Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by KanyeBreast

Originally Posted by miamib30514

Just watched a news feature that showcased a study a doctor did that proved

whey protein isolate causes hair loss 0_o

link my dude?...anyone else hear about this?

That makes no sense whatsoever. In any case, I'm already bald, so it doesn't matter now. Maybe that's what did me in all those years ago.
Whey protein is not good for you in any way. I wish I knew this a long time ago. Dumping 2 protein shakes down my throat was the wrong idea. Besides the fact that milk inside the protein and that its really hard for the body to digest.

Its been a while since Ive consumed whey protein and I can feel a big difference in my body and digestive system functioning the way it should. It was making me bloated, constipated, tired, and making my allergies worse. Although Ive also cut out all dairy and drink almond milk only.

I have just decided to eat more whole natural foods and am seeing great results along with taking an occasional hemp protein shake instead.

The supplements (whey protein, no explode, etc) are garbage IMO. Just gaining more knowledge that if you have the proper nutrition and diet you will achieve the desired results you want.

Being a personal trainer for the last 2 years and just constantly gaining and learning new information helped me make the decision to cut out all supplements and just work out hard and eat healthy.
^Although I won't refute that proper nutrition is all that it really takes, whey protein is a quick and convenient source, especially for those who are bigger. It just becomes more difficult to meet your body's protein needs as you keep building and building.

I think I posted one of his older videos, but I've been following this guy called ice1cube on youtube. His workouts are pretty legit I must say...he went the all natural route and said it took him about 6 years to pack on 20 lbs of solid muscle.

I think I might just give this a try for my next leg day:
My hair has gotten thicker since taken whey. %$!# the haters.

PS if you are constipated, loosing hair, tired...whey probably isn't your number 1 problem.
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Originally Posted by KanyeBreast

Originally Posted by miamib30514

Just watched a news feature that showcased a study a doctor did that proved

whey protein isolate causes hair loss 0_o

link my dude?...anyone else hear about this?


i believe it. I did my own personal experiments and whey definitely causes hair thinning or at least causes it to happen quicker if thats your destiny. Especially ones with BCAA in them.

i've been on a protein shake for breakfast and after workout regimen for the past 2 years and my hairline was running away from my forehead now i stopped the shakes as an experiment for so far 3 weeks and I've noticed slight results. Strength wise I've been suffering a little bit but I look about the same maybe even a little leaner.

just google bcaa or too much vitamin A or creatine and hairloss and you'll see theres plenty of cases
First of all weighed my myself saturday and officially made it to my goal weight of 230

2 years ago i was 305, now im a linebacker at 230 with about 12% body fat ( so anything is possible, just keep at it)

Need some tips

My arms will not go down in sz, how do i make them go down?
I did light weighs but now i have veins popping out
Originally Posted by BigPapi328

Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Originally Posted by KanyeBreast

Originally Posted by miamib30514

Just watched a news feature that showcased a study a doctor did that proved

whey protein isolate causes hair loss 0_o

link my dude?...anyone else hear about this?


i believe it. I did my own personal experiments and whey definitely causes hair thinning or at least causes it to happen quicker if thats your destiny. Especially ones with BCAA in them.

i've been on a protein shake for breakfast and after workout regimen for the past 2 years and my hairline was running away from my forehead now i stopped the shakes as an experiment for so far 3 weeks and I've noticed slight results. Strength wise I've been suffering a little bit but I look about the same maybe even a little leaner.

just google bcaa or too much vitamin A or creatine and hairloss and you'll see theres plenty of cases
I don't doubt it COULD. But i'm thinking it's the people who are already on their way there..or really arn't getting proper nutrition.
Originally Posted by keepzdasneakz

^Although I won't refute that proper nutrition is all that it really takes, whey protein is a quick and convenient source, especially for those who are bigger. It just becomes more difficult to meet your body's protein needs as you keep building and building.

I think I posted one of his older videos, but I've been following this guy called ice1cube on youtube. His workouts are pretty legit I must say...he went the all natural route and said it took him about 6 years to pack on 20 lbs of solid muscle.

I think I might just give this a try for my next leg day:

this looks mad interesting. I might try this wednesday. let me know how it goes for you if you do it before then. 
My issue is I always end up getting bored with the workout after a few weeks.
I did HIIT for the first time today on the treadmill....

I went from 4.0 to 7.2 every minute for 20 minutes...

After 25 minutes it said I burnt like 177 calories....

I usually burn alot more like 800 on the eliptical in 40 minutes....

So should I just say eff HIIT, and do my eliptical workout?

It's a interval thing going from 34 to 36 every 5 minutes.....
Originally Posted by dwnbythebay29

Originally Posted by Vancity74

Originally Posted by ChewToy112

nealraj006 wrote:

Vancity does Crossfit.
I like the idea behind it, but I just don't enjoy those types of workouts. Also, I enjoy working out with minimal equipment and based on my own feelings. It's a great way to build overall performance, but you'll never excel at any one thing(olympic lifting, gymnastics, sprinting, etc.) because it's a mix of everything.
I like the high intensity principles behind crossfit, but what I don't like is that usually it's just your average joe who's putting together the WOD, and not a trained professional.  Also, because the goal is often to finish the reps in the best time possible, there's often a total disregard for proper form and safety, which sells your body short in terms of workout effectiveness, results, and injury risk.


There's nothing enjoyable about Crossfit workouts. They are grueling and 90% of the time, I ask myself why I even bother. And you're on the money when you say that you'll never excel at one thing when doing Crossfit, but for someone like myself who is just trying to achieve a higher level of athleticism, it matches perfectly with my goals.

ChewToy: Very good point about trying to finish as quick as possible, and I can't really refute this - I can say, however, that it's entirely up to the person doing the WOD to make sure their form is good and that they're not cheating themselves.

agree with the overall pain of these style of workouts. the satisfaction is also a lot greater when you see the results of your hard work though. in my opinion i've never been in better overall shape.  (cardio/strength/flexibility/ etc.)
I've been crossfitting for two years now, and I wholeheartedly agree with this statement.
Baybully650, Hannibal is not nearly as strong as some of the other bar-brothers. He's definitely got style, but if you wanna see strength, he's not the top of the top. Look up Zakaveli, Beast, and Jude of the Bar-Barians or Hitman from Calisthenics Kingz. Crazy, crazy amounts of strength. It's amazing to see what they can do.

Vancity, you're right. It's true that there's nothing enjoyable about Crossfit workouts. I enjoy being active and I don't feel that Crossfit would be worth the struggle and mental fight. After a while, training like that will lead to overtraining. There are many ways to Rome. It's great that you can stick to it. It's definitely a great idea to train with diversity in mind.
anyone notice the final fantasy musc in that vid?

anyway, i had a MASSIVE migraine today. i still managed to have an above average workout. i felt like my head was going to explode, especially on squats. i literally thought my head would just pop, like that one gif of the guy with the exploding head. how the hell does oe cure migraines at the gym? i'll tell you what, it CANNOT BE DONE.

im a semi skinny dude, i go to the gym 4 times a week and im getting cut.. but i gain no weight and remain skinny..

"Mass gainer" vs creatine??

what should i do to get bigger?
Trust me guys i had the
face watching it too. i will try to find the video but the gist of it was that

women and men were losing hair and the doctor did a study and found out the common denominator = whey protein isolate

it did say whey protein concentrate was less likely to cause hair loss


Here is the link to story and video
Originally Posted by mcnoodlez

Originally Posted by keepzdasneakz

^Although I won't refute that proper nutrition is all that it really takes, whey protein is a quick and convenient source, especially for those who are bigger. It just becomes more difficult to meet your body's protein needs as you keep building and building.

I think I posted one of his older videos, but I've been following this guy called ice1cube on youtube. His workouts are pretty legit I must say...he went the all natural route and said it took him about 6 years to pack on 20 lbs of solid muscle.

I think I might just give this a try for my next leg day:

this looks mad interesting. I might try this wednesday. let me know how it goes for you if you do it before then.�
My issue is I always end up getting bored with the workout after a few weeks.�
That workout isnt even that hard. 100 reps of squats at a medium weight in 30 minutes? Not too difficult at all. I'm surprised he had such a hard time doing it.
Originally Posted by rhester

I did HIIT for the first time today on the treadmill....

I went from 4.0 to 7.2 every minute for 20 minutes...

After 25 minutes it said I burnt like 177 calories....

I usually burn alot more like 800 on the eliptical in 40 minutes....

So should I just say eff HIIT, and do my eliptical workout?

It's a interval thing going from 34 to 36 every 5 minutes.....

That is the same reason why I stopped HIIT.. I burn a way lot more on the Elliptical.
Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

Originally Posted by mcnoodlez

Originally Posted by keepzdasneakz

^Although I won't refute that proper nutrition is all that it really takes, whey protein is a quick and convenient source, especially for those who are bigger. It just becomes more difficult to meet your body's protein needs as you keep building and building.

I think I posted one of his older videos, but I've been following this guy called ice1cube on youtube. His workouts are pretty legit I must say...he went the all natural route and said it took him about 6 years to pack on 20 lbs of solid muscle.

I think I might just give this a try for my next leg day:

this looks mad interesting. I might try this wednesday. let me know how it goes for you if you do it before then.�
My issue is I always end up getting bored with the workout after a few weeks.�
That workout isnt even that hard. 100 reps of squats at a medium weight in 30 minutes? Not too difficult at all. I'm surprised he had such a hard time doing it.
I believe it's that hard.  You see how low he is going on those squats. 

What is a good+simple leg workout (must be do-able at home not gym) other then running/sprinting/etc? I want to tone it up, i've been solely focusing on my upper body, which is finally heading in the right direction, thanks to this thread, mostly, for all the advice.

It seems doing excessive pullups made my biceps grow more defined then the other muscles on my arm; causing it to look very disproportionate
Is there a workout that focuses on all muscles of the arm?
Anyone try boxing as a form to stay in shape(maybe as a replacement of cardio)?

Thank you NT
And lastly,thank you all,for all the advice being offered here, i've cut back on the sodium, added more protein to my diet, and cut back on the carbs(as told), i've also been watching myself sat/sun, which helps. I finally feel good about my diet, 2-3 months more(max) and i'll be like Rambo, haha. From 161 to 142, started February and haven't looked back since; it's possible people, all you need is dedication.
Originally Posted by bLaZ3n

Originally Posted by rhester

I did HIIT for the first time today on the treadmill....

I went from 4.0 to 7.2 every minute for 20 minutes...

After 25 minutes it said I burnt like 177 calories....

I usually burn alot more like 800 on the eliptical in 40 minutes....

So should I just say eff HIIT, and do my eliptical workout?

It's a interval thing going from 34 to 36 every 5 minutes.....

That is the same reason why I stopped HIIT.. I burn a way lot more on the Elliptical.
Do HITT on the elliptical.
Go on the 13-14 level and go 4.5-5 MPH then bump it to 9.5-10
Originally Posted by Refuse2Lose24

Whey protein is not good for you in any way. I wish I knew this a long time ago. Dumping 2 protein shakes down my throat was the wrong idea. Besides the fact that milk inside the protein and that its really hard for the body to digest.

Its been a while since Ive consumed whey protein and I can feel a big difference in my body and digestive system functioning the way it should. It was making me bloated, constipated, tired, and making my allergies worse. Although Ive also cut out all dairy and drink almond milk only.

I have just decided to eat more whole natural foods and am seeing great results along with taking an occasional hemp protein shake instead.

The supplements (whey protein, no explode, etc) are garbage IMO. Just gaining more knowledge that if you have the proper nutrition and diet you will achieve the desired results you want.

Being a personal trainer for the last 2 years and just constantly gaining and learning new information helped me make the decision to cut out all supplements and just work out hard and eat healthy.
Are you sure that you aren't just a bit lactose intolerant? I drink A LOT of milk espc chocolate every day for the carbs and protein. I have a few scoops of ON whey as well... I want to educate myself on whether its actually harmful for me or simply people who dont deal well with milk prod.
Originally Posted by MOSTHATED770


im a semi skinny dude, i go to the gym 4 times a week and im getting cut.. but i gain no weight and remain skinny..

"Mass gainer" vs creatine??

what should i do to get bigger?
some people (i.e. me) are going to say both.
Others will say creatine + increased clean caloric intake (about 3500 a day?)
Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

Originally Posted by mcnoodlez

Originally Posted by keepzdasneakz

^Although I won't refute that proper nutrition is all that it really takes, whey protein is a quick and convenient source, especially for those who are bigger. It just becomes more difficult to meet your body's protein needs as you keep building and building.

I think I posted one of his older videos, but I've been following this guy called ice1cube on youtube. His workouts are pretty legit I must say...he went the all natural route and said it took him about 6 years to pack on 20 lbs of solid muscle.

I think I might just give this a try for my next leg day:

this looks mad interesting. I might try this wednesday. let me know how it goes for you if you do it before then.�
My issue is I always end up getting bored with the workout after a few weeks.�
That workout isnt even that hard. 100 reps of squats at a medium weight in 30 minutes? Not too difficult at all. I'm surprised he had such a hard time doing it.

Sorry but when's the last time you did 100 reps @ 225?

Yeah - didn't think so...
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