***Official Political Discussion Thread***

It's gonna take a long time for Democrats to figure out rural America. Trump introduced a new strategy for Republicans and it will be a hard one to defeat.
Rural America is not hard to figure out. It's overwhelmingly white and stuck in their ways. They don't like the changing face of America and its diversity, and that is everything the Republican party has chosen to stand for: resentment politics.
Well folks after Election Day I have a few take aways from what I’ve seen.
1. Georgia, Texas, and Florida **** the bed and are ok in sleeping in it. They’ll regret their moves and hopefully swing back the right way
2. Voter Supression played a key role and even then we made it close folks, Kemp has opened a can of worms for himself and if **** goes south he’ll be out in 2022.
3. I see a lot of repubs trying to talk smack and laugh about the results of the election, Keep putting morals to the side and treating politics like college football. You will soon be alienated by your party and regret the decisions you’ve made.

That is all folks I’m gonna go whip myself up a bowl of that good ole breakfast pasta
Only post-reaction is a shriveling Y, and a damn, while 2020 can't come soon enough, I'm scared on what to expect the climate to be like. Decency, turnout highs and open corruption are barely a check on candidates in some parts of the country. Gonna have to be all-in and hope the resistance can stay resilient and make some breakthroughs
Now that the midterms are over, who will be the Republican that gives The Bigot™ a serious primary challenge?
Democrats better Do few things if they want to win anything in 2020

1. Find a strong leader who can lead the party. Democrats don’t have a central message or direction.

2. Get as far away from the Clintons as possible. I don’t think they realize how much white America hates Hillary and poisons anything attached to her fair or not

3. Quit focusing on things most Americans don’t care about like Trump insulting someone. Democrats have complained about every single thing he’s done to the point people are defending him just because they’re tired of people like Nancy Pelosi. Find a more effective way to rebut Trump instead of complaining. Get back to fighting for stuff that impacts households. Most people don’t care what happens to the families at the border no matter how much they pretend to.

4. Replace the female leadership in the party. Simply put white America won’t vote for an outspoken woman. They’ve clearly demonstrated women rights aren’t at the top of their concerns.
At least winning the House is something. You can add all kinds of amendments to the worst of the Republican bills.

Furthermore, and what I’m personally quite excited about, is that House Republicans will no longer be in a position to obstruct their own committee’s Russia probe. Just off the top of my head there’s a lot of work on the table for the HSPCI.

-Reopen the House Russia probe

-Send all House Russia probe transcripts to Mueller as soon as possible.
The Republican majority has blocked all motions to send any transcripts to Mueller, including Stone’s testimony to the House that he amended 3 times already.

-Subpoena Don Jr’s phone records related to the Trump tower meeting.
Jr called a blocked number right after Agalarov called him about the meeting.
Lewandowski had previously said Trump uses a blocked number. Don Jr said he had “no recollection of that call” and denied that his father knew of the meeting.

-Then subpoena Don Jr’s testimony under oath

-Subpoena Jared Kushner’s testimony under oath

-Subpoena Hope Hicks’s testimony. House Republicans had allowed her to refuse all questions about the transition until she was reminded that she offered to do so before the Senate Intel. She then answered a few questions on the transition but refused to answer anything about her time in the WH. No executive privilege (or any legal reason) was invoked to refuse answering but House Republicans gleefully let her stonewall.

Subpoena Corey Lewandowski’s testimony under oath. He refused to answer any questions beyond the time he left the campaign on both his interviews before the HSPCI. Lewandowski also yelled “I’m not answering your ****ing questions!” at Democrats on the committee.

Interview all relevant witnesses that were ignored by the GOP majority and do it strictly under oath.
Subpoena the witnesses whose testimonies were blocked by the GOP, such as Trump campaign foreign policy adviser John Mashburn.
Woke up this morning feeling awesome. The senate didn't go great but the midterms gave a clear picture for what needs to be done for 2020. The Dems need to focus on voter registration of the potential 1.4 million new voters in Florida, keep the the under 45 crowd engaged in places like Ohio and Texas and run candidates that excite the base. Winning a lot of the state races out west will help with the gerrymandering on the house side but gerrymandering isn't an issue in Senate and presidential races, voting suppression is. Dems at the national level need to spend more dollars sending people to help folks register to vote by mail in states that permit it and invest in some sort of transportation plan that will take voters to the polls if the polling places in their area are up to the old tricks. I know people are disappointed by the results with Gillum, Beto and Stacey but we need to build off of the enthusiasm of their races. Another positive is the results last night seem to indicate that the dems may have put Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania back into play for 2020 which given where Colorado and Nevada are at might narrow Trump's path to 270. His turnout of rural voters is a problem but that just means more GOTV efforts in the suburbs and cities is necessary.
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Do any of y'all think Trump actually understands the implications of losing the House?

What was voter turnout? I haven't seen any numbers anywhere.

Voter turnout was at record highs for millennials. It clearly wasn't enough in some areas, though
Voter turnout in Florida wasn't as high as what was needed in south Florida and was very high in the panhandle just like in 2016. Most if the voters were in the 45+ range which is where the Republicans dominated.
Wins and losses, wins and losses. Honestly, I think it's best of Dems to forget about the trump's tax returns. Even if they do find something there, the whole process would take years to resolve and that doesn't guarantee that he'll receive any punishment. Plus, dude's image is bulletproof in the eyes of his voters. Best thing the house Dems could do is go after single payer medicare as hard as possible and to protect obamacare. It stands to get them the best image in the eyes of the base and anybody not loyal to the GOP.

Also, Beto is the image Dems need to adopt for 2020 and beyond, no more playing on the defensive "we are not them" type slogans, it doesn't inspire undecided/apathetic people to vote. If the Dem's want to continue the blue the wave they gotta go on the offensive.
Was the senate ever meant to be truly representative, since every state always only has two senators? What was the founding fathers logic behind this?
Was the senate ever meant to be truly representative, since every state always only has two senators? What was the founding fathers logic behind this?
Really, it was just a compromise to get the Constitution passed.

It was never meant to be democratic. In fact, by design it is not.
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