Man creates spreadsheet for every time wife denies him sex

So hard though so much is invested, we live together, have a dog it just seems conveinent to stay with her until it basically falls a part to a point that it is evident it is not going to work.

I really appreciate the feedback!
Bruh, find yourself and reflect to that time when you fell in love. If that spark ain't there it might be time to move on. No kids either?? Gotta reflect more than once though..
Why be unhappy @JETLIFE JOHNNY?

What's the point? What do you owe her? And waiting until she gets the hint is a weak way to go bruh. Be a man and say this isn't working, this will be our last month living together. And in that month stay away from the house as much as possible so she doesn't suddenly become interested in sex to keep you there.


Yea brother get out while u can. I was with a shortie from 18-22, got tied up in bills, rent, and expenses with her. Leaving was tough financially but I'm happy. Also got the chance to go back to school, I'm more sociable, I get out more. Feels good. Feels good not being tied to another person bro but it did take me like 2 or 3 bodies b4 I got the guilt of feeling like I was cheating out my system :lol:
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JETLIFE, dude, I know you want to be the right thing, who can't respect that? But at the end of the day it is your life to live, but honestly, you'll grow resentful and bitter towards this young lady. Reach an amicable agreement about the dog and move on. You said because of her you already went into debt and you lost some good friends over her, and she isn't giving her "gift", you've already lost enough man, and I understand the dynamic about the abortion thing man, that's not some easy thing to get over, but man how long should the suffering continue, at the very least you and her should take some time to yourselves, and if it's meant to be y'all will be together, if not, you're free to concentrate on you.
Hillarious that I was listening to the radio this afternoon and they were talking about this spreadsheet situation. This has become actual nationwide news
I am ashamed to admit that me and my girl for 2 years haven't had sex for 3 months and counting.

From the beginning of the relationship I sensed she wasn't the type to have sex x3 daily and it was an immediate red flag but I continued because I thought it will come in time and hoped when we did have sex it will be the best ever to be sadly disappointed.

We have been through our ups and downs in the relationship but it always seems to lead right back to sex or not enough sex.

I am 27 years old by the way and she is as well and I genuinely thought I was being immature because I "expected" sex ATLEAST once every couple of days but I think that was just the man in me just trying to find an excuse for myself.

I confronted her about 2 weeks ago about the 3 month no sex spree she is currently on polielty and respectfully seeing if there is anything I could do to help the situation and she told me since the abortion (another long story) we had about 3 months ago she has absolutely no desire to have sex (even on birth control) and she is still going through the post effects of it (mentally). She clearly told me if I don't like it I could go and she has no clue when she will snap out of it if she ever snaps out of it.....

I love her but it is EXTREMELY hard to stay faithful and literally wait around until she decides she wants it again. I honestly do not know what to do. We are drifting a part from this and I don't know how much longer I could wait.

Please keep in mind I came from a relationship that I literally had sex x4 a day and not normal sex like jungle amazon sex lol so it's literally toture to me. (Kinda feel it's God saying "The grass is not always greener on the other side") because it is certainly not.

Thoughts, suggestions?

Sorry for the derailing and snob story.....

Maybe she needs counseling after the abortion...thats not something thats easy to deal with...

if you want it to work you should encourage her to speak to someone...even if you don't want it to work you should still encourage her to get help...

Man real talk
Maybe u just ain't putting it down like u think u is
Maybe ur sex game wack and she rather have no sex at all
But seriously
Leave while u can
U gonna end up resenting her
and then resenting urself for even staying in the relationship
And then what kind of relationship is that
Some females just aren't into sex like that which is cool
But it also seems like the broad (no offense) is being selfish
Basically telling u "oh well idk when I'm a be ready for sex" and "u can leave if u want"
Don't even seem like she concerned from ur point of view
I mean she could at least seek help to at least TRY to accommodate u
Seek a professional to see if there's something biological or mentally going on
But seems like she ain't even trying to do that
Bruh leave while u in ur prime
Don't get stick with "ms. Sour pus" (no offense)
I been with my girl for 6 years
The longest we ever went without sex is MAYBE 2 weeks
**** I even smash during her period we either do it in the shower or lay towels down

who knows whats going on in her mind after having an abortion...i don't think its fair to call her selfish just yet...he didnt mention anything about their sex life before the abortion so i'm gonna assume it was at least ok before then...correct me if i'm wrong though...

you can't force yourself to have sex with someone...

If you already know you don't want to work it out then bounce. No need in wasting your time or her time. Be as nice as possible about though.

You don't want to look back and think "i wish i'd done this sooner" terrible feeling
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I am ashamed to admit that me and my girl for 2 years haven't had sex for 3 months and counting.

From the beginning of the relationship I sensed she wasn't the type to have sex x3 daily and it was an immediate red flag but I continued because I thought it will come in time and hoped when we did have sex it will be the best ever to be sadly disappointed.

We have been through our ups and downs in the relationship but it always seems to lead right back to sex or not enough sex.

I am 27 years old by the way and she is as well and I genuinely thought I was being immature because I "expected" sex ATLEAST once every couple of days but I think that was just the man in me just trying to find an excuse for myself.

I confronted her about 2 weeks ago about the 3 month no sex spree she is currently on polielty and respectfully seeing if there is anything I could do to help the situation and she told me since the abortion (another long story) we had about 3 months ago she has absolutely no desire to have sex (even on birth control) and she is still going through the post effects of it (mentally). She clearly told me if I don't like it I could go and she has no clue when she will snap out of it if she ever snaps out of it.....

I love her but it is EXTREMELY hard to stay faithful and literally wait around until she decides she wants it again. I honestly do not know what to do. We are drifting a part from this and I don't know how much longer I could wait.

Please keep in mind I came from a relationship that I literally had sex x4 a day and not normal sex like jungle amazon sex lol so it's literally toture to me. (Kinda feel it's God saying "The grass is not always greener on the other side") because it is certainly not.

Thoughts, suggestions?

Sorry for the derailing and snob story.....

Maybe she needs counseling after the abortion...thats not something thats easy to deal with...

if you want it to work you should encourage her to speak to someone...even if you don't want it to work you should still encourage her to get help...

Man real talk
Maybe u just ain't putting it down like u think u is
Maybe ur sex game wack and she rather have no sex at all
But seriously
Leave while u can
U gonna end up resenting her
and then resenting urself for even staying in the relationship
And then what kind of relationship is that
Some females just aren't into sex like that which is cool
But it also seems like the broad (no offense) is being selfish
Basically telling u "oh well idk when I'm a be ready for sex" and "u can leave if u want"
Don't even seem like she concerned from ur point of view
I mean she could at least seek help to at least TRY to accommodate u
Seek a professional to see if there's something biological or mentally going on
But seems like she ain't even trying to do that
Bruh leave while u in ur prime
Don't get stick with "ms. Sour pus" (no offense)
I been with my girl for 6 years
The longest we ever went without sex is MAYBE 2 weeks
**** I even smash during her period we either do it in the shower or lay towels down

who knows whats going on in her mind after having an abortion...i don't think its fair to call her selfish just yet...he didnt mention anything about their sex life before the abortion so i'm gonna assume it was at least ok before then...correct me if i'm wrong though...

you can't force yourself to have sex with someone...
All that was before and after the abortion I think he stated a few posts later
But that's how it's been their whole relationship if I'm not mistaken
He said they even had previous sit downs about it
I am ashamed to admit that me and my girl for 2 years haven't had sex for 3 months and counting.

From the beginning of the relationship I sensed she wasn't the type to have sex x3 daily and it was an immediate red flag but I continued because I thought it will come in time and hoped when we did have sex it will be the best ever to be sadly disappointed.

We have been through our ups and downs in the relationship but it always seems to lead right back to sex or not enough sex.

I am 27 years old by the way and she is as well and I genuinely thought I was being immature because I "expected" sex ATLEAST once every couple of days but I think that was just the man in me just trying to find an excuse for myself.

I confronted her about 2 weeks ago about the 3 month no sex spree she is currently on polielty and respectfully seeing if there is anything I could do to help the situation and she told me since the abortion (another long story) we had about 3 months ago she has absolutely no desire to have sex (even on birth control) and she is still going through the post effects of it (mentally). She clearly told me if I don't like it I could go and she has no clue when she will snap out of it if she ever snaps out of it.....

I love her but it is EXTREMELY hard to stay faithful and literally wait around until she decides she wants it again. I honestly do not know what to do. We are drifting a part from this and I don't know how much longer I could wait.

Please keep in mind I came from a relationship that I literally had sex x4 a day and not normal sex like jungle amazon sex lol so it's literally toture to me. (Kinda feel it's God saying "The grass is not always greener on the other side") because it is certainly not.

Thoughts, suggestions?

Sorry for the derailing and snob story.....
The good thing is that she is mature enough to communicate why she hasn't had sex with you for an entire season, and it's clear that this stems from the abortion. This is going to be a constant struggle for her, especially each year that a birthday should have been celebrated. If sex is that important to you, then you will need to really sit down and weigh the pros and cons of staying in the relationship. If you're love for her is strong enough that you can put your own desires on the back burner for long periods of time, then you may want to look into a support group for her or therapy to help her through. No one can tell you the correct answer. This is something you will need to decide for yourself.
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****** really in here thinking girls is supposed to cook for them clean up after them??????

:stoneface: :stoneface:  Yall got life ****** up :stoneface: :stoneface:

NTers think a wife should be a house keeper that sleeps with them on demand. I enjoy reading what young, non married guys think marriage is.

It really is funny. Just wait until you young fellas get older and get into 6-10 yr relationships
I think you should leave because you aren't getting satisfied and I always think you should leave before you cheat. Just know when you do leave, she's going to hate your guts because in her eyes you left because you had no compassion for a woman having an abortion. I'm assuming that type of ordeal can completely change a chick's mental.

Yep cosigning this.

But you gotta do what you gotta do. You too young to be in this situation. No kids and no marriage, you owe her nothing. Go and enjoy your life young man.
She went to the gym and didnt take a shower until the next day..........

Divorce her


Nasty chick prolly don't clean or nothing.

I blame a lot of this on him too, there are always clear signs before you tie that knot. He chose to overlook them.
He shouldn't have taken no for answer and got his.

That's his wife, not some girl he barely met. Who does she think she is?

He should've gave her the ultimatum that he's not going smashless. Either she gives it up or he gets it elsewhere. Id be damned if a woman I marry tries to regularly deny me sex.
@JETLIFE JOHNNY  aint leavin yall. The boy got his face in it, figuratively speaking of course. The funny thing is he can't even put his face in it.  
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