Some of you making a big deal out of seeing the tip option on the payment screen. Just press no, pick up your food, and go.
If it were so easy.

This is ignoring the stigma / assumptions that are made when someone decides not to tip, in any circumstance. And different people have different views on when you should tip and when it isn’t necessarily needed.
It is kinda easy, I don't overthink it. At fastfood and takeout spots I press no on the screen and get my food. Maybe it's just my area but I haven't seen an employee make a fuss about it and I doubt it's common for people to tip.
Never been asked to tip at a fast food counter, but I always leave a few dollars on carryout orders.

I don't see the big deal.
Only time I tip is my barber and if I get delivery (which I almost never do)
And I work in the restaurant industry
I tip at Starbucks even though they mess up my Venti Americano Plain with extra ice order all the time and im sad when I cant tip the Starbucks at Target because they get paid by Target.
Driver tips gonna take a hit
This Mexican place by me put some kiosks in to order from which is annoying but whatever.

THEN they asked for a tip with no option to input your own dollar amount. Lowest was 18% which was 8 dollars.

Smashed that “no tip” button and gave them a 😑 on the kiosk for a rating. FOH
I always tip something but man these coffee shops lately have been testing me. I get a black coffee and always tell them I don't need room for cream when they ask. When I crack the lid to put some stevia in I see a one inch space. I pay for 16 and it feels like I got 12 pause. Why even ask if I need room if I'm going to get the same amount of coffee. I suppose now I got open the lid in front of them and ask them to fill it up if they try to cheat me.
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