POST YOUR COLOGNE (or perfume) vol. pics & descriptions or %$%#



Originally Posted by TheBachellor

DanzInRealLife wrote:
With Love by Hilary Duff

Vanilla with a hint of something else. This is my favourite at the moment. You can't go wrong

Interesting that women have no problem buying celebrity perfumes, but I would bever buy a celebrity cologne

I did state that I don't usually go for celeb scents.But I can't get past the fact that I like this smell a lot. Therefore I will reluctantly buy it lol
Question for the females:

Do you mind if your perfume and shampoo don't complement each other? Some girls have some pretty strong shampoos and that combined with long hair makes forsomethin that could potentially overpower what you use...

So do you just use less shampoo? Not use shampoo for the day? Or just say eff it and do you?
i have NEVER coppd cologne in my life.. put me on

i need something for casual nights out (college student bout to turn 21)

but personally i cant stand most fragrances because they just seem too irritating/strong...

Bijan DNA
Ferrari Black
Iceberg Fluid
Calvin Klein Euphoria

I have some others but these are my main rotation.
^^ mine compliment each other. Shampoo and conditioner smell like coconut and mango so it ties in nicely with all of my perfume. I've never come across asuper strong smelling shampoo though. Or perhaps I have but I don't notice it. #Kanyeshrug

Btw, nice smelling guys are insanely appreciated
almost forgot Lacoste Pour Homme, now this is a veeerrry unique scent that will definitely get attention.
The three I normally use have been posted already.

Lacoste Essential: I like to wear on sunny, warm days. Whoever said that it's better during the Spring, I definitely agree.
Kenneth Cole Black: I like wearing this at night.
Burberry Brit: I tend to use this the most. I get compliments here and there about it.

I've been wanting to try Gucci by Gucci. Anyone use it?
Anyone get sick of colognes really quickly? Whenever I buy one I like it for like 3-4 months then I cant stand it anymore...
Originally Posted by Sloane Kettering

This gets high praise from the net, so I blind bought this. I ended up trying to force myself to like it.. it's an all-right cologne... buttoo fruity. It honestly could pass for a girl fragrance. Plus it doesn't last for more than like 2 hours (well... my bottle at least).
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