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Clicked it seconds after getting the text notification, bred and royal 1s were already gone. Oh well, I didn't NEED anything in this restock anyways so I'm not too salty about it
Royal 1s went through switch from this POS chromebook to my windows 8  desktop that had my account logged in and got through checkout easily. GL yall hopefully everyone cops
Order placed successfully on bred 11s. Wanted 88s but I'll be happy about this win.
just speculation, but i think the error was given when shoes went out of stock
i'm 4 minutes late! i was pumping gas 
i was right on whent he tweet happened it didnt matter..must have been very very limited stock like a couple FSR..
I literally did everything in 3 seconds for the royals. I saw text while i was texting. If I struck out while seeing the tweet as soon as it went up, trust me it was damn near impossible.
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