The Old PlayStation Thread | *NEW THREAD IS UP*

a Haze remaster would be nice...

Let's get Korn to record a new title track too.

 Rocket League PS4-Xbox One Cross-Network Play Now Ready for Release, Only Needs Sony's Approval

"we're literally at the point where all we need is the go-ahead on the Sony side and we can, in less than a business day, turn it on and have it up and working no problem. It'd literally take a few hours to propagate throughout the whole world, so really we're just waiting on the permission to do so."
I predicted this in my gaming thread.​
im not surprised by this since Sony and MS have been dabbling in crossplay. its cool to see MS being more open to cross play with Sony because i dont remember if they ever did anything with cross play on the 360 
Yeah MS was against it in the past which is why FF XIV never made it onto Xbox platforms.

Riptide GP2 came out a while ago on PS4. It was an okay game, but originally a touch game for mobile. Very basic.

Renegade looks to be a vast improvement, might have to check it out on sale.
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I'm still thinking about getting it but I feel like I should just play the Vita version I got for free and save that money :lol:
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Assassin's Creed Syndicate's presentation is very good. The combat's slightly arkhamy.

Battleborn's co-op supports up to 5 people, I got matched with 1 person for my first round.

Shooting's solid at least.

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