tsa is out of control

Originally Posted by pdm 87

There are only 2 people on this board who have any idea what they're talking about when it comes to this. And devildog sure isn't one of them.
Devildog is going off what He hears on the news, He probably hasn't flown in a couple of years (if ever) and is your typical internet conspiracy theorist.
Even though no radiation is ever good radiation, and a alternative to x raying human beings should be thought up, it is an effective tool to thwart wanna be terrorist, and piss off the public.
Flying is a "luxury" given by who? People get into contracts with PRIVATE airline companies to fly, not the monopoly that is called the Terrorist Support Agency Transportation Security Administration.
Flying is a "luxury" given by who? People get into contracts with PRIVATE airline companies to fly, not the monopoly that is called the Terrorist Support Agency Transportation Security Administration.
I’m going to take an unpopular position right now and say that, past outrage (about lying) and consternation (about free-market security), I don’t think scans and searches are terribly nefarious. And, moreover, I think a lot of the freaking out is actually juvenile. I think there is a line in privacy between ridiculous and scary. Ridiculous is worthy of ridicule and naked body scans are just that. They are not, however, scary.

In the 21st world of shrinking personal privacy/space, there are many things that are genuinely scary in a Big Brother doom and gloom sense. Scary in the sense that privacy violations will lead to a loss of control in society and diminished freedom. Things that will leave us as a country open to tyranny if left unchecked and unguarded. In other words, things that make having a TSA clown/actor catch a peek on your pecker look pretty Mickey Mouse in comparison.

You are showing, purposefully and to way more people, plenty more than your junk everyday via Facebook and other social media. Google has lassoed your identity in a way that shames the NSA. What you’re buying, what you’re doing, who your friends are, where you work, how much you make – the list is endless.

And you, friend, have no control over that information. You have an illusion of it, but you do not actually have control. That is not ridiculous; it is actually scary. And making it even more scary is the fact that how it’s controlled, its market, is a whole lot more opaque than the market governing airport security.

I’m going to take an unpopular position right now and say that, past outrage (about lying) and consternation (about free-market security), I don’t think scans and searches are terribly nefarious. And, moreover, I think a lot of the freaking out is actually juvenile. I think there is a line in privacy between ridiculous and scary. Ridiculous is worthy of ridicule and naked body scans are just that. They are not, however, scary.

In the 21st world of shrinking personal privacy/space, there are many things that are genuinely scary in a Big Brother doom and gloom sense. Scary in the sense that privacy violations will lead to a loss of control in society and diminished freedom. Things that will leave us as a country open to tyranny if left unchecked and unguarded. In other words, things that make having a TSA clown/actor catch a peek on your pecker look pretty Mickey Mouse in comparison.

You are showing, purposefully and to way more people, plenty more than your junk everyday via Facebook and other social media. Google has lassoed your identity in a way that shames the NSA. What you’re buying, what you’re doing, who your friends are, where you work, how much you make – the list is endless.

And you, friend, have no control over that information. You have an illusion of it, but you do not actually have control. That is not ridiculous; it is actually scary. And making it even more scary is the fact that how it’s controlled, its market, is a whole lot more opaque than the market governing airport security.

Originally Posted by pdm 87

There are only 2 people on this board who have any idea what they're talking about when it comes to this. And devildog sure isn't one of them.

tell me what I might be misinformed about???? I'm not an idiot nor does my reading comprehension lack the ability to understand that Janet Napalitano and her cronies are on a power trip for a threat that doesnt exist.Take the Christmas tree plot that was manufactured by the Feds a couple days ago. If your read that story you will see holes in the story within the first 3 paragraphs.
Originally Posted by pdm 87

There are only 2 people on this board who have any idea what they're talking about when it comes to this. And devildog sure isn't one of them.

tell me what I might be misinformed about???? I'm not an idiot nor does my reading comprehension lack the ability to understand that Janet Napalitano and her cronies are on a power trip for a threat that doesnt exist.Take the Christmas tree plot that was manufactured by the Feds a couple days ago. If your read that story you will see holes in the story within the first 3 paragraphs.
people that think its solely about health risks, time wasted waiting in line, people feeling on your crotch are missing the bigger issue 
people that think its solely about health risks, time wasted waiting in line, people feeling on your crotch are missing the bigger issue 
There is a better chance I'd be struck by lightning , die from a snake bite , get blasted in the streets of NY or catch chlamydia than die in a plane crash caused by terrorist... Soon you will wake up and nothing will be the same. Then you will have realized that you shouldve done something sooner. I can't the world but I can damn sure change mine.
There is a better chance I'd be struck by lightning , die from a snake bite , get blasted in the streets of NY or catch chlamydia than die in a plane crash caused by terrorist... Soon you will wake up and nothing will be the same. Then you will have realized that you shouldve done something sooner. I can't the world but I can damn sure change mine.
If a stranger anyone tried to frisk my daughter or my wife they'd get knocked out.
It's a slippery slope. If we accept this, next time they want to do something slightly more invasive they can say, "Well you didn't have a problem with that."
Bottom line is, the people should have final say on matters such as this. Put it up for a vote.
If a stranger anyone tried to frisk my daughter or my wife they'd get knocked out.
It's a slippery slope. If we accept this, next time they want to do something slightly more invasive they can say, "Well you didn't have a problem with that."
Bottom line is, the people should have final say on matters such as this. Put it up for a vote.
As some one who has traveled literally more times than I can remember over the last decade, mostly for my job, I'm getting sick and tired of this "it's a luxury" nonsense. It's a luxury to some and a necessity to others. Enough with the "anything beyond water, shelter, and food (3 things which some don't get anyway) is a luxury" talk. This isn't 1941. The world is way more complicated than that and flying is intertwined with day-to-day life for more people than some people realize.

I just wonder what the TSA apologists will say when "terrorists" are caught smuggling plastic explosives in their rectum and the only way to catch potential threats is a cavity search. Just to keep you safe, though.

I've noticed is that America seems to be the only country pushing for this. When I go through airports in Europe, I rarely even have to take my shoes off anymore.

I still can't believe Ron Paul is ignored the way he is. This man stays speaking the truth. THIS is terrorism. An attack is an attack. Keeping people fearful is terror.
As some one who has traveled literally more times than I can remember over the last decade, mostly for my job, I'm getting sick and tired of this "it's a luxury" nonsense. It's a luxury to some and a necessity to others. Enough with the "anything beyond water, shelter, and food (3 things which some don't get anyway) is a luxury" talk. This isn't 1941. The world is way more complicated than that and flying is intertwined with day-to-day life for more people than some people realize.

I just wonder what the TSA apologists will say when "terrorists" are caught smuggling plastic explosives in their rectum and the only way to catch potential threats is a cavity search. Just to keep you safe, though.

I've noticed is that America seems to be the only country pushing for this. When I go through airports in Europe, I rarely even have to take my shoes off anymore.

I still can't believe Ron Paul is ignored the way he is. This man stays speaking the truth. THIS is terrorism. An attack is an attack. Keeping people fearful is terror.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by finnns2003

Funny, people still aren't touching on the health issues with a machine like this.

hmm i've been thinking about this for a minute

i don't know how the machine works but if it's like a super-xray it will pose a legitimate risk for cancers
Yeah I mean... you get an apron when you go to the dentist for an x-ray right? Or for broken bones... This is a HUGE machine doing this, and there's no apron or anything protective. And how could they do extensive testing to make sure? I'm sure it'll be swept under the rug.

Originally Posted by jumpman247

Originally Posted by finnns2003

Funny, people still aren't touching on the health issues with a machine like this.

You get more radiation from your microwave at home, but I guess the valid point is the fact they're xraying humans. I agree, xraying people is going too far, even if you do get more radiation at home, and during a flight for 2 minutes, I'd rather get less then what I'm going to get anyway. 
But hell I won't even have to go through security pretty soon 
Yes and for people who fly a lot, this could be a problem. Who knows what this is doing to people's bodies.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by finnns2003

Funny, people still aren't touching on the health issues with a machine like this.

hmm i've been thinking about this for a minute

i don't know how the machine works but if it's like a super-xray it will pose a legitimate risk for cancers
Yeah I mean... you get an apron when you go to the dentist for an x-ray right? Or for broken bones... This is a HUGE machine doing this, and there's no apron or anything protective. And how could they do extensive testing to make sure? I'm sure it'll be swept under the rug.

Originally Posted by jumpman247

Originally Posted by finnns2003

Funny, people still aren't touching on the health issues with a machine like this.

You get more radiation from your microwave at home, but I guess the valid point is the fact they're xraying humans. I agree, xraying people is going too far, even if you do get more radiation at home, and during a flight for 2 minutes, I'd rather get less then what I'm going to get anyway. 
But hell I won't even have to go through security pretty soon 
Yes and for people who fly a lot, this could be a problem. Who knows what this is doing to people's bodies.
i was talking to a guy at a thanksgiving dinner the other night.... he's an engineer that develops these devices.... i asked him about the health risks and he says that the radiation you get from the scanner is irrelevant compared to the exposure you get on the plane. so one shouldn't worry about it. but the funny thing is, at work when asked to walk though a device they had on demo, nobody wanted to volunteer.... 
   let's face it, x-rays are scary. i guess his point is, if you don't have to walk through one, then don't
i was talking to a guy at a thanksgiving dinner the other night.... he's an engineer that develops these devices.... i asked him about the health risks and he says that the radiation you get from the scanner is irrelevant compared to the exposure you get on the plane. so one shouldn't worry about it. but the funny thing is, at work when asked to walk though a device they had on demo, nobody wanted to volunteer.... 
   let's face it, x-rays are scary. i guess his point is, if you don't have to walk through one, then don't
Not to turn this into a race thread but white America have been shaking in their boots since the first Thanksgiving...........see a guilty conscience will always have you become paranoid because deep down you know that a bully always catches whats coming to them in the sooner or later..............How does America become the poor country that has become terroized to the big bully of the world? Killing innocent women and children that had nothing to do with it in the first place. Personally as a African-American I am not afraid of Al-Qaeda or any other terrorist groups........to this day people still do not understand the purpose of 9/11 it was never a murdering spree, or to end Americans way of life............ it was to MESS WITH AMERICANS MONEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WTC was the main office for every major bank, CIA, Corporations, records upon records destroyed....... All these other "attacks" are low level copy cats who got busted before they could do any real damage......

This whole TSA nonsense is just a Power Trip.........nothing more, nothing less........

Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely.......................................
Not to turn this into a race thread but white America have been shaking in their boots since the first Thanksgiving...........see a guilty conscience will always have you become paranoid because deep down you know that a bully always catches whats coming to them in the sooner or later..............How does America become the poor country that has become terroized to the big bully of the world? Killing innocent women and children that had nothing to do with it in the first place. Personally as a African-American I am not afraid of Al-Qaeda or any other terrorist groups........to this day people still do not understand the purpose of 9/11 it was never a murdering spree, or to end Americans way of life............ it was to MESS WITH AMERICANS MONEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WTC was the main office for every major bank, CIA, Corporations, records upon records destroyed....... All these other "attacks" are low level copy cats who got busted before they could do any real damage......

This whole TSA nonsense is just a Power Trip.........nothing more, nothing less........

Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely.......................................
Originally Posted by gambit215

Not to turn this into a race thread but white America have been shaking in their boots since the first Thanksgiving...........see a guilty conscience will always have you become paranoid because deep down you know that a bully always catches whats coming to them in the sooner or later..............How does America become the poor country that has become terroized to the big bully of the world? Killing innocent women and children that had nothing to do with it in the first place. Personally as a African-American I am not afraid of Al-Qaeda or any other terrorist groups........to this day people still do not understand the purpose of 9/11 it was never a murdering spree, or to end Americans way of life............ it was to MESS WITH AMERICANS MONEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WTC was the main office for every major bank, CIA, Corporations, records upon records destroyed....... All these other "attacks" are low level copy cats who got busted before they could do any real damage......

This whole TSA nonsense is just a Power Trip.........nothing more, nothing less........

Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely.......................................
Originally Posted by gambit215

Not to turn this into a race thread but white America have been shaking in their boots since the first Thanksgiving...........see a guilty conscience will always have you become paranoid because deep down you know that a bully always catches whats coming to them in the sooner or later..............How does America become the poor country that has become terroized to the big bully of the world? Killing innocent women and children that had nothing to do with it in the first place. Personally as a African-American I am not afraid of Al-Qaeda or any other terrorist groups........to this day people still do not understand the purpose of 9/11 it was never a murdering spree, or to end Americans way of life............ it was to MESS WITH AMERICANS MONEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WTC was the main office for every major bank, CIA, Corporations, records upon records destroyed....... All these other "attacks" are low level copy cats who got busted before they could do any real damage......

This whole TSA nonsense is just a Power Trip.........nothing more, nothing less........

Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely.......................................
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