No Disrespect: But How Often Do You Look Back @ White Girls?

Word..Its more common in nyc to see a white girl with a phat booty than an asian chick...Honestly, over in NYC, the italian girls and greek girls usually haveeither decent booty or big ones..I've seen a few bubbles round my way
Originally Posted by renkxedik

I don't look back at girls period, unless i'm about to turn around and holla ..... too me its one of the thirstiest moves known to man

i look back at almost all girls
with my recent attraction towards white women I've been doing it a lot more often now than ever before.
I look back at all pretty women to see what the bumpa is saying.
I personally look back at every girl...don't wanna risk on missing out. There are hidden gems everywhere in life

I look back at all pretty girls..

i look back at almost all girls

I look back at all cute women, I don't give a damn about their ethnicity

A woman is a woman, I'm lookin back if the $$$$$ is blue.

I've seen and hit some thick white girls. Do not sleep

If shes pretty ill look back

I look back at all pretty women to see what the bumpa is saying.

White.. black.. Asian.. Middle Eastern.. don't matter the shade.. I am a man so I am looking back at their rear!
I check all. Why miss an opportunity? Besides, I sometimes find the girls looking back at me :lol:
White girls here like to wear tight high waisted Lululemon pants, soooooo........
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