Man creates spreadsheet for every time wife denies him sex

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[h1]Woman Convicted Of Shooting Lover Over Poor Sex Performance Granted Bond[/h1]
July 17, 2014 3:15 PM

Oakland County prosecutors are fighting the release of a 58-year-old Southfield woman admitted she shot her lover over his performance in bed.

Sadie Bell was convicted in April of assault with intent to do great bodily harm for shooting her boyfriend, Edward Lee, in the stomach in January of 2013 — but she’s now been granted bond pending an appeal.

According to Chief Assistant Prosecutor Paul Walton, Bell admitted she had sex with Lee at her apartment, then shot him over his poor performance. She also accused Lee of cheating.

“The underlying facts in this are a little bizarre,” Walton told WWJ’s Sandra McNeil, “in that the defendant in this case was having a 15 year affair with the victim, Mr. Lee.

“She was upset with him,” Walton said, “after a sexual act that she felt he wasn’t performing adequately and accused him then of having an affair, and then took out a gun and shot him.”

Walton said Bell made a “very graphic”, detailed statement to police explaining why she shot her lover.

“She stated that she knew he was having an affair because he wasn’t producing enough ejaculate,” Walton explained. “She also said to the police some very graphic things about how she expected him to perform, she was a cheap date, she liked sex, she expected him to be able to do what he’s promised; and she said, in essence, to quote her, she was pissed off, so she shot him.”

Bell was sentenced to 20 months to 10 years in prison for the assault and another two years on a gun charge; but her attorney filed a motion to get her out on bond pending appeal — and, “strangely” Walton said, the court granted it.

Walton believes Bell, who allegedly shot another man — her husband — back in 1991, should remain behind bars as she’s a risk to public safety.

Prosecutors are appealing the bond ruling.

“She has demonstrated that her past behavior is…to act out in violence, not necessarily with reason,” Walton said. “A normal person would walk away from situation when they felt they were being cheated on or leave — not take out a gun and shoot someone.”

The court ordered a $10,000 cash bond, which Bell hadn’t posted as of Thursday.

Walton said Lee, who suffered wounds to his colon and pancreas, nearly died and was hospitalized for six weeks . He remains in recovery.

No charges were brought against Walton in the 1991 shooting.

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Let me ask ya'll this: am I "wrong" if I try to engage in any type of sexual activity with my lady, everyday? I have a super-high sex drive and I won't cheat if I don't get it...but my lady takes it in moderation...that's too slow for me
This week he mopping floors next week its the thighs.

Wait wrong thread, wrong steezy joke.
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Let me ask ya'll this: am I "wrong" if I try to engage in any type of sexual activity with my lady, everyday? I have a super-high sex drive and I won't cheat if I don't get it...but my lady takes it in moderation...that's too slow for me
No you're not wrong. Is she wrong for not accepting every sexual advance?
****** really in here thinking girls is supposed to cook for them clean up after them??????

:stoneface: :stoneface:  Yall got life ****** up :stoneface: :stoneface:

She's a housewife tho. That's her job. If she doesn't contribute financially, then she is damn sure gonna cook, clean, and whatever else comes with household duties.
FX just dropped a new show called married..the spreadsheet seems like the main character of that show did it

I saw it yesterday and was thinking the same thing. Their love life sucks, and neither one of them give a damn. He fapping in the bed and her only complaint is that he is shaking the bed :rofl:.

She even gave him the go to get a side piece.
I am ashamed to admit that me and my girl for 2 years haven't had sex for 3 months and counting.

From the beginning of the relationship I sensed she wasn't the type to have sex x3 daily and it was an immediate red flag but I continued because I thought it will come in time and hoped when we did have sex it will be the best ever to be sadly disappointed.

We have been through our ups and downs in the relationship but it always seems to lead right back to sex or not enough sex.

I am 27 years old by the way and she is as well and I genuinely thought I was being immature because I "expected" sex ATLEAST once every couple of days but I think that was just the man in me just trying to find an excuse for myself.

I confronted her about 2 weeks ago about the 3 month no sex spree she is currently on polielty and respectfully seeing if there is anything I could do to help the situation and she told me since the abortion (another long story) we had about 3 months ago she has absolutely no desire to have sex (even on birth control) and she is still going through the post effects of it (mentally). She clearly told me if I don't like it I could go and she has no clue when she will snap out of it if she ever snaps out of it.....

I love her but it is EXTREMELY hard to stay faithful and literally wait around until she decides she wants it again. I honestly do not know what to do. We are drifting a part from this and I don't know how much longer I could wait.

Please keep in mind I came from a relationship that I literally had sex x4 a day and not normal sex like jungle amazon sex lol so it's literally toture to me. (Kinda feel it's God saying "The grass is not always greener on the other side") because it is certainly not.

Thoughts, suggestions?

Sorry for the derailing and snob story.....
****** really in here thinking girls is supposed to cook for them clean up after them??????

:stoneface: :stoneface:  Yall got life ****** up :stoneface: :stoneface:
I think it's only right
If a man is taking care of the family and providing a roof over his families head
By working and making the money
I think that the home should be a woman responsibility
I don’t think she is getting it from somewhere else.

It does suck that she keeps turning him down though. I would smash on the low or just dump her.

Smh at letting herself go too. I see that often when people get together and end up overweight because they get too comfortable.
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I am ashamed to admit that me and my girl for 2 years haven't had sex for 3 months and counting.

From the beginning of the relationship I sensed she wasn't the type to have sex x3 daily and it was an immediate red flag but I continued because I thought it will come in time and hoped when we did have sex it will be the best ever to be sadly disappointed.

We have been through our ups and downs in the relationship but it always seems to lead right back to sex or not enough sex.

I am 27 years old by the way and she is as well and I genuinely thought I was being immature because I "expected" sex ATLEAST once every couple of days but I think that was just the man in me just trying to find an excuse for myself.

I confronted her about 2 weeks ago about the 3 month no sex spree she is currently on polielty and respectfully seeing if there is anything I could do to help the situation and she told me since the abortion (another long story) we had about 3 months ago she has absolutely no desire to have sex (even on birth control) and she is still going through the post effects of it (mentally). She clearly told me if I don't like it I could go and she has no clue when she will snap out of it if she ever snaps out of it.....

I love her but it is EXTREMELY hard to stay faithful and literally wait around until she decides she wants it again. I honestly do not know what to do. We are drifting a part from this and I don't know how much longer I could wait.

Please keep in mind I came from a relationship that I literally had sex x4 a day and not normal sex like jungle amazon sex lol so it's literally toture to me. (Kinda feel it's God saying "The grass is not always greener on the other side") because it is certainly not.

Thoughts, suggestions?

Sorry for the derailing and snob story.....
Man real talk
Maybe u just ain't putting it down like u think u is
Maybe ur sex game wack and she rather have no sex at all
But seriously
Leave while u can
U gonna end up resenting her
and then resenting urself for even staying in the relationship
And then what kind of relationship is that
Some females just aren't into sex like that which is cool
But it also seems like the broad (no offense) is being selfish
Basically telling u "oh well idk when I'm a be ready for sex" and "u can leave if u want"
Don't even seem like she concerned from ur point of view
I mean she could at least seek help to at least TRY to accommodate u
Seek a professional to see if there's something biological or mentally going on
But seems like she ain't even trying to do that
Bruh leave while u in ur prime
Don't get stick with "ms. Sour pus" (no offense)
I been with my girl for 6 years
The longest we ever went without sex is MAYBE 2 weeks
**** I even smash during her period we either do it in the shower or lay towels down
So hard though so much is invested, we live together, have a dog it just seems conveinent to stay with her until it basically falls a part to a point that it is evident it is not going to work.

I really appreciate the feedback!
So hard though so much is invested, we live together, have a dog it just seems conveinent to stay with her until it basically falls a part to a point that it is evident it is not going to work.

I really appreciate the feedback!
Leave. She gave you an out, take it. Don't be complacent.
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So hard though so much is invested, we live together, have a dog it just seems conveinent to stay with her until it basically falls a part to a point that it is evident it is not going to work.

I really appreciate the feedback!
U stay in this relationship u gonna waste the prime of ur life
in a sexless relationship
Doesn't really seem like she shows u any affection
U stay in this relationship u gonna waste the prime of ur life
in a sexless relationship
Doesn't really seem like she shows u any affection
Barely if any.

It's funny because like a year in our relationship we had a "sit down" because of this exact same thing (not affectionate/not feeling wanted) and of course at that time she swore to be better but if anything it has gotten worse lol.
I think you should leave because you aren't getting satisfied and I always think you should leave before you cheat. Just know when you do leave, she's going to hate your guts because in her eyes you left because you had no compassion for a woman having an abortion. I'm assuming that type of ordeal can completely change a chick's mental.
I think you should leave because you aren't getting satisfied and I always think you should leave before you cheat. Just know when you do leave, she's going to hate your guts because in her eyes you left because you had no compassion for a woman having an abortion. I'm assuming that type of ordeal can completely change a chick's mental.
That is exactly what she's going to think and honestly it's deeper than just sex. Her logic and views on a man and life is nothing I have ever experienced before. The standards I try to uphold to please her has literally put me in debt and made me lose ALOT of friends lol it's funny because the more I speak about it the more clear it is.
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