these korean plastic surgeons really are something******.JPG

Make no mistake about it, Asia in general is far more obsessed with vanity and self image than here in the states.

In the Philippines, just like in Korea, lighter skin = more affluent, intelligent, successful, and better looking. Partly due to the theory that if you are dark you have a manual labor job, but I think it is also influence by the fact that if you are lighter it is assumed you are part Spanish or Chinese, which generally make up the wealthier population of the Philippines.

As a darker skinned Asian, I have no problem with that culture because it has no effect on me, my self image is healthy regardless of what Asian society thinks. 

However, it's sad to see so many Filipinos put so much emphasis on skin color and looks over what normal people value like education and success in the job market. It's funny that as one of the darker members of my family, my family back in the Philippines are more focused on the color of my skin rather than my success and hardwork. 
This is very true . I know one guy thinks hes the s$&@ because his skin is lighter than average filipinos smh
One of my friends got the jaw shave + double eyelid combo...she actually came out looking pretty good too.
It was her graduation gift
:lol: :smh:

Another one of my friendshad that whole plastic surgery mom + ugly kid happened to her, she didn't come out super-hideous, but her
mom had soooo much work done that you wouldn't think that was her child. Her mom gave her money for the surgeries on her 18th bday
but she took it and ran with it.

It's crazy but you can see plastic surgery offices everywhere and for the low low.
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Make no mistake about it, Asia in general is far more obsessed with vanity and self image than here in the states.

In the Philippines, just like in Korea, lighter skin = more affluent, intelligent, successful, and better looking. Partly due to the theory that if you are dark you have a manual labor job, but I think it is also influence by the fact that if you are lighter it is assumed you are part Spanish or Chinese, which generally make up the wealthier population of the Philippines.

As a darker skinned Asian, I have no problem with that culture because it has no effect on me, my self image is healthy regardless of what Asian society thinks. 

However, it's sad to see so many Filipinos put so much emphasis on skin color and looks over what normal people value like education and success in the job market. It's funny that as one of the darker members of my family, my family back in the Philippines are more focused on the color of my skin rather than my success and hardwork. 

Keep telling yourself that. I hang out with a decent amount fresh off the boat asians and first generation in america asians. The fresh off the boat asian women can smell a white dude from 4 miles away. A lot of them make it their goal to marry white. I have heard a lot of them say their parents want them to come back with white men. In fact in some places, like UChicago, the asians have divided themselves into those that want white partners and those that want asian. God forbid they should get with any other culture.

EDIT: I should specify I dont see this phenomena in southeast asian nationalities that have dark skinned people.

All of this... everything.

Makes me somewhat glad I didn't end up with a Korean or Filipino chick, too many complications :D

what happens to the rest of their jaw bones etc. most of those chicks look like a quarter of their facial bones have been deleted
One of my friends got the jaw shave + double eyelid combo...she actually came out looking pretty good too.
It was her graduation gift
:lol: :smh:

Another one of my friendshad that whole plastic surgery mom + ugly kid happened to her, she didn't come out super-hideous, but her
mom had soooo much work done that you wouldn't think that was her child. Her mom gave her money for the surgeries on her 18th bday
but she took it and ran with it.

It's crazy but you can see plastic surgery offices everywhere and for the low low.


getting you jawbone filed down sounds :smh:
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the next step is going to be genetic engineering. where scientists will be able to genetically alter your dna before you are even born to make you look a certain way. is that any different than plastic surgery?
the next step is going to be genetic engineering. where scientists will be able to genetically alter your dna before you are even born to make you look a certain way. is that any different than plastic surgery?

In terms of physical alteration, it's taking it a step further. It's somewhat related to the reason why stem cell research was such a hot topic, because it was the introduction of science playing a more active role pre-determining your genome (a "God Complex" if you will).
idk if I double posted this. but I remember reading they can now change baby eye colors at the parents request
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