***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Cuban love of republican brand authoritarianism has always befuddled me

My Vietnamese homie sees the same thing with his fam, and he explained it as a reaction to communism. Both Cubans and Vietnamese saw how "communists" killed their homelands so they support the extreme opposite no matter what.
This Goya jerking is hysterical bc it's gonna last like 2 weeks max before the MAGAs forget all about it. They're gonna make some Cool Ranch Dorito Crusted Lima Bean Casserole and then never buy anything Goya ever again

hilarious to know that there'll be survivalist types up in spots like montana stockpiling goya products and not knowing what to do with them
Cuban love of republican brand authoritarianism has always befuddled me

i explained this in another thread about cuban americans in this country

cuban(s)/americans in particular sold their souls to the republicans in exchange for the special treatment they received as "refugees" from the us government as a way to spite fidel castro back in the 70s ad 80s. they were given miami as a gift to run one of the most corrupt goverments during the same timespan. this was during the "scarface episode" of the city's history when all those shiny building were going up with drug money while the prominent cuban-americans who fled cuba immediately after the coup networked and consolidate power in miami with their $$$$

they feel forever indebted to the GOP ways even if it's a the expense of the rest of the many other hispanic populations who've come here from latin america who despise them and trump alike. it's the ones who've been living in this country for generations who've "assimilated" into the larger mainstream of society who carry spanish surnames, but ain't got a lick if salsa in 'em and see themselves as different and better than others
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The funniest political discussion I ever had with a Cuban American was an Uber driver that told me that he hates the GOP because they are racist, but he doesn't trust the Democratic Party because thinks they are flirting with socialism. However, he voted for Obama (actually made his wife vote for him) twice because Obama looks like his uncles. :lol:

Said he could picture Barack being a dude named Yoannis , doing the dash with the Coast Guard in the late 80s.

I tried to explain to dude that the Dems are very different from Castro socialist and dude seemed to be rocking with what I was saying. Mans told me he might vote for Bernie then cause he likes his energy, mans always acting like he got half a bottle of rum in him. :lol:

He did admit that many of his family members be wildin with their politics.
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I’m sure Delk’s fraud self is currently plotting a way to change is residency to Asheville so he can cash in on these reparations
I heard Dfraud31 is currently in eastern Oklahoma, getting in touch with his Native American heritage, in hopes of getting a plot of land for investment purposes.

His views on Elizabeth Warren have suddenly soften as well.
Lots of high profile users' Twitter accounts were just targeted in a big hack apparently focused on siphoning cryptocurrency from gullible people.
Likely they also accessed DMs :nerd:
Unclear if the Bitcoin scam was the goal or a cover, perhaps both. For now, Twitter turned off the ability for verified users to tweet.
Biden's Twitter account was hacked as well. Obama too.
The funniest political discussion I ever had with a Cuban American was an Uber driver that told me that he hates the GOP because they are racist, but he doesn't trust the Democratic Party because thinks they are flirting with socialism. However, he voted for Obama (actually made his wife vote for him) twice because Obama looks like his uncles. :lol:

Said he could picture Barack being a dude named Yoannis , doing the dash with the Coast Guard in the late 80s.

I tried to explain to dude that the Dems are very different from Castro socialist and dude seemed to be rocking with what I was saying. Mans told me he might vote for Bernie then cause he likes his energy, mans always acting like he got half a bottle of rum in him. :lol:

He did admit that many of his family members be wildin with their politics.

I was in a Miami Uber pool and the conversation about Cuban racism came up between myself, the Dominican driver and a second passenger. It got real awkward when the third passenger who was a teenager said “Hey I am not racist”.

The convo went into the demographics and history of Cubans in America and the driver even gave examples of how until he spoke Spanish to certain people they would treat him worst....... I am pretty sure that teenager still ****ed the drivers rating up.
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