The NBA Draft Thread

Wall was dope but not as impressive as rose to me. Just from the eye test lonzo is one of the dirtiest ****** I've ever seen. Only thing not to like is his shot mechanics but even still his release is quick as ****. He just has this certain je ne sais quoi..this confidence and decisiveness that SCREAMS superstar to me.
Only seen highlights but I'm sold on ball. Bruh has hella game. I want to dislike him because of that ugly as jumper but I can't..Kid is nice as hell. He just jumps off the screen. For me personally I haven't seen a PG prospect as exciting/electric since D rose
What are your thoughts on this-

@RobDauster Fun stat: Lonzo Ball has 96 FGs this season. He's hit 46 threes and 49 twos at the rim. He has one FG that's not a three, layup or dunk.
Dgaf. The fact that people harp on his midrange says they are having a hard time finding things to criticize. It seems more a function of him not taking them rather than not being able to. Also for a long time harden had no in between game, seen him malfunction a few times when he's run off the line and the lane is clogged. I see it as something he'll either work on or around
After last night, I'm officially okay saying I think Issac is head-and-shoulders the 2nd best prospect after Fultz.

That size/fluidity doesn't come around often. You see when his shot is falling how effortless the buckets look for him. And he's only 19 and he can shoot, so his shot will just keep getting better.

I think this is a good draft and there are a lot of guys who will have very good careers but there are a lot of guys who are tricky to peg and have a glaring flaw.

Like Josh Jackson is great but I don't think him or even Fox will ever evolve into competent shooters and its hard to put those guys on the court in today's NBA.

Don't see how he's head and shoulders over the other guys around him, his handles not NBA level right now and is overly reliant on his jumper which is good but not great.

he's obviosuly got a lot of potential, but so does, Ball, Fox, Tatum, ext.

Personally I like him better than Monk, Tatum, but the rest seem like hair splitting.
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Is Fultz the best PG prospect we've had since... i don't even know. The last 20 years?

Better vision than Kyrie, comparable/better shooter, and bigger.

Much bigger than Paul, comparable shooter & TWO years younger.

Younger, better shooter than D Will.

The gap between his shooting ability compared to Wall/Rose is much wider than the athletic gap.

Going back even further, he's much bigger than Iverson & a much better shooter.

Much better shooter than Kidd.

I mean this is wild coming from an 18 year old.
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This is the first highlight I've seen of him and it looks like his length is his only advantage. He doesn't seem like he's great at anything and seems to be moving a little slow. I personally don't see it either (JUST based off of this game)
Last night's game-

Looks like he has Ingram's game with the body of Porzingis.

I can see the high potential in this kid, but just like Porzingis, his floor is also quite low.

Reading some of the scouting reports, it seems like his major flaw is his lack of strength which isn't really a problem once they hit the NBA with world class facilities and world class trainers.

What I would like to see from him is a bit more of a post up game or at least showcase an ability to score within the paint.

I see a lot of pull-ups and step-backs which is nice, but what happens when your shots aren't falling?

Again, he is a high ceiling low floor type of player.
Chris Paul/Derrick Rose remain the two best PG prospects of the past twenty years (key word prospects).

And Osh, reason Issac as having a higher season is because the kid is pretty much 7'0. He projects to possibly be able to guard 1-5 at times when fills out. Plus if a kid is that size and has a reliable jumper at 19, I'll take my money on it being very good as he gets older.

When it doubt, I always take the bigger guy because a 6'11 guy will usually always have more value than a 6'1 guy.

As for his handles, I'd agree their not the greatest but its not like he can't dribble for a guy his height.

His flaws seem the most correctable to me compared to everyone else's. Tatum is a bit of a tweener, Monk is really tiny for a two-guard, Fox has ZERO jumper, same with Josh Jackson (and that's the biggest red flag you can have in the league today).

I'm not saying he's a flawless prospect but to me, his gaps are way more minor/correctable than anyone else's. His two-way value seems undeniable to me.
Pretty much. Isaac and Jackson.....outside of Fultz....seem like the players with the most correctable flaws....and games that will translate.

That defensive play by Isaac at 1:50 of that video against ND flashes his defensive value, awareness, instincts and ability.

He cuts the driver off in the lane. Forces the pass to the corner. Then recovers quickly for a big time block. Not many 6'11 guys can do that.

Josh Jackson's jumper is correctable. His athleticism and awareness is off the charts. Dude just knows how to play basketball.

I think Jackson will improve as a respectable shooter. I mean....he just needs to be a guy that can shoot about 33-35% from 3 to reach his ceiling.

His handle has improved a lot in a short time.

1. Fultz
2. Jackson
3. Isaac

That's how I'd rank the top 3 prospects.
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Is Fultz the best PG prospect we've had since... i don't even know. The last 20 years?

Better vision than Kyrie, comparable/better shooter, and bigger.

Much bigger than Paul, comparable shooter & TWO years younger.

Younger, better shooter than D Will.

The gap between his shooting ability compared to Wall/Rose is much wider than the athletic gap.

Going back even further, he's much bigger than Iverson & a much better shooter.

Much better shooter than Kidd.

I mean this is wild coming from an 18 year old.
I would still go with D rose , coming into the draft he was seen as a monster, his combo of size/speed / athleticism was and still is rare ...and the way he finished out his season in college combined with his age at the time had scouts drooling
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I love Jackson's feel for the game but he has a small wingspan to be a 4 which is where I think he has the most value. Plus I'm not all that sure his shooting is correctable.

But I generally agree with Osh, this is one of those draft where the best player could come from anywhere potentially. The lottery is deep this year.
Right now, Isaac actually kind of reminds me of Otto Porter but with more upside and a much higher ceiling. Has better measurables as well. Their ability to play within the offense and be efficient as a 3/4 is very similar though, IMO.

I see this based of the highlights looking like a high end role player
I love Jackson's feel for the game but he has a small wingspan to be a 4 which is where I think he has the most value. Plus I'm not all that sure his shooting is correctable.
Definitely don't see him as a 4 in the league, other than momentarily in small ball lineups. He's playing the 4 at Kansas out of necessity. Seems like a prototypical small forward to me.
He will play the three but he's not a good enough shooter and i'm not sure he'll ever be to have longterm success at that position.

He is a lot like Justice who also is a three but no surprise, is most successful when he is playing the 4.
I would still go with D rose , coming into the draft he was seen as a monster, his combo of size/speed / athleticism was and still is rare ...and the way he finished out his season in college combined with his age at the time had scouts drooling
Yes rose was a freak, definitely a notch above wall as an athlete and I have him a hair above russ
Yea and this was coming INTO the league, no years of delevopment took a lil time for Russ to be the monster he is now and Wall is stronger n gained like 10-15 lbs since he was drafted
OG Anunoby out for the season. Draft Express has been high on him, having him around #10 for a while, but he didn't play particularly well this season. Not sure if he should enter draft or stay at IU for another year...
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OG Anunoby out for the season. Draft Express has been high on him, having him around #10 for a while, but he didn't play particularly well this season. Not sure if he should enter draft or stay at IU for another year...
if he's gonna be healthy by draft time enter , he's gettin draft luv based off his age n potential /athleticism ...he's only gon get older n show more holes in his game
josh jackson's shooting is what worries me. He's shooting poorly from deep and more alarmingly, from the free throw line. 
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