Teen commits suicide on webcam as others watch

I'm pretty sure badnfluenz was on here maybe a year ago saying that he was about to kill himself and NT'ers did the same thing as those other people.
Originally Posted by DG Kyrk 33

I'm pretty sure badnfluenz was on here maybe a year ago saying that he was about to kill himself and NT'ers did the same thing as those other people.
yep. only difference was that there was no live feed & that dude didnt go through with it. I think that if someone posted a live feed of thesuicide on NT, dudes would realize that its serious & would alert the proper authorities.
Originally Posted by CWrite78

Originally Posted by ThiPham

shows how ignorant people are, thinking a joke cant turn into something serious... makes you feel like an #@! to whoever encourage him to take more...

dude was going to do it whether they egged him on or not.
still u think u feel good for encouraging someone to kill themself that aint coo, either said nothing or help him
The people should have atleast said something, i didnt read about any comments being made telling the dude to stop what he was doing....
They on some "Saw" status, not killing,but letting the person kill themselves...
Originally Posted by fiendxxx

The people should have atleast said something, i didnt read about any comments being made telling the dude to stop what he was doing....
They on some "Saw" status, not killing,but letting the person kill themselves...
the people that watched it are not culpable in any way shape or form. for all you guys saying that they should have done something.
if you saw some dude getting jumped would you try to stop it, what if he was threatened at gunpoint? knifepoint?
hes getting all the attention he could have wanted out of this. youre fueling his ultimate desire for worldwide "fame"
Originally Posted by WallyHopp

hes getting all the attention he could have wanted out of this. youre fueling his ultimate desire for worldwide "fame"
He failed cause he can't see it.

But that sucks, how could dude off himself.
Originally Posted by Kicktionair

Originally Posted by WallyHopp

hes getting all the attention he could have wanted out of this. youre fueling his ultimate desire for worldwide "fame"
He failed cause he can't see it.

But that sucks, how could dude off himself.

If you read the note his sister wrote on the first page, you see that he had a serious illness. It wasn't a suprise to his family either, because he hadattempted suicide a couple time before. He was getting help for his illness but it just got the best of him.
Originally Posted by MyJaysGetRocked

Originally Posted by Kicktionair

Originally Posted by WallyHopp

hes getting all the attention he could have wanted out of this. youre fueling his ultimate desire for worldwide "fame"
He failed cause he can't see it.

But that sucks, how could dude off himself.

If you read the note his sister wrote on the first page, you see that he had a serious illness. It wasn't a suprise to his family either, because he had attempted suicide a couple time before. He was getting help for his illness but it just got the best of him.
That sucks I thought dudes made fun of him in thebodybuilding website or something... cause the link is dead.

Guess the medicine couldn't even help him
Originally Posted by bdis1986

he lived down the street from me here in pembroke pines



just watched our local newscast and the parents seemed emotionless


Just leave it alone...you have no idea what theyve been through or how they feel.
Originally Posted by Kicktionair

Originally Posted by MyJaysGetRocked

Originally Posted by Kicktionair

Originally Posted by WallyHopp

hes getting all the attention he could have wanted out of this. youre fueling his ultimate desire for worldwide "fame"
He failed cause he can't see it.

But that sucks, how could dude off himself.

If you read the note his sister wrote on the first page, you see that he had a serious illness. It wasn't a suprise to his family either, because he had attempted suicide a couple time before. He was getting help for his illness but it just got the best of him.
That sucks I thought dudes made fun of him in the bodybuilding website or something... cause the link is dead.

Guess the medicine couldn't even help him

They were. According to them, he was a attention %%@@# so nobody really took him serious. I guess he had said he was going to commit suicide before on thatsite, so I guess that's why people didn't believe him this time. I think the news about him having this illness is new, because a couple days ago therewas no reports or anything. I really feel sorry for him if this info is true, cause 19 is a young age to pass away, especially the way he did.
a guy with an illness should not be allowed access to a computer like that i would feel from a family standpoint. I would be on guard with my relatives if theywere prone to do stupid stuff.. He was easily persuaded. If it didnt happen with people he barely knew and ONLINE mind you, and as fragile of a mind he had, itcouldve been much worse in real life... dude gets fired from a job and instead of taking his own life, gets frustrated and kills his boss.

i mean the family knew he was sick yet i just dont feel he was properly taken care of. maybe he hid it well
Originally Posted by WallyHopp

a guy with an illness should not be allowed access to a computer like that i would feel from a family standpoint. I would be on guard with my relatives if they were prone to do stupid stuff.. He was easily persuaded. If it didnt happen with people he barely knew and ONLINE mind you, and as fragile of a mind he had, it couldve been much worse in real life... dude gets fired from a job and instead of taking his own life, gets frustrated and kills his boss.

i mean the family knew he was sick yet i just dont feel he was properly taken care of. maybe he hid it well
Yea, I hear what you're saying. The only thing is, he wasn't "sick" all the time. He would have days just like normal people,but then he also had his bad days. I def. would have kept a stronger guard on him, but there is possibly more than we know about his illness.
So sad...I read about this the other day and heard he faked it. Really terrible to find out its true
Even though I think suicide is weak way to go out Ikinda feel for the dude...SMH at people who would watch this sort of thing
yeah I saw that post. Dudes on the misc. Are some grimey dudes real talk. More than half those cats don't even lift to me. Rip to candyjunkie.
I actually went to the ********* website to see what the hell it was all about. It's a miracle he managed to pull it off. Every single chat has like 5admins and 10 Mods. I got banned (yes, BANNED) from one room just because I said the ditzy blonde staring blankly at the webcam was about as exciting as paintdrying. How he managed to kill himself with THAT MUCH gestapo watching is beyond me.
Originally Posted by TNTRMSKD

I actually went to the ********* website to see what the hell it was all about. It's a miracle he managed to pull it off. Every single chat has like 5 admins and 10 Mods. I got banned (yes, BANNED) from one room just because I said the ditzy blonde staring blankly at the webcam was about as exciting as paint drying. How he managed to kill himself with THAT MUCH gestapo watching is beyond me.
YOu going to hell dude
Originally Posted by areyouin729

Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

Originally Posted by thagreatj

Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

That is disgusting...the people who watched should be prosecuted.

i dunno...i don't have sympathy for people who take their own life.
It's not always that simple yo, some people are mentally ill

He said his son, who attended Broward Community College and wanted to be a paramedic, had bipolar disorder and was being treated for depression.

WHAT? prosecuted for what? they didnt do anything. im not sayin i dont feel for the guy, and wish he got the help he needed, but He took his OWN life.
Exactly. They didn't do anything. Even if somebody is killing themselves it should be illegal to let them. What sense does it make for somebody to sit down and watch this?

no they shouldnt. If he had posted that thread on NT, people would have done the exact same things; egging him on, saying it wasnt enough to kill him, doubting that he was being serious.

But eh one difference would be that i think the Mods here would alert the authorities as soon as they saw the live feed. well at least now they will if this occurs in the future
A thread is understandable, I'm talking about the people who actually watched him go through with it.

your views are how people like Hitler and Castro came to power

Really? You comprehended my views that extensively over the span of two posts to come to the conclusion that is how dictators came to power intheir totalitarian governments? OK

It's not that serious.

I think saying it should be illegal may be a strong choice of word, but it's still not right to watch. To me watching someone kill themselves is stillwatching a murder, I mean does the first amendment protect a citizens rights to watch someone commit suicide?
i got bi polar and depression but i would never go out like that. People need to relise some one has to be so low to kill them self's its hard to say he isa coward when you haven't been through what that guy has RIP.
i frequent on the bb.com forums some of the guys over there are really immature they have too many mods for some of the stuff that goes on
I just clicked on page 3 to see if this was true, I thought the video was on page 1 or something, I'm good on seeing that
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