!%+$ this paper

Mar 14, 2005
Procrastination ftl
. Why I always wait until the night before I have no clue.

I got my name down and that is all
. fml
I'm still only making a C tops tho. I'm still going to work my +** off on it cause I only got one more grade after this.
Damn bruh. Gotta work harder than that. Go look at some pics of that car you plan on gettin when you graduate
a lil motivation.
Damn fam, just tell yourself to lock in for an hour, then go from there. whats it on?
I feel u. I been editin a paper for 6hrs and sad thing is all i had to do is make small grammatical changes and add footnotes FML
I had to stay home today cuz Im so sick from losing sleep I couldnt eat and +%$%, thats how much dam homework I get

but the whole gettin distracted thing happens so much, its even worse when ur friends know ur trying to work and keep talkin to you on FB or the phone orwhatever

the solution Ive come up with is play UGK in the background real quiet so you dont start rapping along and disconnect the internet and everything and just getit done
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