Pray for NTer MPLSDunk

Originally Posted by Air Murphy 23

latest update:
Ian's surgery went well today. The liver was showing improvement. They were able to sew him up a little bit. Have not been able to because his organs have been enlarged.

good to hear. hope everything else goes smooth...
Oh man. It always suck's when it's a name you don't know. But it somehow hits even harder when it's a name you recognise.

Best wishes, Ian.
I hope my dude pulls through...he's my fellow Midwestern broham and I'd be hurt if dude didn't make it. I wish I lived closer and ACTUALLY knew him...I'd go visit. I'ma pray for him.
hope he pulls through.

i was in a accendent to this fri.. my friend was drunk and flipped the suberban over ,idk how many times. it happen so fast..luckly i came out with a few scratches on my arm.

cops told me i was blessed since my side of the roof caved in more the the driver side.
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