The Official Photography Thread - Vol. 3

Shot at the Reebok Crossfit Regionals in San Jose:






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no shade, but have you posted any photos yet, Diggs? been interested since you spoke so highly of the sony joint

[COLOR=#red]I've been in the field for the last 3 weeks and haven't gotten around to touching them up ever so slightly. I'll just wait until I get back to my computer. Still have 3 weeks left in the field.

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[COLOR=#red]My graduate thesis at A&M will utilize a UAV to capture images and footage of certain geologic features. I'm going to use the Phantom 2 Vision plus quadcopter. It has a 1080p 60 FPS, 30fps vid camera that shoots 14 MP stills. The camera is on a gimbal which makes sure the cam is perfectly stabilized no matter the movements of the quadcopter. Can't wait to get it and start working on my project. Here's a YouTube of it.[/COLOR]

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My point exactly. Dude stop coming off as an elitist photographer.

[COLOR=#red]Elderwatsondiggs coming off as an elitist photog? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: I'm not even a photographer dude. I just take photos. I only have one camera with the kit lens and I don't even have a tripod. As far as my quote of getting better by actually shooting and experimenting with your camera was actually told to me by a successful professional photographer that I met when I was in the Cayman Islands on vacation. He's responsible for a lot of the beautiful images of the island that makes it into their advertisements. [/COLOR]

yea, he very well may be; but there is that saying (paraphrased) - its hard for someone who is great/successful to tell you how to be great/succesful, because there are things that are unique to them & there experience that may not be true of you & your experience. so while it is sound advice, it is also quite generic and obvious, no? (in creative endeavors the most generic/vague advice can sometimes the best kind! #contradictions) i mean, it is really difficult for anyone to become good at something they do rarely, without trying to challenge themselves in some way. to go off and experimenting without being somewhat aware of those who have tried the very things you might think new could be needlessly frustrating, while there are those who are able to break the mold through boldness/ignorance/naivety that is the exception rather than the may not be saying knowing these recommendations/tips are a bad thing, but it does seem a bit dismissive to just say "get a camera & shoot more" even if you mean it earnestly, those things sometimes don't relate too well on the interwebs through text...

a few randoms:

probably overdidi the processing here...
the return by me_myself_n_eye, on Flickr

didn't get this right in camera, edited it to what i was going for
tranquillo by me_myself_n_eye, on Flickr

_DSC0645.jpg by me_myself_n_eye, on Flickr
Im jealous of all light trail shots! Lol!

There isnt 1 single decent place here in memphis to get that kind of shot! Smh
Tokes whats your exposure on those light trails?

i usually just set the camera to its lowest exposure setting, so usually 100/200 iso depending on the camera & go for a really long exposure (30s+) to allow more cars to pass through to intensify the light trails, i went back to this spot specifically to try out some filters (two of which i left on a lenses that i forgot to bring...#absentminded) and i wasn't expecting to have to deal with the sunsetting

Im jealous of all light trail shots! Lol!

There isnt 1 single decent place here in memphis to get that kind of shot! Smh

here's another:

_DSC9265.jpg by me_myself_n_eye, on Flickr

nah? i'd think any express/freeway overpass would be cool, the random trails of light, how they converge & split off should make things interesting enough?? (i guess people see this as a novelty but one of the reasons i dig fisheye lenses is that they distort in such an unnatural way as to make the uninteresting, kinda interesting) i want to try some more at a street level but i'm not really comfortable enough to deal with random people walking around me & my setup to do so just yet, i think light painting is something i may mess with soon though...
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Thanks man, I appreciate it.
I was there with a vendor, and I was just behind the gate, not in the actual competition area.

These were all shot with my Sony Ay7 and 55mm f/1.8 at about ISO 400 - 800.

That's awesome, what vendor if you don't mind me asking?

I'll probably take a lot of fitness pics myself, so your posts have piqued my interest.

On another note, what app or program do I need so pics that I take with a DSLR (T3i) will be uploaded to my iPhone/iPad? (KSteezy mentioned one in the DB thread but couldn't find the info, got buried).
On another note, what app or program do I need so pics that I take with a DSLR (T3i) will be uploaded to my iPhone/iPad? (KSteezy mentioned one in the DB thread but couldn't find the info, got buried).

i think you'd need an eye-fi wifi memory card & i'd assume that has either a proprietary app or there may even be apps that work with it?
tokes99 tokes99

Well the thing about memphis is, there arent any "safe" overpass spots to shoot from AND there isnt much to focus on because there are very few buildings along the expressways. (This city is very small)
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