Police Kill Unarmed Teen In Ferguson, Missouri

I do. Hopefully one of your folks are next
Such nice sentiment.  Your mama must be so proud of you.
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Is this story like the white cop out story? Certain stories gain ground and certain stories don't. White folk and black folk get shot everyday, b.

On top of the fact that nobody cares when black kids shoot anybody because "it's to be expected." Cops shooting and assaulting civilians is much more outrageous. So dude needs to save that misguided, narrow minded way of thinking.
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Why do you keep posting stuff on black teens killin ppl, when you KNOW THEY WILL BE CHARGED AND CONVICTED. As they should be....

We can't say the same about these cops killin ppl.
Why do you keep posting stuff on black teens killin ppl, when you KNOW THEY WILL BE CHARGED AND CONVICTED. As they should be....

We can't say the same about these cops killin ppl.

As long as the "teens" get tried as adults. Do big man crime, do big man time.

What about Gilbert Collar? Where's the national outrage over that one? It's basically the same story as Mike Brown, except the cop was black and the victim was white.

Only white cops can be racist, right?
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Police settle lawsuit over tear gas use during Ferguson protests

ST. LOUIS • Three police agencies have agreed as part of a federal lawsuit settlement with Ferguson protesters to restrict use of tear gas and other chemical agents on crowds.

U.S. District Judge Carol Jackson, who issued a temporary restraining order on police after a hearing here Dec. 11, was expected to dismiss the lawsuit Thursday while keeping supervision of compliance through Jan. 1, 2018. The restraining order had told police to provide "reasonable" warning before using gas on a crowd.

Lawyers for St. Louis Police Chief Sam Dotson, St. Louis County Police Chief Jon Belmar and Missouri Highway Patrol Capt. Ronald S. Johnson signed off on settlement terms that require officers to:

Provide "clear and unambiguous warnings" before gas use.
Allow "sufficient opportunity" for people in the area to leave first.
Attempt to minimize the impact on people complying with lawful demands.
Ensure there is a safe escape path.
Police also agreed not to use gas to frighten or punish people lawfully exercising their constitutional rights.

Each police agency agreed to pay $2,500 in legal costs. In exchange, plaintiffs Alexis Templeton, Maureen Costello, Brittany Ferrell, Steve Hoffman, Nile McClain and Kira Hudson agreed to dismiss their claim.

They were represented by Thomas Harvey of ArchCity defenders and Denise Lieberman of the Advancement Project.

Templeton, a demonstrator, Banks, a St. Louis University professor, and Hoffman, 31, a “legal observer” for the National Lawyers Guild, testified at the December hearing to being gassed and treated improperly by officers.

Police witnesses testified that their tactics were necessary to prevent looting and potentially save lives during protests that followed the shooting of Michael Brown, an unarmed black man, by Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson in a controversial confrontation.

The settlement says police will order their officers to comply with its terms, and include the terms in formal policies by Aug. 15.

In the hearing, Jackson had expressed some sympathy for the protesters but stopped short of incorporating all of their demands in the restraining order. For example, the judge rejected a demand that police be restricted to use of tear gas only as a "last resort." She said there was no way to define that.

Police settle lawsuit over tear gas use during Ferguson protests

ST. LOUIS • Three police agencies have agreed as part of a federal lawsuit settlement with Ferguson protesters to restrict use of tear gas and other chemical agents on crowds.

U.S. District Judge Carol Jackson, who issued a temporary restraining order on police after a hearing here Dec. 11, was expected to dismiss the lawsuit Thursday while keeping supervision of compliance through Jan. 1, 2018. The restraining order had told police to provide "reasonable" warning before using gas on a crowd.

Lawyers for St. Louis Police Chief Sam Dotson, St. Louis County Police Chief Jon Belmar and Missouri Highway Patrol Capt. Ronald S. Johnson signed off on settlement terms that require officers to:

Provide "clear and unambiguous warnings" before gas use.
Allow "sufficient opportunity" for people in the area to leave first.
Attempt to minimize the impact on people complying with lawful demands.
Ensure there is a safe escape path.
Police also agreed not to use gas to frighten or punish people lawfully exercising their constitutional rights.

Each police agency agreed to pay $2,500 in legal costs. In exchange, plaintiffs Alexis Templeton, Maureen Costello, Brittany Ferrell, Steve Hoffman, Nile McClain and Kira Hudson agreed to dismiss their claim.

They were represented by Thomas Harvey of ArchCity defenders and Denise Lieberman of the Advancement Project.

Templeton, a demonstrator, Banks, a St. Louis University professor, and Hoffman, 31, a “legal observer” for the National Lawyers Guild, testified at the December hearing to being gassed and treated improperly by officers.

Police witnesses testified that their tactics were necessary to prevent looting and potentially save lives during protests that followed the shooting of Michael Brown, an unarmed black man, by Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson in a controversial confrontation.

The settlement says police will order their officers to comply with its terms, and include the terms in formal policies by Aug. 15.

In the hearing, Jackson had expressed some sympathy for the protesters but stopped short of incorporating all of their demands in the restraining order. For example, the judge rejected a demand that police be restricted to use of tear gas only as a "last resort." She said there was no way to define that.
no way to define "last resort" but they can define "sufficient opportunity to leave" and "attempt to minimize" and "safe escape path" foh. more BS from the BSers
As long as the "teens" get tried as adults. Do big man crime, do big man time.

What about Gilbert Collar? Where's the national outrage over that one? It's basically the same story as Mike Brown, except the cop was black and the victim was white.

Only white cops can be racist, right?
you say some really stupid s***. like REALLY flat out ignorant, clearly slanted, go-go gadget reach, nonsensical s***. And you use the same arguments as all racists do but say you're not racist. I dont care if you are, and i do suspect you are. But lord, you pollute this thread nonstop with your terrible attempt at logic. You really don't rep tampa right at all. at. all. 
you say some really stupid s***. like REALLY flat out ignorant, clearly slanted, go-go gadget reach, nonsensical s***. And you use the same arguments as all racists do but say you're not racist. I dont care if you are, and i do suspect you are. But lord, you pollute this thread nonstop with your terrible attempt at logic. You really don't rep tampa right at all. at. all. 
Nice deflection, there, dude.  You are unable to answer the argument, so you resort to attacking the messenger.  That's called an ad hominem attack and means you just lost the argument.

Also, I don't have to "rep" anything.  The facts are the facts.  I'm sure you are capable of reading the article.

Do you or do you not agree that Gilbert Collar's death was unnecessary and unjustified?  It's a very simple question, dude.
Nice deflection, there, dude.  You are unable to answer the argument, so you resort to attacking the messenger.  That's called an ad hominem attack and means you just lost the argument.

Also, I don't have to "rep" anything.  The facts are the facts.  I'm sure you are capable of reading the article.

Do you or do you not agree that Gilbert Collar's death was unnecessary and unjustified?  It's a very simple question, dude.
deflection? i wasnt even IN the convo. i just hopped in, i cant deflect what wasn't aimed at me. 1.

im not attacking your character. me attacking your character is saying you're a liar with no facts. that you're stupid and therefore everything you say is stupid.  thats improper use of the term ad hominem. I said you SAY stupid things and i suspect that youre a racist but then said I DONT CARE ABOUT THAT nor did i discredit what  you said. Me attacking WHAT you say =/= me attacking YOUR CHARACTER. 2.

but ill humor you anyways. I'll play along with this simple a** attempt of racist logic you tried to use. You wanna talk about Gilbert? Lets. The gilbert case is from THREE YEARS AGO. It was dug up after ferguson (by guess who...thats right! racists who wanted to make it seem like black cops target white innocents the same way blacks are targeted by cops) just so certain people could say "but we get killed by black cops too! wheres THAT outrage?" to keep it 100, a cop killing anybody unarmed who doesn't pose a threat is wrong. he was also on a drug induced binge doing unpredictable crazy s*** all over the place. some psycho-inducing drugs at that. to keep it 150 neither me nor you care about gilbert. You're using Gilbert to imply that we only care about white cops killing black kids. The thing is, you and everyone else have to dig up cases from YEARS ago just to cite a case. In the WEEK following Mike brown, 3 other innocent black people were killed by cops. Lets be cereal. Black people are targets. White people are not. Cite all the one-off cases you want. But nobody cares. You don't have ground to stand on, and reaching for cases out of desperation only makes you look worse. 

You might as well say a white kid in a gang got killed in Cali today, wheres all the national attention?! Why so much attention to chicago and its gangs? The media only cares about black people. foh. And facts are facts? Lets not even get into facts because clearly you don't have as long a list of them as everyone else does. but then again at the top of your list of questions to ask is "only white cops can be racist?" yea...ur definitely looking at facts here, and NOT playing defense. good day sir. 
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Its funny to see the passion some of these guys have for the southern law makers/enforcers.  Wonder what side they'd be on 50 years ago. 
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deflection? i wasnt even IN the convo. i just hopped in, i cant deflect what wasn't aimed at me. 1.

im not attacking your character. me attacking your character is saying you're a liar with no facts. that you're stupid and therefore everything you say is stupid.  thats improper use of the term ad hominem. I said you SAY stupid things and i suspect that youre a racist but then said I DONT CARE ABOUT THAT nor did i discredit what you said. Me attacking WHAT you say =/= me attacking YOUR CHARACTER. 2.

but ill humor you anyways. I'll play along with this simple a** attempt of racist logic you tried to use. You wanna talk about Gilbert? Lets. The gilbert case is from THREE YEARS AGO. It was dug up after ferguson (by guess who...thats right! racists who wanted to make it seem like black cops target white innocents the same way blacks are targeted by cops) just so certain people could say "but we get killed by black cops too! wheres THAT outrage?" to keep it 100, a cop killing anybody unarmed who doesn't pose a threat is wrong. he was also on a drug induced binge doing unpredictable crazy s*** all over the place. some psycho-inducing drugs at that. to keep it 150 neither me nor you care about gilbert. You're using Gilbert to imply that we only care about white cops killing black kids. The thing is, you and everyone else have to dig up cases from YEARS ago just to cite a case. In the WEEK following Mike brown, 3 other innocent black people were killed by cops. Lets be cereal. Black people are targets. White people are not. Cite all the one-off cases you want. But nobody cares. You don't have ground to stand on, and reaching for cases out of desperation only makes you look worse. 

You might as well say a white kid in a gang got killed in Cali today, wheres all the national attention?! Why so much attention to chicago and its gangs? The media only cares about black people. foh. And facts are facts? Lets not even get into facts because clearly you don't have as long a list of them as everyone else does. but then again at the top of your list of questions to ask is "only white cops can be racist?" yea...ur definitely looking at facts here, and NOT playing defense. good day sir. 

Tampa is using BLC like c arguments...

And like BLC, he's getting shut down at every turn.

No need to waste the key strikes
Nice deflection, there, dude.  You are unable to answer the argument, so you resort to attacking the messenger.  That's called an ad hominem attack and means you just lost the argument.

Also, I don't have to "rep" anything.  The facts are the facts.  I'm sure you are capable of reading the article.

Do you or do you not agree that Gilbert Collar's death was unnecessary and unjustified?  It's a very simple question, dude.

I don't think anyone will disagree that that kid didn't need to die and definitely didn't need to be shot. But from what I've read on the story this was a result in a lapse of judgement or poor training am I wrong? This cop should be punished for what he did but let's be blind to why this isn't getting the same kind of media attention. Let's not pretend that there's a problem with cops in America targeting white males, or even white teens for that matter. Let's not pretend like stats and investigations show that white males are being targeted BECAUSE they are white and already assumed to be guilty of a crime.
Nice deflection, there, dude.  You are unable to answer the argument, so you resort to attacking the messenger.  That's called an ad hominem attack and means you just lost the argument.

Also, I don't have to "rep" anything.  The facts are the facts.  I'm sure you are capable of reading the article.

Do you or do you not agree that Gilbert Collar's death was unnecessary and unjustified?  It's a very simple question, dude.
deflection? i wasnt even IN the convo. i just hopped in, i cant deflect what wasn't aimed at me. 1.

im not attacking your character. me attacking your character is saying you're a liar with no facts. that you're stupid and therefore everything you say is stupid.  thats improper use of the term ad hominem. I said you SAY stupid things and i suspect that youre a racist but then said I DONT CARE ABOUT THAT nor did i discredit what  you said. Me attacking WHAT you say =/= me attacking YOUR CHARACTER. 2.

but ill humor you anyways. I'll play along with this simple a** attempt of racist logic you tried to use. You wanna talk about Gilbert? Lets. The gilbert case is from THREE YEARS AGO. It was dug up after ferguson (by guess who...thats right! racists who wanted to make it seem like black cops target white innocents the same way blacks are targeted by cops) just so certain people could say "but we get killed by black cops too! wheres THAT outrage?" to keep it 100, a cop killing anybody unarmed who doesn't pose a threat is wrong. he was also on a drug induced binge doing unpredictable crazy s*** all over the place. some psycho-inducing drugs at that. to keep it 150 neither me nor you care about gilbert. You're using Gilbert to imply that we only care about white cops killing black kids. The thing is, you and everyone else have to dig up cases from YEARS ago just to cite a case. In the WEEK following Mike brown, 3 other innocent black people were killed by cops. Lets be cereal. Black people are targets. White people are not. Cite all the one-off cases you want. But nobody cares. You don't have ground to stand on, and reaching for cases out of desperation only makes you look worse. 

You might as well say a white kid in a gang got killed in Cali today, wheres all the national attention?! Why so much attention to chicago and its gangs? The media only cares about black people. foh. And facts are facts? Lets not even get into facts because clearly you don't have as long a list of them as everyone else does. but then again at the top of your list of questions to ask is "only white cops can be racist?" yea...ur definitely looking at facts here, and NOT playing defense. good day sir. 

Reading this post in your voice made it even better
deflection? i wasnt even IN the convo. i just hopped in, i cant deflect what wasn't aimed at me. 1.

im not attacking your character. me attacking your character is saying you're a liar with no facts. that you're stupid and therefore everything you say is stupid.  thats improper use of the term ad hominem. I said you SAY stupid things and i suspect that youre a racist but then said I DONT CARE ABOUT THAT nor did i discredit what  you said. Me attacking WHAT you say =/= me attacking YOUR CHARACTER. 2.

but ill humor you anyways. I'll play along with this simple a** attempt of racist logic you tried to use. You wanna talk about Gilbert? Lets. The gilbert case is from THREE YEARS AGO. It was dug up after ferguson (by guess who...thats right! racists who wanted to make it seem like black cops target white innocents the same way blacks are targeted by cops) just so certain people could say "but we get killed by black cops too! wheres THAT outrage?" to keep it 100, a cop killing anybody unarmed who doesn't pose a threat is wrong. he was also on a drug induced binge doing unpredictable crazy s*** all over the place. some psycho-inducing drugs at that. to keep it 150 neither me nor you care about gilbert. You're using Gilbert to imply that we only care about white cops killing black kids. The thing is, you and everyone else have to dig up cases from YEARS ago just to cite a case. In the WEEK following Mike brown, 3 other innocent black people were killed by cops. Lets be cereal. Black people are targets. White people are not. Cite all the one-off cases you want. But nobody cares. You don't have ground to stand on, and reaching for cases out of desperation only makes you look worse. 

You might as well say a white kid in a gang got killed in Cali today, wheres all the national attention?! Why so much attention to chicago and its gangs? The media only cares about black people. foh. And facts are facts? Lets not even get into facts because clearly you don't have as long a list of them as everyone else does. but then again at the top of your list of questions to ask is "only white cops can be racist?" yea...ur definitely looking at facts here, and NOT playing defense. good day sir. 
Oh, so implying that I'm racist isn't attacking my character?  I don't know what planet you're from, but here on Earth, that's attacking someone's character.

You are so easy to get riled up.  Did your wife/gf leave you for a white man or something?

Tampa is using BLC like c arguments...

And like BLC, he's getting shut down at every turn.

No need to waste the key strikes
Keep persisting in the delusion that I'm getting "shut down".  It's really quite amusing watching your cognitive dissonance.  "Dat Tampa be crazy, don't listen to his dumb white ***."

I know that in your world, facts are racist, but in the real world, facts are just facts.  You know what I'm talking about.  I don't have to repeat myself.
Oh, so implying that I'm racist isn't attacking my character?  I don't know what planet you're from, but here on Earth, that's attacking someone's character.

You are so easy to get riled up.  Did your wife/gf leave you for a white man or something?
hahaaaaaa.....no. no no and more no. me and my wife are coming up on a solid year of marriage now thanks for your concern. my wife wouldn't leave me, i did s*** correctly before getting married and handled all that kinda stuff beforehand. but thats neither here nor there. and no, saying you suspect someone of something and then saying you dont care isn't an attack. y? well...because i said i suspect it. and then...i said i still dont care. dry your tears. and ironically, now its you who didn't stay on topic and mention ANYTHING else i said. but thats cool cuz honestly i have my mind made up about you already. you're pretty childish and love to spout out "facts" that are easily proven irrelevant or wrong. Crazy thing about facts are, you can always make them fit your agenda, much like statistics. Simply put, shove your "Facts" back where they came from. slowly.
Keep persisting in the delusion that I'm getting "shut down".  It's really quite amusing watching your cognitive dissonance.  "Dat Tampa be crazy, don't listen to his dumb white ***."

I know that in your world, facts are racist, but in the real world, facts are just facts.  You know what I'm talking about.  I don't have to repeat myself.
cognitive dissonance: the state of having inconsistent thoughts, beliefs, or attitudes, especially as relating to behavioral decisions and attitude change.

example: buyers remorse.

your example: "Dat Tampa be crazy, don't listen to his dumb white ***"

please. stop trying to use words and terms clearly out of your vocab. you're using them ALL incorrectly. And to keep it 150... why does @Fontaine  have to sound like a raccoon when you imitate him? hes articulated his point very clearly and you still read what he said like hes uneducated and racist against whites? ...man i rest my case. Racists (and again...i suspect you are one) are all the same. you see all of us as idiots, regardless of the person that's actually standing in front of you. "Dat tampa be crazy" smh... its actually a shame.
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