***Official Political Discussion Thread***

"Ali is from Canada" I DIED

these deplorables really think every brown person, literally migrated yesterday...trying to use him as a pawn for the way men in the Middle East marry children...lmaooo

Once again IDIOTS! We don't live in the Middle East, Mexico or anywhere else! For the same clowns that love to chant "go back to your country!" they sure as quick to use other countries cultures and ways of lives as a shield when it suits them

The irony is that that lawyer's ancestors were from some other country, probably England or Scotland, where, until very recently, lots of men entered into arranged marriages with teenage girls.

Also, it shouldn't matter if men marry teenagers in other countries, it should not matter if there is biblical precedent and it shouldn't matter if the girl or her mother were personally okay with what Roy Moore was doing. If you are conservative, all that should matter is that Roy Moore broke the law. In every other context, conservative claim to uphold the rule of law as some thing that is sacrosanct. Undocumented immigrants, drug dealers, black men selling loose cigarettes, there is no mercy for those folks, there is not consideration for biblical precedent or foreign laws or the fact that most drug buyers very willing bought those illicit drugs.

This cavalier attitude about rich white men molesting children and plotting treason shows me what I have suspected about conservatives, they never cared about rule of law, they only cared about power and preserving and buttressing a deeply unequal social hierarchy.
When are they going to appoint a second special counsel to investigate Bernie Bernstein and his attempt to interfere in the election?

The ONLY person worse than Bernie Bernstein is BERNARD Neon Deion SANDERS. When are we going to open up an investigation on his arrogance? When I say, WHEN?


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I saw on a VERY credible youtube video serious evidence that Larry David, Bernie Sanders, and George Soros are planning to TRIPLE the size of Israel.

WHERE is the investigation INDEED.

Where is Barson? We need his insight on this youtube video you saw ASAP.
Where is Barson? We need his insight on this youtube video you saw ASAP.

This is only a rumor, COMRADE, but last I heard he was deep in the underground Carson-Cave far beneath HUD headquarters working on making Get Out a reality.
This is only a rumor, COMRADE, but last I heard he was deep in the underground Carson-Cave far beneath HUD headquarters working on making Get Out a reality.

Time well spent I say. I saw that RACIST movie and it was LIBBIE CONJECTURE AND INNUENDO set to a UNBELIEVABLE plot. Racism by anyone other than a LIBBIE is fake news.
Whatever Bernie and/or Jane are accused of doing is either:

a.) fake news
b.) has biblical precedent
c.) is legal somewhere else
d.) a fabrication of the deep state
e.) None of the above

A grey wrinkly dude on Fox News that was wearing the top half of an Armani suit, and some heavy starched vintage Buggle Boys, already put me onto game.

This is the work of the Clinton Administration. Stay woke
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rexanglorum rexanglorum Yesterday, you said you thought there were things that could transcend the tribe.

There is nothing stronger than the tribe other than family as it is the second lowest human social unit. This is why when politics turn tribal, there is very little room for logic. It becomes an "us vs them" thing. I cannot say I am surprised by the fact that Moore still has supporters because for them, getting him in the senate is worth sacrificing the psychological and physical well-being of a few young girls/women.

Kinda like in the old testament, where the same God who said "thou shall not kill" also told Israelites it was OK to decimate Canaanites for the survival of their tribes. It's the kind of world those people inhabit.

There is no way to reason with them for they will only listen to their prophets; we can only outnumber them where it matters: the voting booth and the public square.
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