Morning Workout APPRECIATION

Jul 4, 2006
This is for anyone that goes to the gym...I'm not a morning person myself, but for the past few weeks I've been going to the gym in the morning before work, instead of going after like I used to do, and let me tell you it's a BIG difference!
I used to barely get up in the morning, always coming in late, looking like a zombie, reaching for the coffee pot (I didn't even used to drink coffee before I started working smh), but once I started going to the gym early, I feel like a new man!  Always in early, smiling and energetic, with the Cialis man cheesin look all morning.  I'll be on the train to work, and a lot of the time I feel like everyone else is in black and white, and I'm in color, just off the energy I am getting from everyone!  

It is so cool, I used to be scrambling tryna get myself together every morning, and now everything is easy:  wake up, pack sum stuff to wear, go to the gym in what I wore to bed (T shirt and basketball shorts), hit the jumprope, sum weights, maybe shoot a couple jumpers, hit the sauna, shower up and I'm ready to go, all that in less than an hour.  And then after work, I'm good to do whatever.  

To all my gym rats out there, I say try it one week, and you will be a believer too!

Just got back from the gym...I always go in the morning though so it is appreciated...too many positives...empty gym, gets my day started, have rest of the day to do a morning person to so it makes it a lot easier....
4-5 week days per week for the past 10 years running 

Once you get used to the getting up morning workouts are crack
I plan on making that switch soon.

I am far from a morning person but I feel too drained after work, especially with the added stress (rush hour traffic, etc). It doesn't help that my gym is close to home too and my job is far far away.

I'll be working very close to home soon and will give this schedule a shot.
I can't do that. I've tried plenty of times but I just feel dreadful the rest of the day - 11pm works much better for me for some reason.
I been plotting to make the change to morning, but I am definitely not a morning person. I will try tomorrow to kick it off. Too often I get off late at night and have no chance at going after going to spend time with the family.
I'm trying to get on this track; anytime I've succeeded in doing it, it's been great.

The best thing about working out in the morning is that when you get home from work in the afternoon you basically have nothing that you "have" to do. No talking yourself out of a workout, just straight chill time.
Eh early afternoon work out is more my thing
Originally Posted by PersiaFly

I'm trying to get on this track; anytime I've succeeded in doing it, it's been great.

The best thing about working out in the morning is that when you get home from work in the afternoon you basically have nothing that you "have" to do. No talking yourself out of a workout, just straight chill time.

Trying to get back on this track myself. You also don't feel guilty at night about lounging around doing nothing.
Originally Posted by xcg11pinoYx

I plan on making that switch soon.
this. we've got a gym at work. so i could just come in an hour earlier (beat all the traffic in doing so) out, shower, good to go
I go at at 6 or 7 every morning. Have been for years now. I started doing so because I wanted to do circuit training and the college gym was WAY to crowded in the early afternoon or night. Since then, I have not been able to go back. Energy levels are up and you have more of your day to work with. Then weekends I usually sleep in until 8 or 9 which is still early to most.
i wish i can do that consistnetly, but OP is right on all counts

i gotta stop sleeping late
The earliest I can go is like 10-11.... I need to eat a solid breakfast before I would out
Wish I could. I'm usually up by 4:15 am and leave for work at about 5:15 am only to get there by between 6:45 - 7:00 am. I don't mind waking up at that time but I really need to find a job much closer so I can use my mornings for a good pull-workout day.
For anyone looking to really start doing AM workouts:

1. Get to bed early. Shut off the TV/computer.
2. Balance out your night-time food and water right up until bedtime (this helps with how you feel getting up and hungry/dehydrated).
3. Don't judge it on your first workout and first day of feeling sluggish. Your body needs time to adjust and trust me it will.
It's kinda crazy that this thread was made.. I'm going to use this as pure motivation to get up..
Morning workouts can basically jumpstart the rest of your day, especially if you make it a habit. The sleep is very important
too, cause if you're up late and have planned to be up in the morning for a workout, believe me, you will NOT be making
that workout
. And even if you do make roll over in the morning (like going to sleep at 12am & waking up for 6-7am), those
are the most miserable workouts to do.
i like the feeling, but then when i get off work, i just go home and fall asleep F!!!n up my entire sleep schedule.

Goin to the gym after work keeps me awake.
Once this semester ends into the next year I plan on doing this. There is so much to do after you work out.
you guys don't crash afterwards? how many hours of sleep are you getting before hand? do you eat breakfast?
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