Not a great day for Delta Airlines...Legit Racism? Prank? Who knows....

I hope Delta sues the hell out of this clown. These fake pranks are so corny.

Just last week he posted a vid about how he smuggled himself on a plane in a luggage. Vid had him sweating when in reality he would've froze to death.
I think its kinda like the boy who cried wolf in this situation. Do pranks or "social experiments" on certain subjects or topics over and over and eventually everyone will just assume its another prank.
i find it to be respectability politics at play

instead of looking at his controversial pranks as "eye opening" ala abc's "what would you do?", they go the other way and think somehow that youtube pranks stay on peoples minds 24/7

Eye opening? People in America have been openly hostile towards Middle Eastern/Muslim people (or anyone that looks like them) since 2001. What exactly is eye opening about pretending to smuggle yourself into luggage on a plane, creating staged videos of people harassing you on the streets for being Middle Eastern, purposely acting like a stereotypical suspicious character on a plane to incite people (such as dude doing a count down on the plane) , etc.?

It's not eye opening at all; it has the opposite effect, because it only leads to fewer people believing REAL cases of discrimination. Next time some Muslim girl gets verbally abused while walking down the street in a hijab, this dude's staged videos of discrimination will cause an already prejudiced society to doubt her story. Is it really that hard to understand?
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i find it to be respectability politics at play

instead of looking at his controversial pranks as "eye opening" ala abc's "what would you do?", they go the other way and think somehow that youtube pranks stay on peoples minds 24/7

That fool should find a different way to pull off an eye-opener prank, last thing I want is to be in a plane grounded while they escort some clown out who orchestrated a situation like this for views....wasting everyone else's time.
Eye opening? People in America have been openly hostile towards Middle Eastern/Muslim people (or anyone that looks like them) since 2001. What exactly is eye opening about pretending to smuggle yourself into luggage on a plane, creating staged videos of people harassing you on the streets for being Middle Eastern, purposely acting like a stereotypical suspicious character on a plane to incite people (such as dude doing a count down on the plane) , etc.? It's not eye opening at all; it has the opposite effect, because it only leads to fewer people believing REAL cases of discrimination.

If anything dude is making a mockery of his own people's general perception, he's trying to capitalize on terrible really does take a special type of person to go this low.
if youre willing to discredit anyone of muslim descent over this cat's acts then i dont think you were ever going to fairly empathize or give them the benefit of the doubt in the first place

like who in real life experiences something like this and their first thought is "wait a minute, such and such on youtube makes pranks to let me be skeptical here" 
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Did I say that I personally think like that?

"this dude's staged videos of discrimination will cause an already prejudiced society to doubt her story."
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i wasnt talking about you specifically, i was speaking to any one of those members of an "already prejudiced society"
Got it. Maybe I didn't word it right. Remember when there was a black student who claimed to be beaten up by a group of white students on a bus recently, but it was later revealed that she made the whole thing up? I remember people citing that one-off example in another news article of a black student being targeted, saying things like "Maybe this person did get attacked, but how do we know that it's not made up like the last instance?"

It's not right to connect 2 unrelated events like that, but it's unfortunately how many people in this country think. Knowing that, shouldn't a dude like Adam Saleh not be creating staged videos and pranks? If another Muslim/Middle Eastern person films himself/herself being verbally abused, don't you think that people who already have doubts about that group might view the video and think "How do I know this isn't made up like the other video I saw last week?"
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like i said, if skepticism is raised based off the actions of a youtuber then id think there wasnt ever any chance of convincing them to begin with

minds already made up, only seeking to confirm biases

just as an aside

let someone apply that "what i saw last week" logic to police tho, then its "not all cops"
Skepticism is based off the actions of a youtuber because said youtuber has a number of "prank" videos in airports and airplanes. Youtubers whole thing is amassing views so theres obviously gonna be skepticism as to whether this is a real incident or staged just so he can get a buncha views.
So now the thread is about did this actually even happen vs the event itself....

I want my time spent figuring this out and originally clicking this thread back
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Their explanation seemed genuine enough and the passengers who complained should not be given a pass BUT how you gonna go out of your way to exaggerate stereotypes against you and play on peoples fears for views on numerous ocassions and then be shocked and appalled when you actually get the response you've been fishing for just being yourself? Its like it was all fun and games when u did a good prank and got a ton of views but now when you actually experience the injustice you've been making light of it doesnt feel so good.
Europe is getting hammered and you guys are surprised they're uncomfortable with and Arab speaking a foreign language on the phone on the plane? 

Ya'll want it one way, but it's the other way.
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I don't give the benefit of the doubt until all evidence are presented and until then I wouldn't trust this discount Fouseytube.

I don't have any problems with anyone speaking Arabic but unless you are on that plane then you don't really know what went down.

Statement from Delta:
View media item 2271262
Some interesting nuggets in here:

Marvin Avilez, a passenger on the plane, told BuzzFeed News that after speaking with five passengers who witnessed Saleh’s behavior — Avilez himself didn’t see much of it — he didn’t think Saleh was calling his mother and that the two were instigating other passengers.

Avilez said it didn’t seem like Saleh made a call, adding, “I would want to see his phone records.”

Some passengers told Avilez that Saleh’s friend was prompting Saleh to say words in Arabic and to pump his fists in the air. He said that Saleh repeated those words and pumped his fists four to five times in a “joking manner, without any hint of aggression or anger.” Still, he said, about 20 “people felt very uncomfortable.”

A woman sitting near Saleh told him to shut up and they exchanged words, Alivez added.

Other passengers also said the incident looked staged.

Rev. Karen Georgia Thompson told CBS News speaking Arabic in a plane was not a good reason to kick someone off the plane, but that Saleh seemed like “he knew what he was doing,” during the disturbance.

“lt was clear that this guy knew what he was doing because as he was leaving the plane he would stop, he would kind of make eye contact with people and say, ‘Delta is kicking me off the plane.’”

Another passenger, Jacqueline Willemsen, also said the incident looked staged.

“To be honest, it seemed more of a scene than anything had actually happened,” she told CBS news. “I’m not sure what happened before but the way he was acting in a very arrogant way, immediately brought out the camera and seemed like he was pretty prepared before for what he was ready to do.”

When Saleh began recording the video — saying he was kicked off for speaking Arabic to his mother — everyone “felt horrible” and that some passengers began to cry as it “became an issue of race,” Alivez said.

However, he added, one female passenger eventually told another who was crying that “this guy’s a prankster and he does stuff like this.”

Avilez said he and other passengers “were like whaaat?”

Still, Avilez said that he did not think the incident was fabricated or a “premeditated prank.”

“Like any prankster, you’re always joking, you’re always ‘on,’” Avilez said. “I just think he and his friend were horse playing, they were goofing around, they were just being young kids.”

“Just like you don’t say the word ‘hijack’ on a plane, you don’t pump your fists and speak words in Arabic on a plane during these times,” Avilez said. “He was being immature, but was not preplanned.”


Also...came across this last night

Just wait for the big reveal at the end :lol:
If this dude is pranking I hope Delta sues this clown, prison time would be dope too, and yeah put his *** on the no fly list.
If this dude did this just to get more views for his youtube channel :stoneface:

Here's a Delta story that's not a prank

Cross wrote in her post that she hopped up to help an unresponsive man, but a flight attendant told her, "Oh no sweetie put your hand down, we are looking for actual physicians or nurses or some type of medical personnel, we don't have time to talk to you."
When Cross told the flight attendant that she was, in fact, a licensed doctor, the flight attendant demanded to see her credentials. In the end, a white man also came forward and said he was a physician, and the flight attendant opted to take his help instead, telling Cross, “Thanks for your help, but he can help us, and he has his credentials.”

Cross said that she did not see the doctor show any credentials at all.

You will stop someone from getting medical attention because of your own prejudice :smh:
Some interesting nuggets in here:

Marvin Avilez, a passenger on the plane, told BuzzFeed News that after speaking with five passengers who witnessed Saleh’s behavior — Avilez himself didn’t see much of it — he didn’t think Saleh was calling his mother and that the two were instigating other passengers.

Avilez said it didn’t seem like Saleh made a call, adding, “I would want to see his phone records.”

Some passengers told Avilez that Saleh’s friend was prompting Saleh to say words in Arabic and to pump his fists in the air. He said that Saleh repeated those words and pumped his fists four to five times in a “joking manner, without any hint of aggression or anger.” Still, he said, about 20 “people felt very uncomfortable.”

A woman sitting near Saleh told him to shut up and they exchanged words, Alivez added.

Other passengers also said the incident looked staged.

Rev. Karen Georgia Thompson told CBS News speaking Arabic in a plane was not a good reason to kick someone off the plane, but that Saleh seemed like “he knew what he was doing,” during the disturbance.

“lt was clear that this guy knew what he was doing because as he was leaving the plane he would stop, he would kind of make eye contact with people and say, ‘Delta is kicking me off the plane.’”

Another passenger, Jacqueline Willemsen, also said the incident looked staged.

“To be honest, it seemed more of a scene than anything had actually happened,” she told CBS news. “I’m not sure what happened before but the way he was acting in a very arrogant way, immediately brought out the camera and seemed like he was pretty prepared before for what he was ready to do.”

When Saleh began recording the video — saying he was kicked off for speaking Arabic to his mother — everyone “felt horrible” and that some passengers began to cry as it “became an issue of race,” Alivez said.

However, he added, one female passenger eventually told another who was crying that “this guy’s a prankster and he does stuff like this.”

Avilez said he and other passengers “were like whaaat?”

Still, Avilez said that he did not think the incident was fabricated or a “premeditated prank.”

“Like any prankster, you’re always joking, you’re always ‘on,’” Avilez said. “I just think he and his friend were horse playing, they were goofing around, they were just being young kids.”

“Just like you don’t say the word ‘hijack’ on a plane, you don’t pump your fists and speak words in Arabic on a plane during these times,” Avilez said. “He was being immature, but was not preplanned.”


Also...came across this last night

Just wait for the big reveal at the end :lol:

Didn't see much of it, doesn't speak Arabic but can say for sure he doesn't think he was speaking to his mother. Think any of those old white folks on the plane watched his prank vids? And did some dude really say in these times you shouldn't speak Arabic on a plane? This incident aside my condolences go out to y'all man. I wouldn't wish our awfulness on anyone.

If this dude did this just to get more views for his youtube channel :stoneface:

Here's a Delta story that's not a prank

Cross wrote in her post that she hopped up to help an unresponsive man, but a flight attendant told her, "Oh no sweetie put your hand down, we are looking for actual physicians or nurses or some type of medical personnel, we don't have time to talk to you."
When Cross told the flight attendant that she was, in fact, a licensed doctor, the flight attendant demanded to see her credentials. In the end, a white man also came forward and said he was a physician, and the flight attendant opted to take his help instead, telling Cross, “Thanks for your help, but he can help us, and he has his credentials.”

Cross said that she did not see the doctor show any credentials at all.

You will stop someone from getting medical attention because of your own prejudice :smh:

Jesus. Then y'all miss the importance of checking people and their language like Phil and Posse. "Oh no sweetie" like she was some useless child.
So it bothers people, that people are uncomfortable with Arabic language on a plane. Following countless publicized attacks lately? Lol cmon now your giving white america to much credit. Ideal world vs real world. Fake outrage trying to control human behavior.
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