So, does anyone want to help me find this #$%&*#?____Vol- Craigslist

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+@@@, I would run too if I saw a guy with a hammer.

A +$%+#+* bum was sooo close of hitting me with one last summer. Luckily I played the situation right
Originally Posted by WallaceFactor

In this dude's defense, it's not THAT easy to break a window with a hammer...

I guess it is hard to break a car window with a hammer

Originally Posted by Hess Side 978

This thread is comedy beggining to end.

exactly how does someone snatch cash out of your hand? I mean did you think he was trying to dap you up when he came close and reached for your hand?

How slow are you to lose sight of someone that was just within arms reach? What are you gonna do with a hammer anyways? when someone pulls a gun or a knife out and you grab your hammer you are gonna be in trouble. Not to say it couldn't do damage, but not efficiently, especially if you aren't strong enough to break a car window with it. Those things are made to shatter.

May be in bad taste to post this, but this whole thread reminded me of this pic.

I'm sorry, but dude, you are a fu ck ing %+%@%*$!@, go eat %!++. of all pictures to post, you post a picture of a crazy mother $+$#$+ that killed 30 innocent college KIDS?!?!?! do you have no soul? die.

OP: goodluck man

"yoink" that has to be some sarcastic Midwest humor, or you got ""gaffled"

--Having money in hand.
--Meeting someone from Craigslist on the solo tip.
--Meeting in a place where there alot of getaway options.

--All epic fails. Sorry though OP. Now it wont happen ever again right? Im on the left coast so I cant help ya.
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