Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

How poorly did everyone eat this weekend?

I had to have eaten 10 hot dogs man. Goodness. Probably more this weekend than I have eaten in the last 2 years.

Originally Posted by DimSum9

anyone got suggestions for snacks/food to eat throughout the day? Something healthy and also easy on the go.
Raw Veggies (Celery, Carrots w/Hummus)
Nuts, Seeds

Plenty of stuff man.

I didnt even go to the bbq the 4th and ate 2 burgers and ODed on fries

healthy stuff is expensive
Healthy stuff is NOT expensive. If you have a local Ethnic Market in your area, fruits/veggie are very cheap. Only buy in season because the item will be much cheaper.

Just last night I bought:

4 Oranges
8 Peaches
6 Gala Apples
2 Green Peppers
10 LB POtatoes
2 Cucumbers
1 Stalk of Celery
1 Stalk of Romaine

Around $18

If you shop at WHOLE FOODS, yea it will be expensive. But shop at markets
Theres a lot of fruit in season here in FL right now. def. going to hit them little food markets, but by expensive I meant buying food out instead of making at home. I sometimes dont have time to make something to take for work (I work evenings) and my mais cooking is great but not always healthy. Wendys has several new salads out that I might try.

Are potatoes, my favorite vegetable, really bad for you? Fried and full of topping is obviously bad but I heard they elavate a whole bunch of stuff
You always have time to make something to take to work. You just chose not to use your free time to do it. Wake up 30 mins earlier. Make the food at night while you are watching tv. There is always enough time, you just chose to spend that time doing something. Make enough food one day that will last you for a new work nights. It is possible. I woke up early every morning to pack my lunch/snacks. It isn't hard and once you get your system together, it will be like clockwork.

When I make potatoes, I usually roast them in the oven with garlic, olive oil, salt, pepper, and rosemary. Of course if you fry them they will be bad for you.
Damn this some nice page of information. I'm trying to run I get tired very easily any tips?
Keep running. The only way to get better at running is to run. The more you do it, the more your stamina will increase.
What are you currently doing? Pace, distance, indoors, outside? Time of day? How often
DC, do you follow that "dont eat after ______ o' clock rule"?
Or do you eat at all times of the day just as long as its healthy?
i thought i had fully recovered from my hip sprain 3-4 months ago, since i had regained full flexibility so i felt it was safe to squat again... 1st set fine, 2nd set fine... 3rd set felt a slight pain. worried so i stopped.

well went to sleep, woke up the next day with a sharp pain in the hip i thought had healed.

pretty bad now, can't squat or deadlift, basically cant do any exercise where i have to drop my hips or ill feel a sharp pain.

its getting better though. ill see if i can go visit a physical therapist next week.

hate this feeling. honestly feel like i havent grown at all anywhere since this injury without the squats and deadlifts.

i guess ill stick to stiff legged deads and leg extensions for the next feel months

all i can say is... warm-up, stretch, and prioritize good form.oh and never work through an injury, not worth it.
Originally Posted by Diego

DC, do you follow that "dont eat after ______ o' clock rule"?
Or do you eat at all times of the day just as long as its healthy?
Some people can study a night before the exam while others need to spend a week. I eat whenever I want. If it is late, I might just drink water until I am full or eat something good for me. But there have been times I have eaten junk after hours, but that is very rare.
Here's my take on eating and work:
When I eat, I like to eat a lot. After I eat, I don't want to do any work. So, when I go to work, I just fast. It keeps me focused and I don't have to worry about preparing food, heating it up, etc. I don't feel obligated to eat at a specific time. I can usually push it back for a little while. Plus, in the evenings, you have company, no worries, etc. It just makes it more relaxing and enjoyable to eat in the evening.
Its about that time.. my ON Whey is running low.. Its time to restock..

I need/plan on getting:
1. ON Whey Vanilla (Is it a good flavor? I normally buy Double Rich Chocolate, but the shake recipes are extremely limited..)
2. Jack3d (Is this recommended? How does it work? What does it do?)
3. A Multivitamin (Which one is best for getting lean/adding on muscle mass?)
4. Anything else you thing I should check out? (Based on my goals below, what would you recommend?)

My Goals:
1. Get as Lean as possible.
2. I'm at 158-160lbs right now, I think I can drop to 150 lbsto get more lean, then gain back 10-15lbs of muscle mass.. Is it possible/recommended?


alright. I am more motivated as ever. Just made a bet with the girl. Either I get to 10% bf or she loses 20 lbs first. Loser buys dinner at winners choice.....and dessert as well.
Haha, good stuff. But damn, you barely get ANY calories in. Especially for your weight. No wonder why you got so cut. Crazy....
Originally Posted by itzkin

Damn this some nice page of information. I'm trying to run I get tired very easily any tips?

I would take it easy especially if you're fresh outta shape. 1st couple days, get some EASY mileage, perhaps 20-40 minutes worth. Stretch, warm up,  and cool down always.

illest- what was your before and after weight?
Originally Posted by Chicagos Finest 23

Just ordered Jack3d for 20$, hope its good
I know three people that take it, and they absolutely love it. They say that it makes your workouts WAY more productive, fun, more energy, great pump etc.
So I doubt that your going to be disappointed.
I found it for 20$ no tax free shipping with Prime on Amazon, or buy something that's 5$ to make it 25$ and get free shipping. Just search for Jack3d it should be the first one
Originally Posted by DimSum9

Originally Posted by itzkin

Damn this some nice page of information. I'm trying to run I get tired very easily any tips?

I would take it easy especially if you're fresh outta shape. 1st couple days, get some EASY mileage, perhaps 20-40 minutes worth. Stretch, warm up,  and cool down always.

illest- what was your before and after weight?
He said 195 to 180 in the previous page.

On a personal note, I was 145 in mid-April then got to 150 by the end of May. Then I started to change up my whole diet/workout routine and I'm currently weighing in at 160-161. Hopefully I can hit 180 by the end of the year. I'm 6'0 by the way.
Originally Posted by GrimlocK

Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by PanaRicanRetro

Originally Posted by GrimlocK

can some people school me on creatine:

1. Would it be alright if I took it for 3 months and then cycled off?
2. What is the best way to load creatine (how many grams, do I do it with dextrose or gatorade, is it even necessary?)
3. What is the best brand of creatine? I've read that it causes bloating and other effects...are there any brands that don't cause side effects?
4. How do I cycle off of it?
5. Would it be beneficial to take this during a strength training program?

1. Yes
2. Don't need to load it.  If you're just taking creatine monohydrate you CAN load it by taking a double-dose on training days, but I don't think it actually makes a difference
3. Most are relatively the same but Optimum Nutrition creatine has always gotten good reviews.  It may cause bloating.  I take Kre-Alkalyn because I don't get bloating/indigestion from it.  There aren't any other side effects.
4. Just stop taking it for a month or 2
5. Yes
Agreed on all points.  Ive had good experiences with a typical GNC monohydrate.  Theyre all basically the same thing.

Remember to take it with a form of sugar.
Dope. Just another couple questions

- Can I take it with Dextrose or is there a better form of sugar to take it with
- Do I take creatine pre workout or post workout or does it even matter?
1. Any cycle is fine and as a matter of fact there is nothing out there that says you have to cycle it... the only reasons why I cycle it is because I don't want my body to stop producing it's regular amounts of creatine and because you see the biggest results when you get back on it.
2. Loading is not necessary it's just for quicker results, you should do 20 gram ea. day for the first week but spread out into 4 servings (so 5g ea. time).
3. idk much about brands but i take pure creatine monohydrate from labrada.. it's real good.
4. To cycle off you just stop for a while.. some people do like 2 on 1 off and others just dont cycle
5. yeah

another tip is taking creatine with something like grape juice because it spikes up your insulin levels and helps you store the creatine better...

also it doesnt matter if you take it before or after your workout.. In my case i just take it like 30 mins. before I workout than a protien shake after.

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