Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

JW2 canceled. Treasure of Sierra Madre is tonight's viewing, by way of HBO Max mirrored to my tv... while I watch this beggar beg.

Sooooo... slight shame in asking this ( Master Zik Master Zik ): is this beggar Bogart? Literally have no idea what he looks like.

Damn kid couldn't be more than 12 just picked a cig up off the street and walked away puffing it. Mmmmmmmaaaaaaaannnnnn... :lol:
JW2 canceled. Treasure of Sierra Madre is tonight's viewing, by way of HBO Max mirrored to my tv... while I watch this beggar beg.

Sooooo... slight shame in asking this ( Master Zik Master Zik ): is this beggar Bogart? Literally have no idea what he looks like.

Damn kid couldn't be more than 12 just picked a cig up off the street and walked away puffing it. Mmmmmmmaaaaaaaannnnnn... :lol:
Catching up on the thread... Airborne is classic. I remember bonding with a random college roommate because he remembered that movie.

Best of luck MrO, hope it went well.

Despite finally getting a vacation and a much needed break from my job (which has gotten exponentially harder with COVID), I'm just not in a movie mood. I watched Far From Home on Monday but haven't watched much else or even wanted to. I've gone through this phase before where just no movie looks good or I can't pick what I want to watch, despite having an extensive Watchlist or things to catch.

Casablanca is legitimately still enjoyable despite it's age and legacy. It holds up. Gone with the Wind is probably the "biggest movie" I haven't seen. What's everyone's "most popular or classic movie" you still haven't seen?
Catching up on the thread... Airborne is classic. I remember bonding with a random college roommate because he remembered that movie.

Best of luck MrO, hope it went well.

Despite finally getting a vacation and a much needed break from my job (which has gotten exponentially harder with COVID), I'm just not in a movie mood. I watched Far From Home on Monday but haven't watched much else or even wanted to. I've gone through this phase before where just no movie looks good or I can't pick what I want to watch, despite having an extensive Watchlist or things to catch.

Casablanca is legitimately still enjoyable despite it's age and legacy. It holds up. Gone with the Wind is probably the "biggest movie" I haven't seen. What's everyone's "most popular or classic movie" you still haven't seen?

Rocky Horror
Passion of the Christ

Probably the 2 biggest I can think of. I might do Rocky Horror someday, I'm never doin Passion.
Casablanca is legitimately still enjoyable despite it's age and legacy. It holds up. Gone with the Wind is probably the "biggest movie" I haven't seen. What's everyone's "most popular or classic movie" you still haven't seen?
I guess The Sound of Music? I have no interest in watching that trash though.

Also I don't watch movies with John Wayne cuz **** John Wayne.

Probably would need others to make a dew lists for me to realize oh I haven't seen this classic/popular flick

This just came to mind; Grapes of Wrath.
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ive always wanted classics recommendations. keep it going fellas. taking any suggestions. already added the films in the previous page.
Never seen:

The Princess Bride, Toy Story 3 or 4, E.T., the last two Indiana Jones’, Stand By Me, Bull Durham, The Godfather Pt. II, Rocky 2-13, Raging Bull, 2001: A Space Odyssey, Vertigo, When Harry Met Sally, Cars, Sleepless in Seattle, Aliens, There Will Be Blood, What’s Eating Gilbert Grape, Airplane!, Three Amigos, Young Frankenstein, and The Wizard of Oz.

I’ve seen everything else even The Skulls 2.
Never seen:

The Princess Bride, Toy Story 3 or 4, E.T., the last two Indiana Jones’, Stand By Me, Bull Durham, The Godfather Pt. II, Rocky 2-13, Raging Bull, 2001: A Space Odyssey, Vertigo, When Harry Met Sally, Cars, Sleepless in Seattle, Aliens, There Will Be Blood, What’s Eating Gilbert Grape, Airplane!, Three Amigos, Young Frankenstein, and The Wizard of Oz.

I’ve seen everything else even The Skulls 2.

Aliens NOW.
Indiana Last Crusade a must.
Godfather 2? Bruh.......
Bull Durham
Rocky 4? Wtfffffffffff?!?!?!?
Raging Bull

Fix this. Fix it.
skip gone with the wind. But Casablanca and Vertigo are entertaining AF to this day. Not gassing them up or nothing. The picture quality of casablanca is TOP NOTCH

Zik you took the words out of my mouth! See every bogart and Hitchcock. and Gone with the wind is lame as ****. Koop, how are not at least KINDA interested in Hitchcock movies? They all have like 99% ratings on RT. That alone should at least slightly peak your interest :lol:

I've seen The Birds and Psycho.

Give me some Hitchcock recs.

I'm with it.

If you can tell by the time stamp, ya boy cant sleep.
I've also never seen or have any intentions on watching movies like Tin Cup, The Natural, Mirical On Ice, Field of Dreams, Hoosiers, ect...
Never seen:

The Princess Bride, Toy Story 3 or 4, E.T., the last two Indiana Jones’, Stand By Me, Bull Durham, The Godfather Pt. II, Rocky 2-13, Raging Bull, 2001: A Space Odyssey, Vertigo, When Harry Met Sally, Cars, Sleepless in Seattle, Aliens, There Will Be Blood, What’s Eating Gilbert Grape, Airplane!, Three Amigos, Young Frankenstein, and The Wizard of Oz.

I’ve seen everything else even The Skulls 2.
Should have never been allowed in the draft
See there's some stuff I wouldn't even think to suggest :lol: Get on watching Godfather II and Raging Bull man. Also see The Princess Bride now, before you go to sleep.

ive always wanted classics recommendations. keep it going fellas. taking any suggestions. already added the films in the previous page.
Well there's your obvious classics making the top all time list (not gonna name what already was brought up last page)

Citizen Kane
2001: A Space Odyssey
The Godfather
Ragin Bull
Singin in the Rain
Schindler's List
Lawrence of Arabia
The Wizard of Oz
The Graduate
On the Water Front
Some Like It Hot
Its A Wonderful Life
Double Indemnity
The Maltese Falcon
High Noon
To Kill A Mockingbird
Mr. Smith Goes to Washington

Some other classics and my personal favs

North By Northwest
The Lady Vanishes
12 Angry Men
The Night of the Hunter
Roman Holiday
The Apartment
Sunset Boulevard
Apocalypse Now
Dr. Strangelove
Rear Window
Taxi Driver
Who's Afraid of Virgina Woolf?
The Wild Bunch

I'll check later and make a list of classic movies I know is available on HBO Max/TCM.
I've also never seen or have any intentions on watching movies like Tin Cup, The Natural, Mirical On Ice, Field of Dreams, Hoosiers, ect...
None of these movies are worth watching unless you a big fan of the sport and white.

I had to google Tin Cup :lol:

As for Hitchcock (in this order):

North By Northwest
The Wrong Man
Rear Window
The Man Who Knew Too Much (1934)
Strangers on a Train
The Man Who Knew Too Much (1956)
Dial M for Murder
To Catch A Thief
Shadow of A Doubt
The Lady Vanishes
ive always wanted classics recommendations. keep it going fellas. taking any suggestions. already added the films in the previous page.

Check out the first page for the movie draft picks.

All Kubrick films are a must
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I remember my hs teacher would put on ben hur and lawrence of arabia during lunch hr when it rained the whole week. Still havent finished either epics to this day

Pbs got me into the classics :pimp:
Remember going to the library and grabbing everything i could
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