The Official Photography Thread - Vol. 3

How much are rx100 and rx100ii going for? Used that is?

i've seen the og rx100 for as low as below $300, i might have copped if not coming to my senses and deciding if i were to spend any money on camera gear better to spend on lenses rather than another camera, besides my cameras are all small enough, though it would be nice to have that zoom range in that compact a size...the thing i noticed about the rx100m3 is that they were able to improve the speed of the lens from f1.8-4.9 to f1.8-2.8 though it has less zoom reach than the prior versions...

practicing panning shots.

Rush Hour by jyninety, on Flickr

Tour de Old People by jyninety, on Flickr

Harley by jyninety, on Flickr

any suggestions for the best bang-for-the-buck ND filter?

#nice! its almost in order of slowest-to-fastest if the bicyclist was 1st...i didn't realize how expensive (good) filters could be, but i guess you only really need one or two (a large one like 77mm & more common size?), and use step down or up rings accordingly, i went the cheap route, not really knowing better at the time, but it isn't like i'm sophisticated enough to see the difference (as the cheaper filters are said to have a negative affect on image quality)?
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i've seen the og rx100 for as low as below $300, i might have copped if not coming to my senses and deciding if i were to spend any money on camera gear better to spend on lenses rather than another camera, besides my cameras all small enough, though it would be nice to have that zoom range...the thing i noticed about the rx100m3 is that they were able to improve the speed of the lens from f1.8-4.9 to f1.8-2.8 though it has less zoom reach than the prior versions...
#nice! its almost in order of slowest-to-fastest if the bicyclist was 1st...i didn't realize how expensive (good) filters could be, but i guess you only really need one or two (a large one like 77mm & more common size?), and use step down or up rings accordingly, i went the cheap route, not really knowing better at the time, but it isn't like i'm sophisticated enough to see the difference (as the cheaper filters are said to have a negative affect on image quality)?
Just strolled by a near beatbuy and they have an open RX100 for 330. 350 after tax and it includes all the warranties as a new one. Was actually looking for am S9700 SX700 or WX350 for my wife. Not sure what to do. Was waiting for the Mk3 for myself.
That's awesome, what vendor if you don't mind me asking?

I'll probably take a lot of fitness pics myself, so your posts have piqued my interest.

On another note, what app or program do I need so pics that I take with a DSLR (T3i) will be uploaded to my iPhone/iPad? (KSteezy mentioned one in the DB thread but couldn't find the info, got buried).

I'm contracted by 6 Pack Fitness to do most, if not all, of their photography. I went with them to the Arnold in February and will be going to the Olympia in September. I got pretty lucky.

And I usually use the Messages app on my Mac to iMessage myself photos back and forth between phone and computer.

Here's a couple from today:


I use Google Drive to transfer between my computer and iphone/ipad etc. There is an app for the computer plus you can use the website. The ipad/iphone has an app that I just save the image from.
Does anyone have a Canon M?

I do. My advise to anyone getting or having an M is get an extra battery (even 2) and only use the 22mm lens. Other then that, it's a pretty straight forward camera. Hardly use it but photo quality is good for what it is and especially since you can get it for a point and shoot price.

Anyone having issues with the Flickr app? It says I have to create a Yahoo account now when I always use my Google email. Is this new?
Does anyone have a Canon M?

I do. My advise to anyone getting or having an M is get an extra battery (even 2) and only use the 22mm lens. Other then that, it's a pretty straight forward camera. Hardly use it but photo quality is good for what it is and especially since you can get it for a point and shoot price.

Anyone having issues with the Flickr app? It says I have to create a Yahoo account now when I always use my Google email. Is this new?
Why would you say to only use the 22mm?
Why would you say to only use the 22mm?

It's the only lens worth putting on there besides getting an adapter and thus making ever lens manual focus.

I would say it's an okay camera. Auto focus is poor. Super slow and sometimes can't even get it locked in. I would say the best thing about it is the size and portability. IQ is pretty good for what it is. I heard even took it off of their website :lol:

I would suggest getting a different camera if you can, but for the price point, it's pretty good. You can find relatively good deals if you look hard enough.
^^^Pretty much what he said. The lens is not only the fastest but the smallest as well. I still don't get why people get small cameras like that and want to slap on the biggest lens. I mean it's not necessarily a pocketable camera but why make it into a DLSR when it's not. The focus system is what it is. I've never had a huge problem with it so far but I never tried shooting it on a moving subject nor at night. I brought it out to a bar with some friends at night and shooting portraits indoors was fine and it locked on the whole time. My only real complaint is the battery life. Because everything is relied on looking at the LCD screen, the camera just dies super fast.

I would suggest another camera as well but for the price point, it'd be hard to find something similar (unless it's the Nikon equivalent which sucks too). Still, I don't think it's a horrible camera and especially as a 2nd to a DSLR.

I saw this review a while back. Love the photos but honestly it's pretty heavy on the VSCO filters and I think the photographer good as well. It gives you an idea on the IQ though.
Anyone having issues with the Flickr app? It says I have to create a Yahoo account now when I always use my Google email. Is this new?
Pretty sure they only support Yahoo emails now. I think Flickr made an announcement about a month or two ago. Dunno what that means for non-Yahoo accounts, but when I saw that announcement I switched over to my old Yahoo account to avoid a bigger headache lol
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^^^^^Damn, you are right. Should have just looked it up. Kind of lame cause I really don't like making other e-mail accounts.

Dear Flickr members,

Starting this month, we will be requesting that everyone use a Yahoo username and password to sign in to Flickr. Eventually, Facebook and Google sign in will be removed. To make the transition immediately, members can get started here (if you already use a Yahoo account this won't apply to you).

Over the next few weeks, if you have been logging in with Facebook and Google IDs, you will be prompted to create a Yahoo username and password when you access your Flickr account. If you already have a Yahoo account, you will be reminded and prompted to use those log-in details.

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- Dedicated service - Yahoo Customer Care can provide full account support.
- The same great Flickr - All the features members know and love are right at their fingertips.

We want to make this change as easy as possible. If you want to know more about the changes, please check out our Help Page.

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Markus Spiering
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[EDIT] We're happy to provide support to you here on the Forum, but if you would prefer a phone number and live support, call 1-800-318-0612 for Yahoo Login Help.

[EDIT] We are aware of the issue where the Flickr settings page still shows you are signed in via Google or Facebook after you have set up your Yahoo account. Our engineers are working on this issue and we will update this thread when the fix is complete.
Here's a sample of some of the product photography I've been doing for the past 7 months. While I don't consider myself an expert, I do see improvement month-to-month and if anyone has questions, I think I have enough experience to answer most of them.


I use 2 Nikon speed lights with soft boxes for all my product photography.
I still don't get why people get small cameras like that and want to slap on the biggest lens. I mean it's not necessarily a pocketable camera but why make it into a DLSR when it's not.

i think a lot of people want a lighter load whether generally, as long as it doesn't make the camera too awkward to hold, i cant really see why that'd be a problem...though i see what you're saying, look at from another angle, why are so many dslr cameras so big? and i'd imagine there were quite a few photographer already invested in canon or even nikon lenses that would rather adapt their old lenses than buy new ones. one of the things i find rewarding is manually focusing...but you are not alone in that thinking, i bought an older canon lens off this gentleman and as i was fitting it to my nex 6 he asked to check it out, he was digging it and said something to the effect that he had always been curious about these smaller cameras but just thought the bigger/longer lenses looked comical on them thus he never got into them...its actually been said to me by more than a few people, but maybe thats starting to change with all the great mirrorless cameras that are as good or better in some cases than the big dslrs...
The better mirrorless cameras I get but the Canon M just seems a little absurd, although I have seen some decent photos taken with L lenses on it. I know it can be lighter in weight but function wise, it just doesn't make sense. A heavy clunky lens on a small body where you have to only look at the LCD screen? I'd rather get the SL1 and have a grip and a viewfinder but that is just me.


And the bigger body cameras are mostly just cause of their performance. It's not like everyone wants a huge camera, but it kind of just comes with the territory of getting a better camera with better specs. But I hear you on the mirrorless thing. Those are really the cameras that are bridging the gab between design and function. I don't know how it can be made but it will be interesting if they start making small lenses as well to go with these mirrorless cameras that are just as good as L-lenses.
What's good fams!

Long time O.P.T. lurker and wannabe photographer checkin' in.

Swooped this up as a father's day gift to me, myself and I on behalf of the wifey and kids.


Already tryin to map out which lenses I'm gonna cop first. Been soakin up a lot of info and inspiration from this thread and lookin forward to puttin it to use.
A heavy clunky lens on a small body where you have to only look at the LCD screen? I'd rather get the SL1 and have a grip and a viewfinder but that is just me..

good point, i've never used a legit traditional dslr (though i did have to use a film slr---which are about the size of mirrorlesss cameras---for a photography class) and don't imagine i'll ever need to, it can be awkward balancing big, heavy lens on smaller bodies especially without a viewfinder; which is why i eventually bought the nex 6 after using the nex f3.
Anyone having issues with the Flickr app? It says I have to create a Yahoo account now when I always use my Google email. Is this new?
Pretty sure they only support Yahoo emails now. I think Flickr made an announcement about a month or two ago. Dunno what that means for non-Yahoo accounts, but when I saw that announcement I switched over to my old Yahoo account to avoid a bigger headache lol
I could've sworn Flickr was always exclusive to Yahoo.
 Went to a park with my homie, into some path off into the woods and ended up taking this. Didn't use a flash, either.
I could've sworn Flickr was always exclusive to Yahoo.

That is what I thought too until I finally made an account a couple of years ago and noticed you can get on via Gmail. I only had it to sort of create a portfolio page of my favorite photos. If they omit G-mail access on desktops, I doubt I'am ever going to use my account again.
I could've sworn Flickr was always exclusive to Yahoo.
That is what I thought too until I finally made an account a couple of years ago and noticed you can get on via Gmail. I only had it to sort of create a portfolio page of my favorite photos. If they omit G-mail access on desktops, I doubt I'am ever going to use my account again.
Oh WTF, when I signed up 2 years ago it made me use Yahoo. What will you use instead them? Until my manager builds my photography website I have no choice but to use Flickr. It's a nice website, though.
What's good fams!

Long time O.P.T. lurker and wannabe photographer checkin' in.

Swooped this up as a father's day gift to me, myself and I on behalf of the wifey and kids.

Already tryin to map out which lenses I'm gonna cop first. Been soakin up a lot of info and inspiration from this thread and lookin forward to puttin it to use.
Congrats on the pickup! When I was deciding what lens to buy first I narrowed it down to either the Nikon 35 or 50 f/1.8. I definitely suggest the 35 as a first lens. It's the only lens I have other than the kit lens and 55-200 that came with my D3200. It's relatively cheap and I personally think it produces some quality shots. Of course the lens you buy depends on what you'll be shooting, but I find the 35 to be quite versatile. However, people (including some guys in here) have told me that the 50 would have been a good choice if I intended to step up to full-frame. So take that into consideration as well.

Congrats again and enjoy the camera!
Oh WTF, when I signed up 2 years ago it made me use Yahoo. What will you use instead them? Until my manager builds my photography website I have no choice but to use Flickr. It's a nice website, though.

I'll probably just make a legit portfolio. The odd thing is I am not even trying to do this for a living but still want something to shoe people.
Oh WTF, when I signed up 2 years ago it made me use Yahoo. What will you use instead them? Until my manager builds my photography website I have no choice but to use Flickr. It's a nice website, though.
I'll probably just make a legit portfolio. The odd thing is I am not even trying to do this for a living but still want something to shoe people.
I do shoots here and there, but nothing continuous yet. last one was a wedding 2 months ago.
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