Things being an Atheist has taught me.

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So, I was talking to my friend the other day about religion, because he's decided to go buy a bible to study its teaching. I am an atheist of five years soof course I started telling him some of my opinions on matters regarding religion. After all that, he informed that even if everything I was saying was true,at the end of the day people need something believe in. That got me thinking, about what I believe in if I don't believe in a higher power. I realized thatall these years of disbelief in god caused a greater belief in my abilities and the abilities of my fellow man. I really started evaluating many of the actionsI've taken since leaving the world of religion, and I believe my life has gotten much better since then.

After eliminating church doctrine from my everyday life, I've come to realize that I am capable of doing anything, because I put all my faith in myself,and so any achievements I make are based solely of steps and actions that I've taken, same goes for my failures. See the church tells us that no one canbe perfect, because only Jesus was, and it's become almost taboo to utter that word when talking about your fellow man. But me, I find it detrimental tothe greater good of man to not chase perfection. Perfection in ourselves, our lives, and anything we wish to attain. Do we as people believe we can'tachieve perfection and greatness because we really can't or because the church and society has told us for so long that there is no way that we can everbe? Personally, I don't buy that anymore. And I think man will be altogether better once we shed our belief and faith in an absolute higher, and put ourbelief in faith in ourselves and try to attain absolute greatness.

That is all. Thoughts? Criticisms?
I can respect that.

I believe in a higher power but I don't believe that that higher power necessarily meddles in our affairs or has any interest in day to day, year to year,century to century happenings. And because of that, I still believe I'm the main factor in how my life unfolds.

So while I'm not religious, I do believe in a god or gods. My belief in a creator (of some sort) isn't due to my need that there has to be such athing. In my own sorta rational and logic, it only makes sense. I believe in science but not to the point that everything came from a singularity.
Originally Posted by swyftdahoe

I can respect that.

I believe in a higher power but I don't believe that that higher power necessarily meddles in our affairs or has any interest in day to day, year to year, century to century happenings. And because of that, I still believe I'm the main factor in how my life unfolds.

So while I'm not religious, I do believe in a god or gods.
[color= rgb(102, 0, 153)]exactly what i tell christian I BELIEVE that we are in charge of our ownlives, no divine intervention and god's greatest gift was thought[/color]
I believe in a creator, but not necessarily that the creator is ALL GOOD if you know what I mean.
I agree with your completely. Ever since I stopped allowing religion to cloud my views and opinion, life has become easier to understand. I think that if morepeople placed their own well being in there own hands instead of depending on a higher power to direct them, our society as a whole would be in betterstanding.

However, I do believe that no can be perfect, but instead of being complacent with that belief I try to better myself each and every day. I don't try toimprove qualities that the bible says are essential like virtue, honesty, etc (even though I think these are important) I try to improve traits that areessential to my success in life and traits that are my weaknesses.
God is the Alpha and the Omega...maybe in another point in your life you may come to terms with the faith ..or maybe not...

but you are right at the end of the day everyone needs something to believe in ..
I think everyone is a Agnostic. I just can't accept Atheist views, that there could not be a God; you can't prove that there is not.

the bible is one of the most well written, careful word choosing text ever.

While I am an Agnostic, there is appeal in believing and a lot of appeal to reject.

I just can't fathom why some people were dealt terrible cards. Why God?

Life is not fair, please tell me why God.
Originally Posted by davidisgodly

I think everyone is a Agnostic. I just can't accept Atheist views, that there could not be a God; you can't prove that there is not.

the bible is one of the most well written, careful word choosing text ever.

While I am an Agnostic, there is appeal in believing and a lot of appeal to reject.

I just can't fathom why some people were dealt terrible cards. Why God?

Life is not fair, please tell me why God.
*scratches head*

Thats interesting. Im currently somewhere in between Agnostic and Atheist, the thing about me is that I somehow believe my life would be better if I were abliever. I want to have that faith, spiritually it seems as if it would be fulfilling, but my common sense will not allow me to fathom how this all mightybeing would allow such horrible things to happen in this world.
Originally Posted by davidisgodly

I think everyone is a Agnostic. I just can't accept Atheist views, that there could not be a God; you can't prove that there is not.

the bible is one of the most well written, careful word choosing text ever.

While I am an Agnostic, there is appeal in believing and a lot of appeal to reject.

I just can't fathom why some people were dealt terrible cards. Why God?

Life is not fair, please tell me why God.
Well no one could prove that there is a god. I don't think that just because there's no proof that there isn't means that there isone.

The bible was also written by men. And chances are the bible that you are reading is the King James edition which was translated with the special interests ofthe crown of England in mind.

I don't think anything written by a another man should be followed religiously because humans are naturally deceitful and often only have their bestinterests in mind.
Originally Posted by JustScoreda100

Well no one could prove that there is a god. I don't think that just because there's no proof that there isn't means that there is one.

The bible was also written by men. And chances are the bible that you are reading is the King James edition which was translated with the special interests of the crown of England in mind.

I don't think anything written by a another man should be followed religiously because humans are naturally deceitful and often only have their best interests in mind.

does this mean you dont believe any books should be followed religiously?
Thats interesting. Im currently somewhere in between Agnostic and Aetheist, the thing about me is that I somehow believe my life would be better if I were a bliever. I want to have that faith, spiritually it seems as if it would be fulfilling, but my common sense will not allow me to fathom how this all mighty being would allow such horrible things to happen in this world.

Well, in my belief structure, I would channel that need for something to believe in into myself. Believe in the human spirit if it is spirituality thatyou're looking for. There's nothing wrong with looking inward for something to believe in. In my mind, anyone can be great as any god could be, we justhave to believe it.

thatll change by this year I gurantee.

Why do you say that?
This is a very touchy subject. I used to not believe in faith and religion, but through the past few months that view has changed. I believe my life has gottenmuch better since.
^^Yea it is touchy subject, but I am in no way trying to knock religion. I just wanted to share some things I learned, and perhaps help out some people who areat a spiritual crossroads.
Originally Posted by Rico x Hood

So, I was talking to my friend the other day about religion, because he's decided to go buy a bible to study its teaching. I am an atheist of five years so of course I started telling him some of my opinions on matters regarding religion. After all that, he informed that even if everything I was saying was true, at the end of the day people need something believe in. That got me thinking, about what I believe in if I don't believe in a higher power. I realized that all these years of disbelief in god caused a greater belief in my abilities and the abilities of my fellow man. I really started evaluating many of the actions I've taken since leaving the world of religion, and I believe my life has gotten much better since then.

After eliminating church doctrine from my everyday life, I've come to realize that I am capable of doing anything, because I put all my faith in myself, and so any achievements I make are based solely of steps and actions that I've taken, same goes for my failures. See the church tells us that no one can be perfect, because only Jesus was, and it's become almost taboo to utter that word when talking about your fellow man. But me, I find it detrimental to the greater good of man to not chase perfection. Perfection in ourselves, our lives, and anything we wish to attain. Do we as people believe we can't achieve perfection and greatness because we really can't or because the church and society has told us for so long that there is no way that we can ever be? Personally, I don't buy that anymore. And I think man will be altogether better once we shed our belief and faith in an absolute higher, and put our belief in faith in ourselves and try to attain absolute greatness.

That is all. Thoughts? Criticisms?

So church says you're not going to be perfect cause only God was perfect. You're trying to chase/be perfect (because u find it detrimental not to chaseperfection.)

are you chasing God?
As with most the touchy subjects, this, politics, abortions, the list goes on... this will be a thread with many pages soon... and people will have differentopinions but the fact upon what there is after wards and whether a religion or any religion is correct would not be known until your demise.

To each is own.

"I know that I know nothing" - Socrates
I consider myself agnostic some days. I just don't know.

I do think we can be totally subsistent without any interference from religious belief or deity.

I don't know where we came from or how this Earth was made.

John Mayer put it great, "belief is a beautiful armor, but makes for the heaviest sword, like punching underwater you never can hit who you'retrying for"
So church says you're not going to be perfect cause only God was perfect. You're trying to chase/be perfect (because u find it detrimental not to chase perfection.)

are you chasing God?

No sir, I'm only chasing my own personal greatness, my perfection. I believe that perfection is relative. Only you can know what your perfection is. Thepoint I was making in my original post was that many people are afraid to even consider the idea of perfection when talking of themselves because it's beendrilled into their heads for so long that they can never be, because only Jesus was, which I believe is a travesty. How can we as people be as great as we canwhen there is a spiritual glass ceiling that said we can only be somewhat great?
I have a question to you, OP.

Where did you get this idea of perfection from?

It seems that you are trying your best to run away from something in which you so strongly believe only to prove that you can do it better. Just MO.
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