Realtalk: I suck at COD

Originally Posted by Breakyaneck3000

Originally Posted by spsfinest212

I don't really suck that bad it's just that most of the people online cheat so much that it seems like I suck.

ex.1) I shoot a guy point blank multiple times and he just turns around and shoots me once and I'm dead.
ex.2) Guy's that be using some sort of cheat that lets them jump unusually high and fast which get's me killed about 50% of the time.
as far as i know there seems to be no cheats in this game, only excuses. oh and maybe these players who are killing you in incredible ways probably have adjusted the sensitivity of their controls at a higher setting.
high sensativity for the got damn win
Originally Posted by Stixx

Originally Posted by proper english

you know what irks me?.. everyone is so concerned w/ their k/d ratio now that it almost takes the fun out of the game.. this is why more and more ppl camp. damn shame.

There's only about 2 or 3 maps I camp on...and thats when I play Domination and I know those are spots ppl travel to ALOT. Other than that...I'm runnin & gunnin...
Need to get on my snipe game...

word.. sniping and camping are 2 diff things to me.. i mean, helping your team out w/ defensive sniping is one thing.. crouching in the middle of an alley-wayor hiding out in dead-ends waiting for someone to walk-in is another.
Originally Posted by proper english

you know what irks me?.. everyone is so concerned w/ their k/d ratio now that it almost takes the fun out of the game.. this is why more and more ppl camp. damn shame.

QFT i have a friend that has a 3. k/d ratio, and i ask him do you win a lot? he says "no" smh
i dnt worry so much about my K/D ratio. i have noticed some improvement in my game so it has improved. i went from a .75 to a .89 in a few days. im more aboutdoing the challenges.

any of you guys get killed by a camper and all of a sudden you feel like you have a personal vendetta with that person and go to the same spot to try and findand kill them?
Originally Posted by cbass625

i dnt worry so much about my K/D ratio. i have noticed some improvement in my game so it has improved. i went from a .75 to a .89 in a few days. im more about doing the challenges.

any of you guys get killed by a camper and all of a sudden you feel like you have a personal vendetta with that person and go to the same spot to try and find and kill them?

all the time...I stay tryin to go hard on campers
any of you guys get killed by a camper and all of a sudden you feel like you have a personal vendetta with that person and go to the same spot to try and find and kill them?
Yeah but I can't lie, I camp too.
Originally Posted by spsfinest212

I don't really suck that bad it's just that most of the people online cheat so much that it seems like I suck.

ex.1) I shoot a guy point blank multiple times and he just turns around and shoots me once and I'm dead.
ex.2) Guy's that be using some sort of cheat that lets them jump unusually high and fast which get's me killed about 50% of the time.

Traditionally, a ping is data sent to a server or host to test latency and packet loss (meaning to test the amount of time it takes for the data to be received by the host, then a "pong" sent back to you to tell you how long it's taking for the information to travel, and packet loss is whether or not all data packets are being sent and received).

In gaming terms, your ping is basically your latency, the amount of time it takes for your data to reach the host then be received back by your PS3. The higher your ping, the worse it is for you when trying to play online games, particularly in shooters. Ideally, you don't want a ping over 100ms. If you can run around at 50ms or less, your latency is pretty great, and this means you'll have a responsive back and forth with the host (which helps prevent you from being shot around corners or watching on killcam as the guy you thought you had the drop on really had the drop on you).

Problem is, the matchmaking in MW2 looks for games at 100ms or lower, so you're already starting off on a bad note. Then you've got the 4 bar system.
  • 4 bars = 0 - 100ms ping
  • 3 bars = 101 - 200ms ping
  • 2 bars = 201 - 300ms ping
  • 1 bar = 301 and up
So, unless you're always at 4 bars, you're at a fairly heavy disadvantage when playing MW2 right off the bat. 3 bars, which is generally considered "good", is actually a terrible ping for online shooters.
Originally Posted by cbass625

any of you guys get killed by a camper and all of a sudden you feel like you have a personal vendetta with that person and go to the same spot to try and find and kill them?


I go out of my way to find the dude.
Ever since I got my first nuke I been playin like !!!#. They put me on $#+!!! teams wit $#+!!! players
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