NT looking for your input. (Knee problems)

Mar 16, 2010
I ball about 4-5 times a week (I know I should probably cut back), but for the last 2-3 weeks the outside part of my left knee has been feeling weak, so that led to me getting knee brace. Well fast forward to yesterday, I've been walking around and every once in a while me knee will buckle. Has anyone here experienced something similar to this? Any advice? Any input is appreciated.
do you do any leg exercises other than ball? if it doesnt go away in a week or two you should probably go see a doctor. get some rest and see how you feel
I'm no doctor, but you may have strained a ligament. May not be anything too serious, but knees to buckle from time to time. If anything, see a doctor to reaffirm this and he'll give input on strengthening exercises you can do to build up the muscles around the ligaments?...I think that's how it works. :lol:
Did your knee swell up at all man? Same thing happened to me for a bit where my knee would give out and ended up finding out I had a torn ACL/meniscus. Had surgery two days ago and pray it's not the ACL man. My suggestion would be to go to a physical therapist and have him do some stress tests on your knee. I passed all of mine initially but as I continued to play it hurt more and more. You'll know too much pain and if it happens get the MRI bro. Best of luck.
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