Morning Workout APPRECIATION

Wow came back didn't kno that many ppl were hip to it

Ok for all you lacking the motivation, this is the simple remedy: Get some good sleep the night before, and just DO IT one day. The first week was the hardest for me. The second week I fell off, and felt horrible about it. The third week I was on it even harder. You just have to tell yourself the night before, "Tmrw morning I'm gettin up early and I'm gonna do it, I'm not gonna punk out I'm just gonna DO IT." I think me tellin myself I'm gonna wake up early and go before I go to bed makes a difference, because it's engrained in my mind as I sleep.

Also, all the basketball games start coming on at 7-8 pm, and when I watch some of the players do their thing, it kinda motivates me to hit the gym the next morning. Like the other nite I was watching the Duke game, and Austin Rivers just cookin the Buckeye squad. I was sayin to myself "He didn't get that good by saying f*** it when he had to go workout" and that really gets me pumped to do my thing too.

I'll eat something after work. I can't cook that well so I will eat out after work most nites, I try to get something healthy if I can. The next morning, I will just drink some water or maybe a fruit or something to get me up. I do the wake and bake too and that gets me up enough to get out the house, but by the time I'm in the gym I can sober up good enuff to get a good workout in hahaha. But I usually have breakfast AFTER the workout. Fruits and omelets, mostly healthy stuff, when you work out your body wants the healthy stuff. There's a target close by and I stock up on stuff so it'll be at work by the time I come in. Crush a sausage egg an cheese, a banana, the lil pancake things they got in the freezer, apples, stuff like that. Sum juice, water, just no coffee I'm not on it like I used to be anymore. And then get on Niketalk and talk s*** hahahahaha.

So yeh that's like my little schedule. It's prob not for everyone but it works for me. Do it for a cpl weeks and you'll find a niche too.
Been waking up and working out at 5am for the past few months. Gets me energized for the work day, and feels good to get it out of the way. Toughest part is getting to bed at 930-10 every night. Also have to limit weeknight outings because if I don't get sleep there's no way I'll get up.

Oh and having an empty gym to yourself > *
I worked out in the morning once. I've never done it again. I'm just not a morning person, even if I get plenty of sleep. Working out at night, or even late at night, works best for me.
I love working out, but I love getting it out of the way more than anything else....morning workouts FTW.
Got it outta the way this morning...
I love working out late at night...but I feel it wrecks my social life sometimes.

I've been thinking of switching to before lunch and after breakfast.
I prefer hitting the gym after work. It gives me something to look forward to while I'm at my desk working the 9-5 grind.
Just worked out tonight, did Insanity Max Sports Conditioning and a 2 mile run. Going to try and wake up tomorrow morning early on my day off and workout and go for a run.
It is just the artificial feeling of, "I am working while everyone else is sleeping/at work" that puts it over the top. If I could I would but the schedule doesn't allow it.
For lifting weights I like to have some fuel inside me, so lunchtime/afternoon workouts suit me best (plus fits in with my schedule better)
However for doing cardio/running then yes, love them early mornings. Especially in winter...

5:30am ...pitch black ...minus 5°  ...rain/snow ...45min run
man i use to love morning workouts. i would prefer that over anything.. back in high school 6am workouts for football, circuit training. now i go at night, but there are days where i can talk myself out of it. def need to get back in the morning to start my day off
Early morning is the best.. I just go after work on chest days - need my spotters haha.

Seriously this week im going to attempt going like 8am. Some make a NFN type thread haha - but the key is to sleep early in the night - 10-1030 and waking up feeling sexy as *#%%.
Originally Posted by Al Audi

Originally Posted by HANNSUM

no work no school.

i can workout whenever

bum with a G wagon?
i recently hit a homeless person riding a bike.. bought him a new bike..good thing he was fine though.

Started doing this two weeks ago. Up at 4:45, on the treadmill by 5:15....cardio, weights, steam room, shower...and I'm out by 6:30 and ready for the day.
Morning workouts for me start at like 10-11. I wouldn't be able to function any earlier than that 
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