these korean plastic surgeons really are something

Lol @ yall really believing those pictures...

cmon now..they will print whatever to get people sucked in..

but that one with the lighter skin, in some asian cultures fair skin is considered to be a higher class than those with darker skin, cause it shows that they work outside..hence this.
The reason some Asians think whiter is "better" is because the darker Asians are dark from working outside all day (or so it is believed). Lighter colored skin meant you were of the higher class
Lol @ yall really believing those pictures...

cmon now..they will print whatever to get people sucked in..

but that one with the lighter skin, in some asian cultures fair skin is considered to be a higher class than those with darker skin, cause it shows that they work outside..hence this.

View media item 223086

there are videos too

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This is such a misleading picture.

The lighting in each is very different, which is what gives the impression of a change in skin value.


Lol, word. The light on the first picture is in front of the subject and much warmer, while the "after" pic shows the subject in front of the light, with the light having a much cooler temperature.

Photography trickery.
The ignorance in some of these responses is astounding.
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Keep telling yourself that. I hang out with a decent amount fresh off the boat asians and first generation in america asians. The fresh off the boat asian women can smell a white dude from 4 miles away. A lot of them make it their goal to marry white. I have heard a lot of them say their parents want them to come back with white men. In fact in some places, like UChicago, the asians have divided themselves into those that want white partners and those that want asian. God forbid they should get with any other culture.

EDIT: I should specify I dont see this phenomena in southeast asian nationalities that have dark skinned people.

I dated a korean chick in college... she flat out told me she could never marry a black man or let her rents find out who she was messin with... coincidentally shorty had a thing for black men of course. Long story short we broke it off and she started messin with some kappa dude. 3 year pass... shes wit a handful of ****** i know see her around from time to time n stuff... we chill after graduation as like a see u around thing knowing well never see eachother again. I smashed. She did her masters down south at UAB... married a white guy she dated for like 6 months.

Acceptance is everything over there... i remember her tellin me her sister got raped and her pops wouldnt even hear the story... jus straight shunned shorty. Kept sendin checks but thats about it. And o yea he sent 2200 a month to each of them... steak n scrimps for days haha

But yea moral of the story koreans only mess with other koreans and white men. Tradition and cultural acceptance r still veryyyy important then. Thats why the young korean women be wildin n america. So much less strict and boxy.
I lived in Korea for 2 years and dated a chick. she never mentioned me to her parents, but she was one of the lucky ones to have traveled a lot and knew English.

It is an Image thing with them. Her friends didn't even know about me until like a 9 months in to our relationship and she still introduced me as a friend, (part of the reason I could never take the relationship to that next level).
but to be on topic. yes Plastic Surgery is highly accepted there.
I had her flat out tell me she wanted work done, and her parents were cool with it.
I was a teacher and I had a 15 year old student get her eye lids done .
(the eyelid surgery is huge there. they like having that fold.)
and just about every star had surgery, and what's funny the chick who is named the prettiest woman in Korea . had no surgery
but most of the surgery is based off her features (and some European women)
supposedly she has the most symmetrical face and evenly proportioned facial features such as nose eyes lips.

Her name is Kim Tae Hee. 김태희
She is who all my students talked about and I was lectured on how pretty she is and how every girl gets surgery based off her features. Even saw a news story about her.
(imo shes cute, but I've seen better over there)
That quintessential Korean look alright. Think I need to a book a trip to the east.

when you go be careful. they cake up so much 18 look 18-20. Start IDing. lol
and drinking age is 19 there, and your bday is technically based on the chinese new year.
so Youre technically 2 years older until about february. Then you go to 1 year older than your birth year.

Long explanation. short. There could be a 17 year old at the bar. so be careful lol
I lived in Korea for 2 years and dated a chick. she never mentioned me to her parents, but she was one of the lucky ones to have traveled a lot and knew English.

It is an Image thing with them. Her friends didn't even know about me until like a 9 months in to our relationship and she still introduced me as a friend, (part of the reason I could never take the relationship to that next level).
Just look at SNSD before and after pics.

Too bad they have not been able to do this type of work for the rest of the body. Noassatall. No hips.

All those english teachers in South Korea getting fooled.

when you go be careful. they cake up so much 18 look 18-20. Start IDing. lol
and drinking age is 19 there, and your bday is technically based on the chinese new year.
so Youre technically 2 years older until about february. Then you go to 1 year older than your birth year.

Long explanation. short. There could be a 17 year old at the bar. so be careful lol
ain't no reason to be careful, boy, poppa likes em young :smokin
lol. 17 is legal in illinois
with parental consent :lol:

:smh: at the stories of dating asian chicks.
Couldnt deal with that, especially since I would be the one doing them a favor by dating em
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Make no mistake about it, Asia in general is far more obsessed with vanity and self image than here in the states.

In the Philippines, just like in Korea, lighter skin = more affluent, intelligent, successful, and better looking. Partly due to the theory that if you are dark you have a manual labor job, but I think it is also influence by the fact that if you are lighter it is assumed you are part Spanish or Chinese, which generally make up the wealthier population of the Philippines.

As a darker skinned Asian, I have no problem with that culture because it has no effect on me, my self image is healthy regardless of what Asian society thinks. 

However, it's sad to see so many Filipinos put so much emphasis on skin color and looks over what normal people value like education and success in the job market. It's funny that as one of the darker members of my family, my family back in the Philippines are more focused on the color of my skin rather than my success and hardwork. 
:smh: at the stories of dating asian chicks.
Couldnt deal with that, especially since I would be the one doing them a favor by dating em

as much of a butthole statement that is, you're not wrong.

They use you as a status upper

not to say you can't find love there. just know there is sometimes a underlining factor. to why they are with you.

That and most Asian dudes have a lot of tradition in them which isn't good thing for most cases.
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