The NY Times Made Ninjahood's Argument for Him (Since We Disagree With "His Point")

Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by Dagrandesoda

I don't speak dominican spanish so I have no idea what that video is saying.
sounds like you just can't speak spanish from a hispanic like me, stop telling me what you think i am and IM telling you what i am.
spanish is limited, but im fluent in ebonics.
Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by AKA LONGSTROKE

Originally Posted by ninjahood

i assure you, no one calls me that

But I bet that your friends call you the N Word, don't they?

I'd bet that you don't mind that at all, do you?

It's cool, right?
when you see videos like this

whatever you thought you were gonna imply on me goes out da window with da N word ( which hasn't meant nothing thanks to da difusement of da word thru da popularity of hiphop)
No matter how diffused you think the word has become, no White man can walk up to a brother this day and age, then utter the term without repercussions.

The problem with you is that you rather be called that word, than to be called Black.

So when you see MODERN signs like this,

Do you feel that this is an invitation to you, or rejection?

If you are rejected from a community like this, would you claim racism?

If so, what race would you claim?

If it were in any other context you would be calling dudes Uncle Toms for shunning their real ancestors and adopting those who enslaved them. It's a complex issue, though.
Originally Posted by Dagrandesoda

Originally Posted by All Ready

funny because i'm on the complete opposite end of the spectrum

i'm black but people think i'm dominican or puerto rican for some reason

hispanic people constantly walk up to me speaking spanish

and in dr there was the sugar cane massacre where if you were dark or didn't pronounce 'sugar cane' correctly you were murdered pretty much forcing the people there to identify more with their 'lighter side'

dark skinned dominicans and hatians were killed from my understanding

i'm sure someone on here knows more about that situation than i do and can shed more light on that

Don't pay attention to Ninjahood's lack of knowledge of his own country. Racism is still living strong in DR. The lighter DR residents diff live better than the darker ones. The amount of racism in that country is disgusting.

i just came from DR in november...doesn't matter what color you are, are all about who's got that green...want proof?

here's a pic of some adorable little neighborhood girls from Bonao who are all poor...


now what?
Originally Posted by Dagrandesoda

Not sure how you want me to capture the racism from light skin dominicans to dark skin ones.

But I'll try using your logic.

Uploaded with
that light skinned girl thats in my picture lives in a house that looks just like that...try again.

probably never been to da Dominican Republic in your life

el cibao got light skinned dominicans with green eyes begging on da side of da road just like da capital got fair skinned and darked skinned panhandling just da same..poverty knows no discrimination in a 3rd world country.

stop reaching b, you sounding more and more clueless as you type. hispanic racism in DR?
yea....bottom line duke is da United States race problems are pretty much small potatoes when you got people worrying about what they gonna eat tomorrow.

my skin color has never been a issue in my hispanic culture...what else are you gonna try to do to "force me" into that box i refuse to be put into?
Originally Posted by Snapple Apple

Race is a social construct. It relies mainly on the color of your skin and other physical attributes.

We tend to see Mariah Carey (a mixed woman) as white while viewing Barack Obama as black. This is due to their physical appearance.

Technically, Ninjahood is a Black Dominican.

I say people stop getting so upset about these man made social constructs used to divide and control people. As more and more people engage in interracial relationships, more people will be born that defy racial categories. I think America needs to re-invent the race wheel to include a broader makeup of people. Not everything is simply black or white anymore....and it really has never been (except to those Europeans).
these are the kind of guys that want to say Drake is only half black, just to say he is exploiting his blackness for profit
they say Dominicans are black, just so they can then say they are denying it.

they want to tell mixed people they're black, but if they join a black discussion they are quick to remind them they're not fully black

talk about being "conveniently black" 
Too much ignorance on this thread, surprised is not locked yet

I like calling Haitians French people
Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by Dagrandesoda

Originally Posted by All Ready

funny because i'm on the complete opposite end of the spectrum

i'm black but people think i'm dominican or puerto rican for some reason

hispanic people constantly walk up to me speaking spanish

and in dr there was the sugar cane massacre where if you were dark or didn't pronounce 'sugar cane' correctly you were murdered pretty much forcing the people there to identify more with their 'lighter side'

dark skinned dominicans and hatians were killed from my understanding

i'm sure someone on here knows more about that situation than i do and can shed more light on that

Don't pay attention to Ninjahood's lack of knowledge of his own country. Racism is still living strong in DR. The lighter DR residents diff live better than the darker ones. The amount of racism in that country is disgusting.

i just came from DR in november...doesn't matter what color you are, are all about who's got that green...want proof?

here's a pic of some adorable little neighborhood girls from Bonao who are all poor...


now what?
they're so adorable
Este tipo esta pasado. Nosotros Los dominicanos somos una mescla y venimos en todo colores. Pero tu eres un Negrito loco y eso significa ke Algien en tu familia era africano.
The mods wont lock this thread, because they find it funny to take shots at ninjahood.

Half these dudes who aint even Hispanic got the nerve to say a cat from another race whose family's first language is spanish trying to tell him what he is.

I aint never heard someone call the blackest Dominican in the hood "afro Dominican"

Yall cats lost yalls mind......

So im guessing My white skinned fam with color eyes and brown hair from the DR is white ? but somehow they know spanish also right ? while my 2nd cousins who are dark brown
skin are black right ?

Yall is corny and wack.... Im tired of this debate. I think the mods need to grow up and curve this thread.
Originally Posted by polorico

The mods wont lock this thread, because they find it funny to take shots at ninjahood.

Half these dudes who aint even Hispanic got the nerve to say a cat from another race whose family's first language is spanish trying to tell him what he is.

I aint never heard someone call the blackest Dominican in the hood "afro Dominican"

Yall cats lost yalls mind......

So im guessing My white skinned fam with color eyes and brown hair from the DR is white ? but somehow they know spanish also right ? while my 2nd cousins who are dark brown
skin are black right ?

Yall is corny and wack.... Im tired of this debate. I think the mods need to grow up and curve this thread.

 At your whole post
Do you really think the mods have some kind of anti-hispanic agenda 

Your "white-skinned" cousins who speak spanish are white. "White skin" comes from Europe 

Your dark brown skin cousin I don't know, most likely a mix.

Hispanic has nothing to do with color! White, Black, or Native can all be considered Hispanic.

Spanish is a Romance language man, so it's Eurpoean, it's not a Carribean island's language.
 But what does language have to do with it?? Does that mean Haitians aren't black? They have dark brown skin and they speak French Creole. Cape Verdians, who live off the coast of Africa!! There speak Portuguese Creole, are they not black?? Therefore, since language means nada, that part of your argument is void.

Ninja already addressed Dominican's have African roots, as well as native and European roots. Therefore he identifies as Hispanic, what's the problem?
Originally Posted by polorico

The mods wont lock this thread, because they find it funny to take shots at ninjahood.

Half these dudes who aint even Hispanic got the nerve to say a cat from another race whose family's first language is spanish trying to tell him what he is.

I aint never heard someone call the blackest Dominican in the hood "afro Dominican"

Yall cats lost yalls mind......

So im guessing My white skinned fam with color eyes and brown hair from the DR is white ? but somehow they know spanish also right ? while my 2nd cousins who are dark brown
skin are black right ?

Yall is corny and wack.... Im tired of this debate. I think the mods need to grow up and curve this thread.
Facts have been stated. NH states opinions. The argument here is that NH has African decendents, yet this brown skin fellow continues to deny the facts. He considers himself 100 percent hispanic meaning he only has descendents from Spain and nowhere else. Meaning he thinks all his ancestors are from Spain, but he's only brown cause "da" sun is hot in DR and "Da" Heights

And Sir, above, please go back in the thread where NH denied thing besides being Hispanic. He states he is 100 percent hispanic. He clearly has no idea of what "Hispanic" means. Haitians are Hispanic, Columbians are hispanic, Mexicans are hispanic, Puerto Ricans are HISPANIC. What annoys people here is that this shun doesn't know what words mean yet he claims to be 100 percent of it. Dude brought up hispanic food. MExicans eat tacos, does that mean Dominicans eat tacos? Dude don't know what hispanic means. I know he gone Wikipedia it and try to make his best attempt to defend his statements, but its worthless because facts have been stated.


Ninjahood is Afro Dominican

Ninjahood has African Heritage

Ninjahood may or may not be able to comprehend messages on this board because english is his second language(hence his repeat use of "da")

Ninjahood interest consist of common African American interests such as Rap, Big Booty chicks, and Jordans

Ninjahood accepts being called the N word, but knows thinks he is not black and has no African heritage.
Originally Posted by polorico

The mods wont lock this thread, because they find it funny to take shots at ninjahood.

Half these dudes who aint even Hispanic got the nerve to say a cat from another race whose family's first language is spanish trying to tell him what he is.

I aint never heard someone call the blackest Dominican in the hood "afro Dominican"

Yall cats lost yalls mind......

So im guessing My white skinned fam with color eyes and brown hair from the DR is white ? but somehow they know spanish also right ? while my 2nd cousins who are dark brown
skin are black right ?

Yall is corny and wack.... Im tired of this debate. I think the mods need to grow up and curve this thread.
I have and will continue to describe the darkest dominicans as Afro Dominicans when it fits.
I'm for discussion but many of yall throw jabs at this man all day everyday.He takes the jokes in stride but it's getting to a point where a little discussion becomes nothing but a mere high tech lynching.You all want to break him down for what y'all could easily have this discussion without attacking just disgusted at the mods for allowing this grotesque excuse for a discussion.Let us say how Japanese or essentially Chinese and any denial of that is a lie or how Filipinos are just confused pacific islanders.Let us start talking reckless about blacks and Asians on here. I respect discussion but this is not a discussion this watching a digital lynching.Ninjahood is neither wrong nor right Anton and his posse .i can get on racial identity in the Caribbean .Is not a ninjahood problem it's bigger than him
Ninja already addressed Dominican's have African roots, as well as native and European roots. Therefore he identifies as Hispanic, what's the problem?

Basically.These cats dunno what da hell they talkin bout...NO ONE uses da term "afro____" to describe hispanics let alone me.I dont take ya statements seriously because at da end da day, none of ya live inDa hispanic neighorhoods ya dyin to classify. I already smashed da ridiculous notionThat "light skinned Dominicans have it easier then dark skinned ones" so son shut upAbout that REAL quick.
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