Niketalk Whats The Infamous Smush Parker Story??

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by xxhu5sl1npnoyxx

nah just enjoy my L with mr. parker... plus this name is too big, my job involves me working with celebs, especially in the music industry to an extent, do not want to jeopardize that....
My question is why you chose to protect the identity of this dude.

Originally Posted by DMoney82

Originally Posted by OptimusPrimeAPhiA

Originally Posted by dipped in butter

xxhu5sl1npnoyxx wrote:
We don't give a !$% about your post or quotes PRIME. AKA HOUSTANLANTADRAKEKANYESTAN AKA If you have an album out I will suck your 8675309

Why the hell are you so mad?

Name names OP
Originally Posted by westcoastsfinest

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by xxhu5sl1npnoyxx

nah just enjoy my L with mr. parker... plus this name is too big, my job involves me working with celebs, especially in the music industry to an extent, do not want to jeopardize that....
My question is why you chose to protect the identity of this dude.

My dude is still a fan.

nighthawk9421 wrote:
***# a $!+*# like Robert De niro said in Heat "A guy once told me, "Do not have any attachments, do not have anything in your life you are not willing to walk out on in 30 seconds flat if you spot the heat around the corner"

ya'll keep using this quote like ya'll bank robbers or some !$#+ that would have heat on you.  Doesn't apply to life in general.
[QUOTE name="Dathbgboy"]
Originally Posted by Dathbgboy

[QUOTE name="rodster831"]
Originally Posted by rodster831

[QUOTE name="smoke ya later"]
Originally Posted by smoke ya later

the greatest story ever on NT..maybe

then you obviously didnt hear about ben baller incident

That....that right there.....sheesh



incident of EPIC proportions

i give the coryturner story number one.
Damn I quoted it but I don't even remember what the Ben Baller incident was anymore? Still remember the Smush story and the Coreyturner story though
The story goes something like this:

-Guy's girlfriend brags to him about meeting Smush Parker, saying he was super nice, etc. etc.

-Guy goes to stay at his mom's house for the weekend. (He and his girlfriend live together)

-He goes back home to pick up some supplies because he's working on some kind of gift for her (anniversary or birthday.)

-He sees the "Smushcalade" in his driveway, and is immediately shook.

-Walks in on "Smush" smushing his girl.

-She says that she was just looking at his tattoos.

-Guy walks out.

-Guy tells his boys. His boys proceed to use Smush Parker every time they play Live or 2K to further embarrass him.
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