NTers that are Expecting vol. 1st time fathers

I had my son at 21 (I'm 27 now). I wouldn't trade him for the world. Alot of things that didn't matter to me before actually matter. I used to not care about the decor of my apartment since I was never there anyway. Now I have a house and go to Ikea to keep his room right as he gets older.

I noticed you said your in a band. I produce and I can tell you that it will put into perspective how much you really care about your music.

For me it made me realize that this could no longer be something that didn't profit me.

Its an eye opener all the way around. While he is with his mom during school in her city I miss the hell out of him. It can be depressing even..

Make sure you and her stay on GREAT terms no matter what. Cause a hurt women with a child knows no bounds.

Speaking from EXP. fam.

Congrats!! You'll do fine if you are already making preparations though.
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I strongly advise agaisnt having kids

the routine

Meet girl-have baby-girl father break up-girl wont let father see kid-girl put father on child support-father pissed he paying over $100 a week- father rinse and repeat with another girl- baby mama lives the good life
this is what usually happens lol, but at the same time we choose the mother of our kids l
I agreed with nothing you said in the biker/RR thread
.. but this is pretty true
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First off, congrats homie!!!

Man, I was only 22 when I had my daughter and I was still in college, so I guess you could say it was different than most.

That whole band thing is probably going to have to be put on hold until your son gets a little older. You can do it here and there, but it won't be the same. Enjoy it now while you can!

You're definitely going to try and make your boy just like you. I'm excited for you, fam. Live it up! Remember, everything you do now will be for your family.
I have a son named Finn (Mark Twain has been a huge influence on my life). He just turned 1 in July. He's the best. That little guy is my hero. He was born over two months premature and has a heart defect that will require surgery one day. Aside from being just a bit smaller (he just cracked 18lbs), you'd never know he was premature or has a bad ticker. My wife and I are expecting another child in May.

From the moment I knew I was having a kid everything kind of changed. I quit being a selfish prick. I quit hard drugs and drinking as much. Before him, it didn't matter. I could take copious amounts of drugs or pills and drink. It didn't matter. Now I just want to make him proud. I just want to be there for everything for him. That little guy makes everything better.
awww man. that's awesome. i've gotten so much more empathetic/soft/sentimental/whatever since having a kid. reading that got me kinda choked up.
The advice keeps rolling in. I need to make sure that babyseat situation is in check. I have a Honda Accord, now.. but I'm trying to get an SUV of some sort, since it will be Winter when he's born. I know everyone's experience is different, how the baby got here sometimes may not be the best situation. But, I like how you guys fall in love immediately with your offspring, and make changes. The fatherhood of NT has impressed me, greatly.
lots of good advice in here.

definitely grab that costco or sams club membership. buying diapers in bulk is so much cheaper in the long run.
also, dont keep score when it comes to changing diapers or waking up with your kid in the middle of the night. enjoy every minute cause they grow up FAST.

me and my homies are big into poker. Before my son was born we had a poker tournament at my apt. The buy in was pretty much $15+ a pack of $10 diapers. We didn't need to buy diapers for the first 9 months. You should look into if you guys like playing poker.
Hey guys- my little girl is a5 months and we usually put her to sleep around 9:30-10pm.

Is that too late for her to be sleeping? granted she takes naps during the day so i'm not sure.....
Congrats bro, welcome to the club. 

I have 2 kids, an 11 year old son and a 4 year old daughter. 

The thought of having a kid scared the **** out of me. I didn't know how to feel about being responsible for something so delicate, but more importantly I was just praying that the baby would be healthy. Having a special needs kid was my worst fear during her pregnancy. But no matter how things turned out, I would have given my all to that kid. 

Once the baby is born, it's like that parenting instinct just kicks in. I felt like a new person. Being a father is my greatest accomplishment hands down. I'm sure guys that have won championship rings and Grammy Awards would say the same thing. When you see that little version of you walking around and looking at you like you're the dopest dude ever, **** just makes you feel like life has meaning. 

I didn't meet my dad until I was already a man myself, 21 years old. I can't even comprehend how a man doesn't take care of his kid or wants to be a part of their lives. If you don't want to be with the mother, cool, I get that. But to abandon what you created is the weakest **** ever. Dudes like that disgust me. 
Hey guys- my little girl is a5 months and we usually put her to sleep around 9:30-10pm.

Is that too late for her to be sleeping? granted she takes naps during the day so i'm not sure.....
I think it just depends on your schedule. We tried to plan his schedule on waking up around when mom went to work, so we put him down around 7:30-8:00 and he sleeps until around 6:30-7:00
be honest, is he an accident baby?

I'll be honest, def wasn't planned. I believe that once it's your time to enter this world, you come. I'm sure I wasn't planned -- I was raised by a single mother, only child. Even though things didn't work out with my Mother & Father, my father still was able to keep me close. I'd see him every other weekend, and throughout the week. God willing things will continue to workout with the mother of my child, but if not -- like homie stated, I can't even fathom not being apart of my little one's life.
be honest, is he an accident baby?

I'll be honest, def wasn't planned. I believe that once it's your time to enter this world, you come. I'm sure I wasn't planned -- I was raised by a single mother, only child. Even though things didn't work out with my Mother & Father, my father still was able to keep me close. I'd see him every other weekend, and throughout the week. God willing things will continue to workout with the mother of my child, but if not -- like homie stated, I can't even fathom not being apart of my little one's life.

Seriously, dude, if they don't work out with the mother it's definitely for the best. A child can have, as you know, two parents that love them wholeheartedly. The days away from the baby may be hard, but those days are way better for the child than being in a household that isn't filled with love. I don't want my child to be in a household that isn't warm.
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Good luck all of you fathers or fathers-to-be out there. Being a dad is the most rewarding thing in the world.
Hey guys- my little girl is a5 months and we usually put her to sleep around 9:30-10pm.

Is that too late for her to be sleeping? granted she takes naps during the day so i'm not sure.....
IMO, babies that young have no kind of schedule. 

they sleep when they sleep, and they're awake when they're awake. 

my daughter didn't get on a schedule until she was able to understand bed time (meaning she knew what "night night" meant and could respond to me in baby babble). for what seemed like well over a year she would and could not go to bed at night unless someone cuddled up with her. then we'd have to sneak her into her own bed. 

but once we got her on a schedule, **** was like clockwork. 8pm every night, it's time to hit them sheets. no questions asked. 
I went through IVF and now I'm expecting. Still very early so we haven't told anyone yet. The only thing I'm nervous about is the pain of contractions!!!
contractions aint no joke. tell them to give you the spinal cord tap early... you will be num waist down
I would recommend trying to have the baby natural. Open cabinet for pain a few meds will have you talking crazy and acting funny.
contractions aint no joke. tell them to give you the spinal cord tap early... you will be num waist down
How early can you get the epidural/spinal tap? I keep having nightmares that the doctor comes in and says Sorry its too late to get one..
I think she already went through her growth spurt. she's probably just gettin some teeth! she doesn't sleep in her own room yet, but we have a co-sleeper right next to the bed. she stays there until she fusses and then my wife puts her in the bed with us.
she'll go thru a few growth spurts! 

Our boy goes to bed around 8:30-9pm, he usually makes it till 6am in his crib(unless he's not feeling good or teething). Then he gets in bed with us! If the baby makes it thru most of the sleeping on their own, thats good enough for me!

I'll share the getting the baby to sleep in their own room tip:

Do not let the baby nap past 4pm

Start winding the baby down around 8, keep it quiet. Give the baby a bath/bottle!

This is the hardest part for Momma, Lay the baby down in the crib and let the baby cry till he/she gets bored and falls asleep!

Side note: If the baby starts peeing thru the diaper at night, get a size bigger diaper for sleep time( those nighttime diapers are expensive and not worth it)!

Took 2 days for us to get him to sleep thru the night on his own! 

Its cute for a baby to sleep in your, only until they start moving around. Then they move around all night giving you a crappy nights sleep!
Me and the wife are expecting our boy on Friday (10/11/13)
I'm more anxious than nervous... ready for lil man to get here.

Since I'm up late at night anyways, I hope the sleep issues won't affect me.
Question. For those of you that have kids or are having kids, did you find out the sex beforehand? I didn't with my first and I'm not with this one either.
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