Presidential News: McCain's Campaign For Becoming The Next President Just Got Tougher

May 30, 2006
Former Georgia Rep. Bob Barr announced Monday that he's running for president as a Libertarian, a candidacy that could hurt John McCain.
"I will be a candidate for the presidency of the United States, and it is precisely to give the American people a voice, to give them a meaningful choice so that they do not have to once again go into the polling booth on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November, hold their nose and pull a lever - or touch one of those magical touch-screens that seem to be so much in vogue now - and vote for the lesser of two evils. America deserves better," Barr told reporters at his Washington, D.C., announcement.

Barr plans to run to the right of McCain and to position himself as the true conservative in the presidential race. His third-party candidacy would likely draw more disenchanted Republican voters than Democrats.

"Anybody who stands at the foundation of their domestic agenda McCain-Feingold, to me, can not ever lay legitimate claim, at least with a straight face, to calling themselves or being labeled as a conservative," Barr said of McCain's landmark campaign finance reform law, which the Arizona senator co-sponsored with liberal Democratic Sen. Russ Feingold.

Barr said McCain's Web site and advisers don't have a great deal of substance about how to reduce the influence of Washington, pare down its size and return to smaller government, all top concerns of conservative voters.

He said the lack of that discussion among McCain's resources reflects "the basic premise of the senator that Washington is Washington, and Washington is fine, we just need to make some adjustments around the corners. We need to do much more than that."

The former Republican congressman said that having spent several weeks roaming the U.S. and abroad and talking to people from all walks of life, he has heard the same complaints.

"They want a choice. They believe America has more to offer than what [the] current political situation is serving to us," Barr said.

He said "protecting the defense and defending the United States" is a first priority, and that would include not leaving open military bases abroad that serve no advantage. He added that overturning the status quo by bringing discretionary spending under control, limiting the size and scope of the federal government and reducing the deficit are also among his objectives.

"The status quo has given us the litany of problems that we're all very familiar with - the debt, the deficit, the problems that we see in the economy, the trade imbalance and a whole host of problems, the occupation of Iraq. These are all children of the status quo," he said.

Barr first must win the Libertarian nomination at the party's national convention, which begins May 22. Party officials consider him a front-runner thanks to the national profile he developed in Congress from 1995 to 2003.

Barr said that he would reach out to supporters of Texas Rep. Ron Paul, who remains in the Republican race against McCain and who was the 1984 and 1988 Libertarian presidential candidate.

"We'll be reaching out to the support of all Americans who believe in smaller government, more individual liberty, more individual freedom, the true principles of federalism to devolve power from Washington back to the states," Barr said. "If that fits, as I suspect it does, with the views of many if not all supporters of Congressman Ron Paul, then yes, we'll be reaching out to them."

Barr, 59, announced early last month that he was forming a presidential exploratory committee to investigate whether he should run. He argued that he did not want to sit on the sidelines while the country faces a grave moral crisis.

He may be most famous for serving as an impeachment manager against President Bill Clinton. He served as a U.S. attorney before entering Congress. He left the GOP in 2006 over what he called bloated spending and civil liberties intrusions by the Bush administration.

Since leaving office, he has maintained the political action committee he formed as a congressman. In the current two-year election cycle, he has raised more than $1.2 million, spending most of it on direct mail. His staff said the mailings are intended to spread his "message of liberty."

Barr currently runs a lobbying and public affairs firm with offices in Atlanta and outside Washington. His clients have included the American Civil Liberties Union and the Marijuana Policy Project, a group pushing Congress to allow medical marijuana use and to cut spending for what it says are failed anti-drug media campaigns aimed at young people.

Barr also holds the 21st Century Liberties Chair for Freedom and Privacy at the American Conservative Union Foundation and is a board member of the National Rifle Association.

McCain better get back to speaking on conservative issues ASAP or this guy can potentially ruin his chances. Ron Paul is still getting 20% of thevote in some states so that clearly shows alot of republicans aren't to enthused by McCain as their candidate. I bet he won't be talking aboutcomprehensive immigration reform or global warming concerns anymore.
Let's see if this makes a difference.


Dude can be to McCain what Nader was to Gore in '00.
McCain is the sacrificial lamb for the GOP, even the most right wing nuts know they have 0 chance of winning- Americans are stupid but they aren'tthat stupid.
Originally Posted by Barack 0drama

McCain need to have a heart attack...Stroke...Something.

Don't get me wrong, A non-fatal heart attack or stroke.

Not tryin' to wish death on him, But folk is like 105...

Mccain had lymphatic cancer that was removed about 8 years ago.

In more than 80% of the cases the cancer returns within 10 years. If he becomes President you can rest assured that he will not finish out his term.That's why I'm curious who his VP will be because that will be the real President.
Originally Posted by Barack 0drama

McCain need to have a heart attack...Stroke...Something.

Don't get me wrong, A non-fatal heart attack or stroke.

Not tryin' to wish death on him, But folk is like 105...

Originally Posted by Barack 0drama

McCain need to have a heart attack...Stroke...Something.

Don't get me wrong, A non-fatal heart attack or stroke.

Not tryin' to wish death on him, But folk is like 105...

Not liking a candidate is fine, but to wish severe harm like that on someone is sad. I guess the entire "hope. change. repeat" speech has gottenold to the point where you have to wish harm on the opposition in order to think your candidate has a decent chance at victory in November.
Originally Posted by Billy BloodBath

Originally Posted by Amun Andre

Americans are stupid but they aren't that stupid.

Those were my sentiments back in 2004...

Nah once I saw Faux news changing *#*% from orange to yellow like it meant something and people going crazy I knew Dubya was gonna do it again.
Oh, and I don't think Barr's possible (since he's still got to win the LP's nomination) will have a huge impact. He might fare a bit betterthan Nader or McKinney, but we're not talking about Perot like numbers. McCain won't unite the GOP base, but Barack Obama will. The moderate andconservative Democrats who will be voting for McCain will nullify the impact of Republicans who back Barr.

It's too bad, I was hoping we'd nominate a candidate that could take back the White House after 8 years of GOP rule.
Originally Posted by BlueDawg24

Originally Posted by Barack 0drama

McCain need to have a heart attack...Stroke...Something.

Don't get me wrong, A non-fatal heart attack or stroke.

Not tryin' to wish death on him, But folk is like 105...

Not liking a candidate is fine, but to wish severe harm like that on someone is sad. I guess the entire "hope. change. repeat" speech has gotten old to the point where you have to wish harm on the opposition in order to think your candidate has a decent chance at victory in November.

What's wrong with wishing harm on someone who's psychotic and wants to lead a nation? I guess if you're satisfied with how corrupt this nationhas become than it seems wrong.

I bet there are plenty of people who wished that Bush wasn't President for 8 years.

We're not talking about a manager of a grocery store here.

If tomorrow a lion escaped from a zoo and mauled Clinton, McCain and Obama I wouldn't be distraught.
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by premium911

the elections are a sham... the next person has already been chosen..... Our votes dont mean

The Obama sycophants actually believe that he'll bring "change". Yet he has accepted more Wall Street money than any other candidate.

Yep. Bring change.
I rather vote Obama and hope dude comes through on his platform of change than vote for McCain knowing we're staying on the same path thatwe're currently on.

And how many people right now like the current state of things?
There's a difference between wishing that someone was not in office and saying "I hope the guy has a stroke or heart attack" simply because youdon't like his political views or because he's the guy running against your candidate. It doesn't make you seem cool, simply immature. The zooscenario doesn't even make any sense in relation to what the other guy said, but nice try.
Originally Posted by Barack 0drama

What's wrong with wishing harm on someone whose psychotic and wants to lead a nation?
Yea, He is a crazy war-monger, But I don't wish death on him...

I don't wish death on him either.

Maybe if he fell down a flight of stairs and banged his head tomorrow he'd have an epiphany and drop out of the race.
Originally Posted by franchise3

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by premium911

the elections are a sham... the next person has already been chosen..... Our votes dont mean

The Obama sycophants actually believe that he'll bring "change". Yet he has accepted more Wall Street money than any other candidate.

Yep. Bring change.
I rather vote Obama and hope dude comes through on his platform of change than vote for McCain knowing we're staying on the same path that we're currently on.

And how many people right now like the current state of things?

I hear you.

Obama is clearly the best choice of the three in terms of even having a chance of changing the status quo.

Clearly plenty of people are fine with the state of things. As long as the weekly football game and American Idol episode is on it seems like most peopleare satisfied.
#1 issue concerning Americans, the economy.

McCain already admitted he doesn't have a clue about it.

#2 issue the unfavorable war in Iraq.

McCain wants to stay par for the course.

Yeah, let's vote McCain.
Originally Posted by BlueDawg24

Originally Posted by Barack 0drama

McCain need to have a heart attack...Stroke...Something.

Don't get me wrong, A non-fatal heart attack or stroke.

Not tryin' to wish death on him, But folk is like 105...

Not liking a candidate is fine, but to wish severe harm like that on someone is sad. I guess the entire "hope. change. repeat" speech has gotten old to the point where you have to wish harm on the opposition in order to think your candidate has a decent chance at victory in November.

Im not wishing harm on him but honestly he's too old. My uncle said it best if a 72 ran for a Government position in a Government agency he would bedenied because of his age... so why is it a 72 year old man can run for president. After 65 most jobs force their employees to retire. He's just too old tobe making critical decisions for a country that has seen the drastic effects of poor decision making for the past 6 years. Im certain we will be at war withIran within the 1st year of his presidency... we don't need another fail policy in the middle east.
I mean dang dude can't even throw out the firstpitch next year since he can't rasie his arms.
McCain is way too old . . . He needs to just hang it up . . . Go back to Arizona and hatin on MLK day . . . I don't care what happen to him, good or bad, Iwon't lose ANY sleep over that old fool, I feel sorry for those that will . . .

Obama 08 . . . I don't see anywy McCain can win, but then again I thought the same !+%+ in 04 . . . I'm sure black people have thought the same thingwith every election . . .
Originally Posted by BenFranklinAve

Originally Posted by BlueDawg24

Originally Posted by Barack 0drama

McCain need to have a heart attack...Stroke...Something.

Don't get me wrong, A non-fatal heart attack or stroke.

Not tryin' to wish death on him, But folk is like 105...

Not liking a candidate is fine, but to wish severe harm like that on someone is sad. I guess the entire "hope. change. repeat" speech has gotten old to the point where you have to wish harm on the opposition in order to think your candidate has a decent chance at victory in November.

Im not wishing harm on him but honestly he's too old. My uncle said it best if a 72 ran for a Government position in a Government agency he would be denied because of his age... so why is it a 72 year old man can run for president. After 65 most jobs force their employees to retire. He's just too old to be making critical decisions for a country that has seen the drastic effects of poor decision making for the past 6 years. Im certain we will be at war with Iran within the 1st year of his presidency... we don't need another fail policy in the middle east.
I mean dang dude can't even throw out the first pitch next year since he can't rasie his arms.

Ok, you don't think he'd do well because he's too old, that's fine. Again, what you guys are talking about, such as his age, have nothingto do with the other poster wishing direct harm to the guy. Yeah, I think his age is a major problem too.

I could be wrong but he's been that way since he was in his 30s/40s because of his time spent as a POW, not necessarily because of his age.
Originally Posted by BlueDawg24

Originally Posted by BenFranklinAve

Originally Posted by BlueDawg24

Originally Posted by Barack 0drama

McCain need to have a heart attack...Stroke...Something.

Don't get me wrong, A non-fatal heart attack or stroke.

Not tryin' to wish death on him, But folk is like 105...

Not liking a candidate is fine, but to wish severe harm like that on someone is sad. I guess the entire "hope. change. repeat" speech has gotten old to the point where you have to wish harm on the opposition in order to think your candidate has a decent chance at victory in November.

Im not wishing harm on him but honestly he's too old. My uncle said it best if a 72 ran for a Government position in a Government agency he would be denied because of his age... so why is it a 72 year old man can run for president. After 65 most jobs force their employees to retire. He's just too old to be making critical decisions for a country that has seen the drastic effects of poor decision making for the past 6 years. Im certain we will be at war with Iran within the 1st year of his presidency... we don't need another fail policy in the middle east.
I mean dang dude can't even throw out the first pitch next year since he can't rasie his arms.

Ok, you don't think he'd do well because he's too old, that's fine. Again, what you guys are talking about, such as his age, have nothing to do with the other poster wishing direct harm to the guy. Yeah, I think his age is a major problem too.

I could be wrong but he's been that way since he was in his 30s/40s because of his time spent as a POW, not necessarily because of his age.

Yeah i knew that ... was just saying.

I think Bo'D's comments were just tongue and cheek... don't think he wants the dude to drop dead. McCain has been through so much in his lifefrom being tortured to surviving cancer... just don't understand why he doesn't wanna sit back and enjoy the rest of his life instead of being in apressure position. Just having to put the country back on the right path will be stressful for any candidate young or old.
Originally Posted by Barack 0drama

I'mma leave this alone, Because Blue Dawg is obviously the only McCain supporter (Why, I don't know) on NT...

I'm gonna feel like I'm pickin' on him...

I think Bo'D's comments were just tongue and cheek... don't think he wants the dude to drop dead.
My sarcasm/joke was lost on the poor fellow.

Hrmm, try re-reading some of my posts, I'm not a McCain fan at all. Look up the term "Blue Dog" and read, then think about it.

It's easy now to say that you were joking, obviously you didn't expect to get called out on it!

Oh no! I hope you got my joke!
Mark my word...[color= rgb(0, 255, 0)].Hilliary will be your president come hell or high water[/color]...her and mrbush are in it together..believe that, all of the policies put in place by the Bush admin will work wonders for what is about to occur in your country comeNovember....lets just hope that this election even happens...
Originally Posted by premium911

the elections are a sham... the next person has already been chosen..... Our votes dont mean

truf, thats why i haven't been paying much attention to the elections, word to the bilderburg group.
Like Cube said . . . No matter who the new president is you're gonna have to get up and go to work every day . . . Pay your bills and such . . . I agreewith him on that to the fullest . . .

But I mean McCain just seems like he wants to instill the same imperialistic tactics we've seen for the past 8 years, trying to rebuild other countries toour liking, meanwhile people are poor and struggling right here in America . . . I don't see how a thinking man or woman could walk in a voting booth andvote in favor of such stupidity . . . But what I have noticed in my 23 years of living, there's a group of people in this country that don't wantANYthing to change within its structure, so America has more or less stayed the same for 230 years + . . .
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