STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Damn team rocket.

And since we posting receipts in this ***, I get low too, word to Lil Jon.

(I just took this as part of my end of year progress checks.)
With Josh retired, you're my new NikeTalk Gym Rival. Imma call you Ash.

What's your weight class gonna be, Ash? How long you been paying the Iron Price? What's your best of the Big 3 lifts?

And since we're sworn enemies now, a belated Merry Chrimuh and Happy New Yerr.

I'll see you on the battlefield. Smell you later, Ketchum.
Thank God, I've been lifting at corporate gyms the past few years and finding actual arch nemeses has been difficult.

Most people are ego lifters and I inadvertently befriend all the strong people. Need some fuel for the fire from time to time to keep things in perspective.

I've been lifting 15 years and have bounced between bodybuilding/powerlifting splits mostly in the past few years.

Been 190-200 the past couple years, not tracking any intakes but eating relatively clean/what/whenever I want.

Competing at 198 so I don't have to sweat about cutting my first meet.

S: 385
B: 250 (didn't train with a barbell for the last 4-5 years, always preferred DBs so im having to adapt/relearn cues)
DL: 425 (years and years ago, just getting back into training it consistently since I used to squat so much (and overtrain in general) and needed to preserve my CNS)

Technique is going to be the big focus for DL/bench since I know the strength is there.

When's your next meet?
met my oldest nephew for the first time during our semi-grand family reunion during Christmas Vacation. just learned he's into weights and just started 6 months prior. was suppose to give him 2 basketball shoes but learning that he's into weights, I decided to give him my other pair of Metcon 6 PRM since he saw them and liked when I wore them. tried them on and loved them. anyways, he is lean as hell as he is still a teenager (16 years old). it's good to be young. he is doing 3X3 in all of his routines for now doing 220. yup he could carry me for awhile. not bad at all. anyways, going to the washed up thread for now til I do my restart this year.
Good cardio. And you can play more games a week than normal contact football.

It looks like there are go hards in some of these leagues. :lol:Calm down Uncle Rico.

ALso considering MMA for leisurely fitness. Any ideas for beginners?
Check out BJJ instead of mma. Very welcoming to beginners and you’ll get in great shape if you stick with a few times a week
Thank God, I've been lifting at corporate gyms the past few years and finding actual arch nemeses has been difficult.

Most people are ego lifters and I inadvertently befriend all the strong people. Need some fuel for the fire from time to time to keep things in perspective.

I've been lifting 15 years and have bounced between bodybuilding/powerlifting splits mostly in the past few years.

Been 190-200 the past couple years, not tracking any intakes but eating relatively clean/what/whenever I want.

Competing at 198 so I don't have to sweat about cutting my first meet.

S: 385
B: 250 (didn't train with a barbell for the last 4-5 years, always preferred DBs so im having to adapt/relearn cues)
DL: 425 (years and years ago, just getting back into training it consistently since I used to squat so much (and overtrain in general) and needed to preserve my CNS)

Technique is going to be the big focus for DL/bench since I know the strength is there.

When's your next meet?

I know what you mean mane.

Most non-legit people are "intimidated" or "scared" of strong/ripped/brolic/whatever folks in the gym. Sometimes to the point that they'd rather fail a lift than ask for help or a spot.

Most folks at the gyms I see are either:
  • ego lifting
  • going through the motions
  • there to meet guys/girls
  • IG/social media whores
  • the fats that finally managed to drag themselves off the eating couch
  • preteens whose parents use the gym as a substitute babysitter
  • or old folks that realized they shoulda been active all along far too late
Probably less than 15% of these folks are actually legit, Ash.

We got a private gym at the squadron and folks will still not workout.

Anywho, I'm currently sitting between the 198 and 220 classes. If I'm undereating I'll cut water down to 198. If I've been eating Whataburger everyday, I'll enter at the low end of 220.

Been lifting since Aug of 2015.

Lifetime raw with wraps total - S/B/D PRs:
1,485 @ 205 - 525/325/635

Next meet either in April or August, depending on what my boy signs up for.
Catch you later.
I know what you mean mane.

Most non-legit people are "intimidated" or "scared" of strong/ripped/brolic/whatever folks in the gym. Sometimes to the point that they'd rather fail a lift than ask for help or a spot.

Most folks at the gyms I see are either:
  • ego lifting
  • going through the motions
  • there to meet guys/girls
  • IG/social media whores
  • the fats that finally managed to drag themselves off the eating couch
  • preteens whose parents use the gym as a substitute babysitter
  • or old folks that realized they shoulda been active all along far too late
Probably less than 15% of these folks are actually legit, Ash.

We got a private gym at the squadron and folks will still not workout.

Anywho, I'm currently sitting between the 198 and 220 classes. If I'm undereating I'll cut water down to 198. If I've been eating Whataburger everyday, I'll enter at the low end of 220.

Been lifting since Aug of 2015.

Lifetime raw with wraps total - S/B/D PRs:
1,485 @ 205 - 525/325/635

Next meet either in April or August, depending on what my boy signs up for.
Catch you later.
Nice man, I've seen you move some weight in the past on this thread.

I agree on your analysis of gym goers and I have yet to find a solution, short of building a home gym (not really an option where I'm at currently).

I prefer strength-based gyms (powerlifting, strongman, old-school bodybuilding style setups), but the closest one is a solid 40 minutes each way and my schedule doesn't really allow that. Right now, I'm lifting most days a week for 1 hour on the weekdays and 1.5-2 on the weekends.

Part of me thinks about leasing some warehouse within a mile of my place and opening a local invite only gym with 24/7 keycard access. Buy nice bars, bunch of horsemats/power racks, Rogue adjustable benches, old, rusty *** York/Standard Barbell plates and Irongrip DBs 5-150 lbs. And maybe 1 cable tower + attachments... So only like $10-15k + the lease...

Find like 50-100 people that I like enough locally to give them access. Charge them $25-50/month and that would cover the lease. Put up cameras and enforce curling in the squat rack/not reracking with an instaban.

The issue would be insurance/liability. And start up costs. And finding 50-100 people I like enough.
i've found the stronger they are, the nicer they are.

the douchebags are usually the scrubs wearing a stringer or wife beater with 3 inch arms.
I definitely agree, most strong people have to struggle pretty hard to get where they're at and recognize others who (aspire to) do the same. Aside from a few cocky dudes here and there, the strongest dudes/women are the ones who will take time out of their day to help you/answer questions.

On another note, I hit DLs today and 405 moved faster than it ever has. Been feeling like dog**** from eating like crap the past week traveling for the holidays and dropped 5 lbs since leaving, but the program called for 1RM. Went for 435 after and flexed the bar, but couldn't pop it off the ground.

Did 3 sets of beltless deficits after off 2 bumpers (135x11, 225x11, 315x5). Hook is feeling good, just think my lats and back were not down for a PR. Gonna rest this week and hit speed work this weekend with my buddy.
I know what you mean mane.

Most non-legit people are "intimidated" or "scared" of strong/ripped/brolic/whatever folks in the gym. Sometimes to the point that they'd rather fail a lift than ask for help or a spot.

Most folks at the gyms I see are either:
  • ego lifting
  • going through the motions
  • there to meet guys/girls
  • IG/social media whores
  • the fats that finally managed to drag themselves off the eating couch
  • preteens whose parents use the gym as a substitute babysitter
  • or old folks that realized they shoulda been active all along far too late
Probably less than 15% of these folks are actually legit, Ash.

We got a private gym at the squadron and folks will still not workout.

Anywho, I'm currently sitting between the 198 and 220 classes. If I'm undereating I'll cut water down to 198. If I've been eating Whataburger everyday, I'll enter at the low end of 220.

Been lifting since Aug of 2015.

Lifetime raw with wraps total - S/B/D PRs:
1,485 @ 205 - 525/325/635

Next meet either in April or August, depending on what my boy signs up for.
Catch you later.
It was always interesting seeing people that go to the gym consistently but show no progress of any kind. I know everyone has diff goals but if someone is regularly going to the gym and doesn't even look diff, it's weird to me. I be thinking why do you even go?

I still remember when this personal trainer at this one gym I used to go to asked me how long I been training for. At the time it was just under two yrs, and he tripped tf out cuz I had two wheels on ohp lol. Told him I'm half man half gorilla 🦍
anyone got some solid advice for losing belly fat and toning more. I don’t want a 8 back but I ate too many tacos 2022 and I want to shred

Eat less calories than you burn. That's the answer. There is no magic diet.

How much calories SHOULD you eat? Depends entirely on your lifestyle, height and weight and activity level.

The fat you burn last is typically the first place you store it. For many dudes that's in the belly and love handles area. Get comfortable eating uncomfortable foods and stay consistent.
Eat less calories than you burn. That's the answer. There is no magic diet.

How much calories SHOULD you eat? Depends entirely on your lifestyle, height and weight and activity level.

The fat you burn last is typically the first place you store it. For many dudes that's in the belly and love handles area. Get comfortable eating uncomfortable foods and stay consistent.

to add, increase your protein intake and try to build more more/maintain muscle by resistance/strength training…but you will most likely need to be in a pretty serious caloric deficit in order to lose the most stubborn areas of body fat,

*edit* because muscle is metabolically expensive likely you will lose some muscle if you just decrease calories without prioritizing increasing protein & do some sort of activity that places some demand on your body to at least keep the muscle it already has
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Will creatine prices ever come back down? :ohwell: Absolutely bizarre how cheap it was pre-covid compared to now.

could be supply chain issues, plus it seems, at least for business to business, is more expensive to ship…

i usually only do singles when i deadlift heavy, i’m usually fried after the 1st rep & can’t get a good grip on the bar so i switched up to the trap bar & hit 495 for a couple doubles & the once for 3,

in related news checked in @ 240lbs 😬 to start the new year, which likely explains why i been more consistent on the heavy lifting as of late but struggling with my max jumps, time for a cut i guess

was maintaining @ <210 most of last year lowest was 206 trying get sub 200 for this year, it will make backflips easier on the old joints 😅

Fat Free cheese is my new favorite protein source.

1 serving (28g) = 45 calories, 9g protein


1 cup Egg Beaters - 125 cal, 25g protein
1 whole egg - 80 cal, 7g protein
56 g FatFree Mozarella cheese - 90 cal, 18g protein

Totals: 295cal, 50g protein


Also comes in cheddar with the same macros. Don't sleep of FF cheese.
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