Police Kill Unarmed Teen In Ferguson, Missouri

Kid was asking for it

this ain't new. nothing's changed. there are levels to this.
'unclean and inferior black woman' in the 60s/70s = thot . Also why I'll never roll with the Panthers like that, even the soft as baby lotion 'New Black Panthers' of today.

View media item 1143863

"The real america is with you!"

Oh yes. Yes it is. True colors are being shown every day.


just wow :smh:

and our president is a *****
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you can go back 5 pages...

It pops up every 4-10 pages...


When a hockey team wins a Stanley cup, and people riot and loot...

Saul goodman...


Or like when NASCAR, Hockey or baseball teams fight...it's "boys will be boys".

But when NBA players do it...it's look at those overpaid thugs. Smh
I HATE the word "Thug". Everyone knows what word people are really trying to say when they use that term
If he was black he would've caught the whole magazine.
**** if he was black one of the white folks in the neighborhood would take the liberty to hunt down a black guy with no repercussions and praise from the community.  

wouldn't even be pulling the race card if that were the case.  

even though race is a factor in every thought process in some people...  as u can clearly see here... white folks won't shoot at another white person unless shots are fired.  
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I didn't and more importantly wasn't trying to make this into a black women vs. black men thing.  I judged and based my comments on Crystal Wright solely.  Particularly given her past and current statements.  I know  alot of black women put in work to help the black man and the black community.   
Sorry, I've been reading too much Bell Hooks
Bruh, what are you talking about? Don't try to paint it like black women like this Crystal Wright chick is the normal.
im not painting anything.... like i said show me where the wendy williams the nicki minaj's the beyonces, the vivica foxs, the oprah etc.... black female celebs etc... who are in the public eye... outside of your whoopi goldbergh and the one black activist thats constantly on cnn that speaks out.... i mean if serena williams have i havent seen or heard of it... i dont recall zoey saldana talking about issues like this. cant seem to find the news clips/vids of gabby sidebe speaking out on issues like this...

so if its a false statement then feel free to show the ample amount of examples...to disprove.
Bruh, what are you talking about? Don't try to paint it like black women like this Crystal Wright chick is the normal.
im not painting anything.... like i said show me where the wendy williams the nicki minaj's the beyonces, the vivica foxs, the oprah etc.... black female celebs etc... who are in the public eye... outside of your whoopi goldbergh and the one black activist thats constantly on cnn that speaks out.... i mean if serena williams have i havent seen or heard of it... i dont recall zoey saldana talking about issues like this. cant seem to find the news clips/vids of gabby sidebe speaking out on issues like this...

so if its a false statement then feel free to show the ample amount of examples...to disprove.
none of them speak out on racial issues period though or extremely seldom, whether it involves women or men. We have plenty of threads for everything that's wrong with black women and how it's all their fault. This isn't the place. :lol: at you listing Nikki Minaj though
none of them speak out on racial issues period though or extremely seldom, whether it involves women or men. We have plenty of threads for everything that's wrong with black women and how it's all their fault. This isn't the place.
at you listing Nikki Minaj though
how is she any different then lets say a rick ross who speaks out... hell even folks like plies etc... have spoken out on issues. And they do speak on racial issues... like i said its usually in a manner in which it is something wrong that a black male has done to others...especially if it involves a black woman. Im not saying or doing a blame game... i was just piggybacking off what someone said about that crystal chick and ppl was saying like that isnt common. To which i said it very much so is very common among black women, celebs in particular.
The 10 Kinds of trolls you  encounter when talking about Mike Brown.

If you’re paying attention to the events unfolding in Ferguson—and by God, you better be—then you probably already know there is a group of people in this country of ours who are determined to change the focus of the conversation about the murder of Mike Brown  and the subsequent protests, attempting to shift the lens away from the Constitutional rights of U.S. citizens and the shooting of a black teenager.

If you’re reading this, you probably already know the folks I’m talking about. But here they are.
1) The Full-Blown Racist Troll

Block on sight. Some of them are friends of your Facebook friends—block them. Some of them areyour Facebook  friends. Many of them are accounts like this one: anonymous and relying on blatantly racistlanguage, such as blackface imagery, “monkey” references, use of the “N-word,” etc. These have exploded over the last week. We’re talking hundreds. I’ve been using Twitter  avidly for years, and I can’t recall ever seeing quite this much racist bile taking over an event-related hashtag (#Ferguson) as I have this week.

Block them and report them for spam immediately.
2) The “Wait for Evidence” Troll

This  troll  may or may not be anonymous and pretends to be focused on respecting and upholding the law. “We don’t know what happened yet,” they say. “Wait for evidence before you lambast an officer of the law.” They pretend that things like racismpolice brutality, and police corruption  don’t exist and insist that if concrete evidence is released, they will be swayed to feel “sympathy” for Mike Brown.

But they won’t. When evidence arises, they find objection to its relevance or veracity. They then transform into The “Mike Brown Shouldn’t Have [insert human action here]” Troll, our next entry.
3) The “Mike Brown Shouldn’t Have [Insert Human Action Here]” Troll

This troll (and the others as well) will go great lengths to justify the taking of black life, using justifications like “he shouldn’t have run,” “he shouldn’t have been sagging,” and “he shouldn’t have been walking down the middle of the street,” and “he shouldn’t have stolen something.”

These trolls come in all races and will insist that when a police officer  (or a homeowner, or a security guard) assaults a person of color, that person must have done something to deserve it. The fact that Mike Brown was shot at least six times  doesn’t register as overkill, even when two of those shots were in the head.

They will also extend effort to paint Ferguson as a ghetto, where this kind of thing happens all the time. Nope. Ferguson, Missouri had zero murders until Officer Darren Wilson  killed Mike Brown.
4) The “Police Are the Good Guys” Troll

These folks have a blissfully naïve version of police  in their heads, theone fed to them  since they were children that says police are the good guys and that no matter what they do, they must have had a reason. These people have no concept (or pretend to have no concept) of thedepth of  white supremacy  and the way it is ingrained in every facet of our culture—even our police. Because they believe the police are always right—and usually because they also believe that groups of black people are inherently violent—they have no qualms about police dressed in military gear, sitting on tanks and tear-gassing American citizens.

You may also hear these trolls say, “What about due process?” Well, we would proceed with due process. If they would actually arrest Darren Wilson. Which they haven’t.
5) The “Violence Just Begets More Violence” Troll

These people are the riot-shamers. They roll out the word “looters!” at every chance and are not interested in the fact that only a small number of people  at the protests have actively looted or that Ferguson protestors actually locked arms to prevent said looting. These trolls hide behind anonymous accounts, they masquerade as sane co-workers, and they work for major media outlets. They focus on the “unrest” in Ferguson and talk about it out of context in an attempt to divert attention away from the killing of an unarmed black teenager and/or  disguise their lack of critical thought.

As Mia McKenzie of Black Girl Dangerous said so well in this post:
A community pushing back against a murderous police force that is terrorizing them is not a ‘riot.’ It’s an uprising. It’s a rebellion. It’s a community saying We can’t take this anymore. We won’t take it. It’s people who have been dehumanized to the point of rightful rage. And it happens all over the world. Uprisings and rebellions are necessary and inevitable, locally and globally. This is not to say that actual riots don’t happen. White folks riot at sporting events, for example. Riots happen. But people rising up in righteous anger and rage in the face of oppression should not be dismissed as simply a ‘riot.’
6) The Concern Troll

These are among the more passive-aggressive trolls you will encounter. They not only target victims like Mike Brown with statements like “I wish he hadn’t stolen those cigars: he might be alive.” They also target the community as well, saying things like “Should they really be out there protesting with little kids? I worry about that kind of parenting.”

Let me make one thing clear in case you weren’t sure: these people aren’t worried about the children of Ferguson. They’re not actually “concerned” at all,” despite their title. These people employ words like “worry” and “I wish” to communicate their disapproval of black people doing anything besides playing the Martin Baker  role. If they were actually concerned, they would see the images of police with hidden badge numbers, tear-gassing eight-year old girls, and be concerned about the escalation of violence police in Ferguson are responsible for.
7) The “But What About Black on Black Crime!” Troll

Yes, 85 percent of violent crime against black people is perpetuated by other black people. But guess what? The exact same is true for violent crime committed against white people: the vast majority of those crimes are committed by other white people.

People who use the term “black on black crime” either:

1)  work for Fox News

2) are seeking to portray black people as violent and out of control


3)  seek to portray black people as only caring about black lives when there is a way to blame white people.

Let’s run that back:

1)  If they work for Fox News, you already know what the deal is.

2)  If we’re going to make sweeping statements about people being violent and out of control, perhaps we should focus on young white males.


3)  Anyone who would fit with number three is not interested in facts, otherwise they would be aware of the vast number of organizations and movements to end gun violence in black neighborhoods—spearheaded by black people.

The real motivation behind this troll (and all of them really) is to distract from the matter at hand.
8) The “Don’t Make This A Racial Issue!” Troll

These are the pearl-clutchers: “This could have happened to anyone! Let’s not make this a racial issue and instead focus on getting this cop off the street!”

Yes, we should focus on getting this cop off the street, but we must also focus on the conditions that made this murder possible, and that is one of racismwhite supremacy, and police violence  that has been being built and rebuilt since the birth of this country. No, this wouldn’t have just happened to anyone. A black male is killed by police every 28 hours in America. This is a racial issue.

These trolls will also accuse you of being racist for talking about racism and start quoting to you all the times black people perpetuated “reverse racism” against white people.

Suggested action? Block and keep it moving.
9) The Misinformation Bots

These are particularly dangerous, and I have seen a lot of them in the past week. I won’t speculate on where they come from—although I have a fairly good idea—but their sole purpose is to spread misinformation about Mike Brown and Darren Wilson, targeting people tweeting under the #Ferguson and #MikeBrown hashtags and sending them to false articles on homemade websites about alternate eyewitnesses that saw Brown attack Wilson, etc.

Don’t engage with these people: they likely get paid for it. Report them as spam, and you guessed it: keep it moving.
10) The “I Wish We Could All Just Get Along” Troll

These trolls might mean well. They might. But that doesn’t mean they’re not trolls. You post/tweet an article and they tweet back, “This is all really bad, but I wish this wasn’t happening. Can’t we all just get along?”

They’re trolling you. We all wish we could get along, but right now a boy is dead and is receiving no justice by the system that supposedly exists to protect him. Injecting Pollyanna-isms aren’t helping anyone. If you really want to help and the front lines aren’t for you, just donate to the Michael Brown Memorial Fund. And stay out of the way.

This isn’t an exhaustive list. When a black person  is killed in America, trolls come out of the woodwork  in an attempt to justify or distract from the taking of that life.

After finishing this post, I’m not even sure “troll” is the right word, but I’m not sure if I have a better one either. "Weights," perhaps. Cinder blocks shackled to the rising tide of Americans who want and believe in better and see the murder of another black kid in America and say “enough.” These people are not merely trolls. “Troll” implies something harmless, a faceless entity in the underbelly of the Internet. These people are not harmless. They are part of the problem. 

Unfortunately, I don’t have a solution for the problem they pose: they are not interested in self-education. They are not interested in empathy. They are not interested in challenging the worldview that has tucked them in at night and told them the police are here for our protection and that black people deserve what they get. They are interested only in standing very still, while the rest of us move forward.

All I can say is this: move on without them. Block, report, and move on without them. Even when they’re friends.
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