Official Toronto - Outlet and Store report

Nike all Access pass came out today. I got app notification but get a false start error when trying to open the page. Anyone else know how to get the coupon?
Nike all Access pass came out today. I got app notification but get a false start error when trying to open the page. Anyone else know how to get the coupon?
Try uninstalling the app and reinstalling.

i just checked mine and got it with no errors.
Try uninstalling the app and reinstalling.
i just checked mine and got it with no errors.

Which app? I downloaded the app on the US App Store. I've deleted that and downloaded the NTC training app - but my inbox messages say 'content not found when I try to open
Which app? I downloaded the app on the US App Store. I've deleted that and downloaded the NTC training app - but my inbox messages say 'content not found when I try to open
if you are using android:

go to

search for "Nike+" app



check inbox

should be there.

as for iPhone users, im not aware on how to obtain the Nike+ app outside of the USA, i believe you need to change your zone to the states.

but i'll leave the technicalities for someone who knows.
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Sucks having a shoe size of 12 for these hyped releases.  Usually it gives you an extra few seconds with Nike or Jordan or slightly better chances, but usually you are stuck with less than 10 pairs of Size 12 and 13 for things like yeezys or limited pairs. 
Sucks having a shoe size of 12 for these hyped releases.  Usually it gives you an extra few seconds with Nike or Jordan or slightly better chances, but usually you are stuck with less than 10 pairs of Size 12 and 13 for things like yeezys or limited pairs. 
Try being a size 13/14, but then again i've been pretty lucky hitting the yeezy raffles.
Footlocker square one is making their calls. Won a size 10

G/f got the call from FL Yorkdale sz 9.5. First time entering yeezy raffle. Agree with all fukboi mentions above. Goodluck to all that actually want the shoe

Congrats to both of you!

Try being a size 13/14, but then again i've been pretty lucky hitting the yeezy raffles.

How? They usually only get a pair or two for size 13...

I gave up cause I'm pretty much a 14 in v2s. If I can make it to a raffle, I sign up for my buddy now. He returns the favour when its something I really want.
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I have a bunch of friends and family Nike outlet/running store passes for this weekend if anyone is interested...I can meet at Vaughan mills or yorkdale tomorrow (30% off your entire purchase)
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I would have thought it would be more Asian's of the Mandarin speaking "Big 6" type. Then followed by Filipinos.

I got to Eaton Centre by 5 to check out the lineup situation before trekking back for the Raps game. I saw FTL lineup wrap around to the subways, and said F that. I'd be back at the ACC by 8pm if I were to lineup lol.
LOL I was gonna say those yeezy lineups are prolly littered with mainlander chinese or hk chinese kids..

A+++ on that mini recap though. Pics of said hot girls would have capped it off nicely haha
Nike outlets and Nike stores across North America ...30% the entire purchase.
I could be wrong, but reading the fine print on the email I got from Nike+ says it's only valid in factory stores.  Not like last time (February) where it was usable in ANY  Nike store.

I was hoping to cop a pair of VaporMax with this All Access Pass.
It's pretty sad how the environment and atmosphere at these line ups have become. It's definitely become a competition instead of a community.

As you're walking to the back of the line, everyone is sizing you up based on what you have on feet and what you're wearing. Pretty pathetic in my opinion.
Nowadays people's intention is to resell not rock or collect. I remember when I signed up for raffles after work with my workboots and dirty jeans, i would get disgusted looks from people like I should be in line lol. 
CONGRATS!!! You finally got your YZY
Thanks man. I had 5% hope and 95% despair. 
Nowadays people's intention is to resell not rock or collect. I remember when I signed up for raffles after work with my workboots and dirty jeans, i would get disgusted looks from people like I should be in line lol. 

Thanks man. I had 5% hope and 95% despair. 
Couldn't agree more, i went to sign up for my buddy on Monday and I was in my work clothes and ppl were staring me down like why was I there to sign up.  I just laughed thinking about how all these kids were rocking the same fits and looked like sheep.  I mean if you're into that gear more power to you but you could clearly tell these kids were rocking the same fits cause their friends were into it and it was the "cool/expensive" thing to wear.  Spotted a few w some Feezys on as well trying to stunt lol

Congrats!  Glad someone who's gonna rock them won versus someone who's just trying to exploit ppl who really want them
Nowadays people's intention is to resell not rock or collect. I remember when I signed up for raffles after work with my workboots and dirty jeans, i would get disgusted looks from people like I should be in line lol. 

Thanks man. I had 5% hope and 95% despair. 
You gonna rock the all white pear?! They're gonna be insanely difficult to keep clean!
Anyone from Mississauga feels generous to hook a brother up with the all access pass? planning to go hard at the Niagara outlet with my girl this weekend lol 
You gonna rock the all white pear?! They're gonna be insanely difficult to keep clean!
Don't forget you'll need premium cleaner if you get them dirty.  I will admit i'm a big fan of Crep Cure cause i dropped hot sauce on my Triple White UB v1.0 a few weeks ago and that stuff got it out.  Granted I needed to put in work and do about 3-5 cleans before it got out, but it did.  The laces though is another story lol
Don't forget you'll need premium cleaner if you get them dirty.  I will admit i'm a big fan of Crep Cure cause i dropped hot sauce on my Triple White UB v1.0 a few weeks ago and that stuff got it out.  Granted I needed to put in work and do about 3-5 cleans before it got out, but it did.  The laces though is another story lol
Have you used JM before? Personal opinion on JM vs Crep for cleaning? 
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