Liam Neesons smh

Says the guy who supports trump and doesn't think he's a racist and just wants him to "do better" with his tweets :lol:

I do think that he can/should do better with his tweets.

This statement by Liam Nesson is wild and ridiculous. Do you disagree?
this is the first liam neeson movie i remember seeing...

I do think that he can/should do better with his tweets.

This statement by Liam Nesson is wild and ridiculous. Do you disagree?

I do but I also believe that a lot of the **** trump has said is wild and ridiculous concerning minorities. That's where we differ...

Seems like you hold Liam Nesson to a higher standard than the "leader" of the free world :smh:
Marky Mark is really that Boston scumbag from Boston that's portrayed in films. Wow.
I do but I also believe that a lot of the **** trump has said is wild and ridiculous concerning minorities. That's where we differ...

Seems like you hold Liam Nesson to a higher standard than the "leader" of the free world :smh:

We gettin a lil bit out this thread topic with the discussion, but if Trump said what Liam Nesson just said I would be saying the exact same thing about it. Wrong is wrong. Politics aside. Which is why I have said he can/should do better with his tweets.
The thing with a lot of these celebrities is that fame is like a drug and when their buzz starts dying down they do anything to be back in the spot light. To them, all publicity is good publicity.

Still, F him
Liam Neeson’s promoting his latest revenge movie, Cold Pursuit, in which he (once again) plays a character driven by revenge, this time as a snowplow driver who’s, you know, out for revenge. Neeson’s penchant for appearing in revenge films has almost approached parody status (that’s part of why the film is anticipated as a guilty pleasure), but the veteran actor’s chosen to promote this particular movie in an unfortunate way — by recalling a story about when he was personally hell bent upon revenge.

Neeson sat down with The Independent to discuss his Cold Pursuit character’s rage and, in the process, he disclosed something he’s never before told to an outlet. It’s a true story, he said, about finding out that someone close to him had been raped. This prompted him to storm the streets with a heavy stick after the victim described her attacker to Neeson, who admitted that he then really wanted to kill any “black bastard” who happened to “have a go at me” for any reason at all, so he could kill that person (after apparently provoking them). It’s an interview that’s causing many to stop in their tracks:

“She handled the situation of the rape in the most extraordinary way,” Neeson says. “But my immediate reaction was…” There’s a pause. “I asked, did she know who it was? No. What colour were they? She said it was a black person.

“I went up and down areas with a cosh, hoping I’d be approached by somebody — I’m ashamed to say that — and I did it for maybe a week, hoping some [Neeson gestures air quotes with his fingers] ‘black bastard’ would come out of a pub and have a go at me about something, you know? So that I could,” another pause, “kill him.”

Writer Clémence Michallon noted that Neeson appeared to realize the gravity of what he was saying while relating that he walked the streets for a week with this goal. Neeson also marveled at the fact that he’s saying these “horrible, horrible” things during an interview, and then co-star Tom Bateman dropped a “holy sh*t” because someone had to say it.
Neeson then stated that he’s learned a lesson from his behavior while reflecting upon how he realized, “‘What the **** are you doing,’ you know?” And despite this vocalized realization, the sentiment is likely also what his publicist is thinking right about now

Doesn't Jordan brand support wall berg


We all know that big corporations like Nike/jb only fake having a moral compass. They care about a dollar and that’s it. Same with a lot of these fake SJW’s in this #cancel culture. Yeah cool cancel the outed racist but continue to supywhite supremacy with some of the everyday products you purchase cuz it’s convenient for you.
I'm surprised at how many black people (on social media) are giving him a pass.

I can't tell you how many times I've read :"oh so yall have never felt this way about white people when it's one of our own" .........uh, no I haven't.

It's quite telling/disturbing that so many people are brushing this off as normal behavior.
I'm surprised at how many black people (on social media) are giving him a pass.

I can't tell you how many times I've read :"oh so yall have never felt this way about white people when it's one of our own" .........uh, no I haven't.

It's quite telling/disturbing that so many people are brushing this off as normal behavior.
You kinda have the answer in your own post. It's black people that felt like him before but probably didn't say it so that's why they giving him a pass. You're speaking for yourself on the well I never thought that way. As you can see from him and I'm sure other people too they have thought this way and that's why they aren't as hard as you want them to be.
After watching the interview...I’m on the fence..

“I know what we not going to do, Terry.” :lol:



After watching the interview...I’m on the fence..

“I know what we not going to do, Terry.” :lol:




He didn’t answer his question though

I can’t get upset over how someone used to feel and used to view things he recognized that he was in the wrong no lives were taken and according to him he grew from it (shoulder shrug)
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