Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Been doing the p90x since the last time i posted in this thread.  I haven't done much in the past 2 weeks though because I was down in LA then once I got back home I just kept procrastinating on finishing Week 8 (recovery).  I'm contemplating on whether or not to do the Kenpo X and X Stretch to finish week 8 then start on week 9 or just forget it and start on week 9 already since week 8 stretched from about June 7th till now

Also, is anyone else trying to gain weight?  Ideally, I'd like to gain about 30-40 lbs. but realistically if I can add like 10-20 lbs. I'd be kind happy
.  I just need some type of meal plan or help on how to create one.  If anyone can help please hit me up, thanks!
Anybody find that their days/weeks/lives revolve around hitting the gym and what you do inside the gym? I mean although it is ultimately to help better yourself either physically or more importantly mentally sometimes I question why on training days especially why I'm always thinking about what I'm going to do in the's like anxiousness until I start my workout. And i'm not even built like a mack truck but I think it's a problem for myself that I concern myself with too much with what I do in the gym thinking that if I don't think about it then I won't be able to be focused while i'm working out.

Next week my cousin is coming from FL and we're going to AC as well as me taking him around nyc so I figure i'm going to back off slightly from all the gym work and just maintain until I start strength training.
Originally Posted by keepzdasneakz

Originally Posted by SNEAKERKING757

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Sort of on topic.....saw some article about some 600 lb woman in NJ trying to become the fattest woman in the world (1000 lb is her goal). They had a picture of her cooking hot dogs in her kitchen and on top of her fridge was a bag of ON Serious Mass

Hit a new PR on bench today. 265x6

Feels good, man.
What a coincidence, I did hit a new PR on the bench as well!
245x4 with the help of riceboi spotting me. Not gonna lie he basically half of the work on the last 1-2 reps...


Congrats on THE new PRs...

I just hit a new PR on incline bench after coming back from a shoulder injury..was able to get u p 225x10 followed by a couple sets of 245X6.

Feels great to have a fully functional shoulder again with no pain.
Originally Posted by keepzdasneakz

Originally Posted by SNEAKERKING757

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Sort of on topic.....saw some article about some 600 lb woman in NJ trying to become the fattest woman in the world (1000 lb is her goal). They had a picture of her cooking hot dogs in her kitchen and on top of her fridge was a bag of ON Serious Mass

Hit a new PR on bench today. 265x6

Feels good, man.
What a coincidence, I did hit a new PR on the bench as well!
245x4 with the help of riceboi spotting me. Not gonna lie he basically half of the work on the last 1-2 reps...

New PR for me too 245x4. OH YEAH
So far as fat loss is concerned, I am having a really difficult time losing fat. It doesnt look too bad because I've gained a lot of shoulder size so my waist looks smaller, but I needa get ridda these handles. I have access to a pool, so my question is would doing HIIT be more effective or Swimming laps? In general terms I mean....I plan to do either on my off-days of lifting in the morning. Thank u.
Workout kinda sucked today.  I was fine on Rack Pulls, but I usually can do one or two more heavy compound lifts for 5's and it just wasn't happening.  I just kinda ran out of gas.  Felt like everything was just off, like I hit CNS fatigue earlier than expected and all I could do after that was like lighter sets of 10-15 reps.  Here's how it went:

Chins (varying grips) 4 x 8
Rack Pull: (bar just below knee level) 495 for 5 sets of 5
T-bar row: 1 set of 15, 1 set of 12, 2 sets of 5 @ 180lbs (normally I'd do regular bent rows kind of heavy for another 5 x 5 after Rack Pulls, but I just didn't have anything left.  I intended to do 5 sets of 5 on the T-bar row but after that I was done.
Inverted Rows: 3 x 10
Smith Machine Shrugs: 4 plates total,  4 x 15
Dumbbell Curls: 1 x 25 each arm @ 30 lbs, 2 sets of 15 each arm @ 50 lbs

Done.  Didn't really feel it today.  After my first exercise I was just dragging around the gym, and eventually said eff it.  Think I need to reconfigure this day.  I'm on a 3 day split, with today having been upper body pull.  I'm open to suggestions.  I also think I just need a fall-back week cause maybe I'm just getting taxed training like this for almost a month now.

What is your split looking like right now?

I'm on week 4 of a 6-week program right now that consists of "push" days (chest, shoulders, triceps), legs, and "pull" days (back, biceps). Anybody have any opinions on that kind of split? I'm thinking about going away from it for a while after this 6-week program is over.
I was doing a 3-day full body split for a while and I made progress (on a caloric deficit too!!) but after like 8 weeks or so I stopped making progress even after bumping up the calories and now some of my lifts are lower than they were. I was doing some form of squat for all 3 days (back, front, back), incline bench one day flat the other military the third, etc. And I would have at least one more compound lift on top of all of those each day......rows, pullups w/ 45 lb plate, etc.

I think I hit a wall because I burned my CNS out.

Maybe that's what's happening to you?

The program I did had the 1st day as a heavy day (high weight 5-8 reps), 2nd day as light day (lower weigh 12-14 reps), 3rd as an in between (8-12 reps). This was supposed to ensure that your CNS would not be totally fried, but to be honest I found the light day to be the hardest. Maybe it was the low calories or the cardio aspect but doing 4 sets of 14 reps of lighter squats made me dizzy and sick to the point of almost throwing up plenty of times, whereas 5x5 or 5x7 going heavy as less of a burden.

So the "easy" day was actually my hardest and I don't think I really got enough recovery time. Now I'm doing the 5-day "body part" type split people love to criticize but I'm seeing massive improvements so I iwll stick with it for at least another few weeks before trying something different.

What's the rest of your program looking like?
JOE: Yeah, that's not the type of split I'm on at all, but I think today was a case of CNS fatigue. I've done 4 or 5 day bodypart splits for years, and even though it's given me good results, it's tough to manage with my schedule. I found the 5 x 5 thing to be a good way to cut down the number of exercises I"m doing per bodypart while still making gains. I think you were so tired on your light day cause you were probably still going too heavy. Like if you just did squats at 315 for 4-6 reps, you probably did your sets of 14 at like 185 or 225 when you probably should have been lower on that day, like 135 or so. I'm just guessing numbers here though. I appreciate what you said about hitting a wall though. When I have clients on 5-3-1 or a 4 day split of 75, 85, and 90% lifts, I'll do a fall-back week within less than a month each time, so I might just need that.

tmay: Right now my split is Legs on day 1, Chest/Shoulders/Triceps on day 2, Back/Traps/Biceps on day 3. I try to keep 1 day of rest in between each workout most of the time or a minimum 2 days rest between days 3 and 1. For me I was way overtrained lifting 4-5 days a week and trying to fit alot of workouts in between and around training clients cause I go to work basically 2 - 3 times a day for anywhere from an hour to 8 hours at time. If your split is tiring you out you could go to something different or try going in waves, so you split it up into 4 training splits, but you only train 3 days in a 7 day cycle.
Yeah good call, that's exactly what I was doing wrong. I did not realize you were supposed to go so light, that makes a lot more sense.

I mean you know more than me about this sort of stuff being a trainer and all but for me a week off or just a week of going really light (literally 50% max on either volume or weight) does wonders. I usually come back a little bit stronger than before with more energy.

How is chest/shoulders on the same day going? I've heard about a lot of people doing you do like 3 sets each of flat bench, incline bench, military and then some tricep stuff? Or do you throw in flies, decline bench, shoulder raises, etc. too?
What do y'all do when you lose motivation? A few months ago you couldnt keep me out of the I only lift maybe 2 times a week. I'm still very active (play soccer or do cardio) and I'm active atleast 6 days a week but I dont have the drive to exercise or push myself in the gym. It's like I'm just going through the motions. The worst thing for me is that rather than cheating every 1-2 weeks, I've been cheating every 3-days. Help me NT before I turn into Kevin Federline.
Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

What do y'all do when you lose motivation? A few months ago you couldnt keep me out of the I only lift maybe 2 times a week. I'm still very active (play soccer or do cardio) and I'm active atleast 6 days a week but I dont have the drive to exercise or push myself in the gym. It's like I'm just going through the motions. The worst thing for me is that rather than cheating every 1-2 weeks, I've been cheating every 3-days. Help me NT before I turn into Kevin Federline.

I hold my breath until it hurts then slap myself while thinking about all the other people out there making it happen while i'm sitting around thinking about doing nothing. It gives me a good reality check.
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Yeah good call, that's exactly what I was doing wrong. I did not realize you were supposed to go so light, that makes a lot more sense.

I mean you know more than me about this sort of stuff being a trainer and all but for me a week off or just a week of going really light (literally 50% max on either volume or weight) does wonders. I usually come back a little bit stronger than before with more energy.

How is chest/shoulders on the same day going? I've heard about a lot of people doing you do like 3 sets each of flat bench, incline bench, military and then some tricep stuff? Or do you throw in flies, decline bench, shoulder raises, etc. too?
It's going fine. I don't do a whole lot for shoulders though.  On that day I do a chest press for 5 sets of 5, one week doing flat barbell, the next week doing incline dumbbell.  Then I'll move on to a military press or sometimes a seated barbell overhead press for 5 sets of 5, and then usually dips, or another pressing movement for like 3-4 sets of 8-12.  Then I'll finish with something high rep, like trying to finish 100 reps as quick as possible. Sometimes it's pushups, sometimes lateral dumbbell raises, sometimes tricep pressdowns, I just try to vary it.

It's fine for me because my shoulders are kind of naturally big, so if I do a ton of shoulder exercises they start to make my arms look smaller, so I just go for a heavy compound lift and then keep the it moving, but if my shoulders were a lagging bodypart I'd do them on their own day or just do more for them. 

Originally Posted by NjCollector

Daaaaaamn. Price of jack3d skyrocketed. From $27 to 47$ Anyone buy it for cheap online <30shipped?

Could have sworn I bought it on a week ago for around $30.
Large pause with an extra side of pause, but this thread got me scoping out body types to strive for. This lotrimin cat is built.
Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

What do y'all do when you lose motivation? A few months ago you couldnt keep me out of the I only lift maybe 2 times a week. I'm still very active (play soccer or do cardio) and I'm active atleast 6 days a week but I dont have the drive to exercise or push myself in the gym. It's like I'm just going through the motions. The worst thing for me is that rather than cheating every 1-2 weeks, I've been cheating every 3-days. Help me NT before I turn into Kevin Federline.
maybe this'll help..

I'm up to 160lbs
gained 15lbs in just a month and a half. Stopped playing basketball, no gym just eating like crazy, exercising at home. My goal is to gain 2lbs a week hopefully another 25 lbs by the end of summer. For what I eat I use this it works just fill it out and print your meal intake.
Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

What do y'all do when you lose motivation? A few months ago you couldnt keep me out of the I only lift maybe 2 times a week. I'm still very active (play soccer or do cardio) and I'm active atleast 6 days a week but I dont have the drive to exercise or push myself in the gym. It's like I'm just going through the motions. The worst thing for me is that rather than cheating every 1-2 weeks, I've been cheating every 3-days. Help me NT before I turn into Kevin Federline.
Try taking your training in a completely new direction and try different things like gymnastics, crossfit, olympic lifting, etc.
Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

What do y'all do when you lose motivation? A few months ago you couldnt keep me out of the I only lift maybe 2 times a week. I'm still very active (play soccer or do cardio) and I'm active atleast 6 days a week but I dont have the drive to exercise or push myself in the gym. It's like I'm just going through the motions. The worst thing for me is that rather than cheating every 1-2 weeks, I've been cheating every 3-days. Help me NT before I turn into Kevin Federline.
Try getting some poon? Dead'll be diddy boppin and lifting 10% more than you usually do. 
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