

I feel kinda like

I got no friends that i can act crazy with....
but at the same time, i dont wanna be tempted to smoke that and drink all the time like them....
I kinda set myself up and am like, ya know what, I am gonna see them later on,
feel smarter, look smarter, and become a better person....
not to be conceited, but to prove to myself,
I am working harder then them and its gonna show
In the long run it will pay off for you, and If your crazy, WE are ALL crazy

Same here.. I hate how people get all happy and *!%! cause they BARELY passed a class, acting like C's = A's

C'mon now, get some goals and stop being bums, you just dragging down everyone else, word to my $*#$@%% suitemates in college.
No. Being focused and having goals means your doing something. The people I use to chill with are either in rehab because of drugs or in jail. One is justslaving away doing landscaping. He's making good money but I know sooner or later he's gonna break down because all the weed he smokes.
Don't just stop at undergrad though...I'm goin straight to law school after this..cuz I done heard too many stories where people use to making thatweekly paycheck and dont wanna go back to school..I'm puttin my time in now, so I can be financially stable when I wanna settle down.

I lost a few friends (Greek) because they wanna party and $#@!. I use to party some when I was a freshman and sophomore, but I'm on some grown ishhh rightnow man...I see these dudes on TV makin it and I just use that as extra motivation..

Lloyd Banks said it the best - "You don't like, thas cool, I don't give a F#@%, quality time ain't goin to put me in a bigger truck."

Friends won't be there when you applying for internships, jobs, grad. school, etc.. So I do $%^*& by myself.
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