What are your first thoughts when someone tells you "I don't drink"?

Realistically, it's far easier to avoid drinks than race in a triathlon
I understand your reasoning, if it is yours. However, and I might have missed it, it's the first time I've seen it used in this thread. Complete abstinence due to the lack of nutritional value in alcohol? Alright. I can dig it. I do recall some studies on the benefits of wine but whatever. 
I don't drink. But I do blow.

I've seen your avy for years and I now that I'm watching Lost, I know who that is.
^He was being sarcastic when he said that.

Is alcohol in moderation any better than if you didn't drink it at all?
I say good for you and my respects to you

I've grown up around alcohol my parents have owned a liquor store for 10+ years
the things I've seen and experiences over those years have detained me from grabbing the bottle
alcohol is a luxury not a necessity
Our society today has become over judgmental
We hear someone say they don't drink or seldom drink, people automatically think they're losers or no fun
Some things need to be reevaluated imo
you do realize that alcohol in moderation is good for you right?

I wasn't being serious.

Also I don't think the implication of drinking as a life-fulfilling and adventurous activity was in reference to having one glass of red wine per day.

This thread is about drinking for a buzz.
real life...

I drink maybe like once a year, (in the last two years) but i get ripped.... straight up smashed... why drink if you aint getting fadded?

i stopped drinking like a "normal," person because i was starting to wild out when getting faded... and one time i made out with an uglier broad, got into a fight with my boy, cried, finger some chick and licked my fingers and the next day i was just straight up embarrassed... although everyone laughed and stuff i was embarrassed. It wasn't the first time i was embarrassed or aced a fool, so i had to stop...

although i do enjoy playing beer pong and other fun drinking games but just every once in a while... dont get drunk from that though
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