What Jill Scott has to say about interracial couples...

Originally Posted by Nawth21

It's hard as hell to find someone you want to spend the rest of your life with. It really is. Limiting yourself just makes it that much harder. Or sometimes that person who you thought wasn't your type (because of race, religion, socio-economic background, etc) ends up being the other half of your essence. We don't plan for that, but it happens.

Celebrate love. Regardless of color or creed.

Originally Posted by mYToAsterspeak

I'll add my two cents and this is gonna be very simple. A GORGEOUS white women be it middle class, upper class, or whatever is more approachable and engaging, than a black woman with the same attributes. For some dumb !$% reason, that black women are fully responsible for, their attitudes, and sense of entitlement leave them on the outside looking in, and it's not helping their cause with white women having dat mass these days. Sista's just need to get it together and lose the attitude and entitled sense of self. One more thing of note though, dating is the biggest sport of all sports, and if your strategy is flawed, and you're not willing to make adjustments, you lose, and you lose by a margin.
Don't all women feel a sense of entitlement? Don't get it twisted, but white women will kirk on you just as much as a black one would. The perception of black women is that they are very head strong and don't take no #@*@, as they shouldn't.

I just think that men, not only black, tend to generalize black women as these creatures who are hard to get along with and want it their way at all times, when, in actuality, it just isn't so.

The media, especially tv, music videos, hell Nicki Minaj, the barbie herself, has painted women as people who are very promiscuous and are basically meant for only one thing, sex. No wonder some of them feel the way they do and have the attitudes they have, they are not only fighting for a good man, but also fighting to change the perception of black women. However, you can bet that there are just as many black women out there trying their hardest to perpetuate the stereotype. After all, they are the ones with the body and the aforementioned "mass". It is going to be hard when the media continues to paint the black female in such a negative light, and we continue to influence it. I'm guilty, shoot me. But so are you.

This subject is touchy. My grandmothers, mother, aunts, and sisters are all strong black women. I hate the light in which they are painted in, even before people get to know them, and yes they can be hard to get along with at times and be very, very head strong, but that only undermines the other amazing attributes about them. They love their family with all their heart, are god-fearing, can cook better than anyone you know, and love their men and will do anything for them.

I'm with a white woman, not because there weren't any good black women, but because she was the one I feel for. I've had black girlfriends before, but they just weren't the one. That's all it comes down to.

Black men should not be the scapegoat for why black women can't find a good man. We had nothing to do with who we love. It just happened.
Originally Posted by ChampionEdition

Originally Posted by RavageBX

Originally Posted by JDocs

Originally Posted by RavageBX

Originally Posted by RamZs8906

Originally Posted by Deuce King

On a related note, I wonder how many black men would feel if a large population of black women were out dating white men.

I'm quite sure "we" would be heated if this were to occur on a wide-scale basis.
We definitely would be... Hell I would argue that there are some black men who get upset when they see a beautiful black female with someone who isn't black.
QFT. Like I said, if the shoe was on the other foot dudes would sing a different tune. Whenever we see a bad black chick with anything other than a black dude, what's the first thought that comes to mind? "I bet he ain't hitting that right." This is just a small example of how it goes both ways. We're just in an advantaged position.
Is it because I don't live in the US or because I don't live in a predominantly black neighborhood that I just don't understand this logic? Why would I be mad if all the lovely black women exclusively dated non-black males? I'll just find a lovely woman of a different race, no?

I guess what I really don't get is why it is so important for these black women to find black men to settle down with.Or I'm just NOT getting it at all, but I've asked numerous times for someone to explain it
I've even read all the responses until now and I just don't get it.
You gotta look at the whole picture. What if non-black women did not generally find black men to be attractive? See that's the foregone conclusion, "I'll just date someone else." It's not that simple. Trust if this were the case black men would DEMAND loyalty from black women.
aye ravage... who are you bro? are you the new jesse jackson up in this @++#$?
you are not the voice of the black people. nothing youre saying is new, nor makes any sense to the general topic bro.
how you gonna comment on an interracial relationship and never been in one.
thats like commenting on how bad a basketball player is and have never dribbled a ball in your life.
im lay the truth on your @++#$ %$% homie. since my fat %$% was " 1 whopper away from obesity"
i been #%++$% and !!@+@+@ over women all my life. im over 300+ women bedded. i know every race of woman very well.
a hell of a lot better than you. and im in a relationship with a milky white, black haired green eyed white girl.
what the %%$@ you gonna tell me?{/jay-z}

black women expect to be placed upon some kind of high pedestal because their ancestors were very strong.
if that was the case, then shouldnt indian women, jewish women, and armenian women be held on the same level of strength?
they all had their own historical hardships.
women are women.
men will go with whatevers clever.
black women dont have some magical power to make me less tired.
they cant come assist me at my job.
they cant do nothing any other color of women can do.
so why should i treat you different than any other woman?
wouldnt that be racist?
holding your own race as "better for yourself and better than anyother race"?

no race of women is better than another so jill scotts point is invalid.
women are all the same. you may come in here and say "NO WERE NOT"
but if we were to go back and check out all the post you broads made during your time on NT

i promise 90% is the same stupid #@!%.

black men are not better than any race neither. so stop holdin these dudes as gods among men.
black, white, asian, hispanic, whatever... we all do the same #@!%.
we may dance different and dress different, but when it comes to broads,
we all act the same
, aside from the squares and lady lovers.

so, at the end of the day,
this is not an issue of race,
its an issue of haters.
cause +%+%*+$ gonna hate on ANYONE who is even 1 iota happier than they are.

we really need to get over this racial #@!%.
cause some of ya'll of being exposed as idiots and racists.
even if you think youre doing it for the right reasons.

thats my 2cents.

You should stop lying so much. I sincerely doubt you've boned over 300 women, and if you have, your point is really not valid because clearly you get with females for a purely physical aspect, which is no where near being in depth of the issue we're discussing. And I say that to combat your statement saying that all men do the same thing. You're wrong, and a lot of it is heavily based on our race and/ or ethnicities. Optimus Prime's post about his ethnicity is a great point of this because his ethnicity deal heavily in how he views this subject.

Jill Scott nor any black women has ever said that they expect to be treated a certain way due to their ancestors being strong. Go back and Read.... very slowly this time.

She never said that, you assumed that's what she meant. Clearly showing you didn't read what she said and understand what she said.

Namely you after your initial and this post, especially with you discounting what she's saying based on her opinion.

Here's your refund
Originally Posted by BlackStilettos

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

Yes, the days of slavery are long past, but this view of black womenas less desirable, less beautiful, less feminine and less valuable thanwhite women persists. It is illustrated by the women who are featuredon mainstream magazine covers…and those who are not (Vanity Fair anyone?).It is confirmed by the missing and exploited women that are covered24/7 on cable news…and those who are not. It is underscored bystatistics that reveal who is likely to marry…and who is not.

Black men are not immune to the message that black women are “lessthan.
Originally Posted by balloonoboy

Originally Posted by mYToAsterspeak

I'll add my two cents and this is gonna be very simple. A GORGEOUS white women be it middle class, upper class, or whatever is more approachable and engaging, than a black woman with the same attributes. For some dumb !$% reason, that black women are fully responsible for, their attitudes, and sense of entitlement leave them on the outside looking in, and it's not helping their cause with white women having dat mass these days. Sista's just need to get it together and lose the attitude and entitled sense of self. One more thing of note though, dating is the biggest sport of all sports, and if your strategy is flawed, and you're not willing to make adjustments, you lose, and you lose by a margin.
Don't all women feel a sense of entitlement? Don't get it twisted, but white women will kirk on you just as much as a black one would. The perception of black women is that they are very head strong and don't take no #@*@, as they shouldn't.

I just think that men, not only black, tend to generalize black women as these creatures who are hard to get along with and want it their way at all times, when, in actuality, it just isn't so.

The media, especially tv, music videos, hell Nicki Minaj, the barbie herself, has painted women as people who are very promiscuous and are basically meant for only one thing, sex. No wonder some of them feel the way they do and have the attitudes they have, they are not only fighting for a good man, but also fighting to change the perception of black women. However, you can bet that there are just as many black women out there trying their hardest to perpetuate the stereotype. After all, they are the ones with the body and the aforementioned "mass". It is going to be hard when the media continues to paint the black female in such a negative light, and we continue to influence it. I'm guilty, shoot me. But so are you.

This subject is touchy. My grandmothers, mother, aunts, and sisters are all strong black women. I hate the light in which they are painted in, even before people get to know them, and yes they can be hard to get along with at times and be very, very head strong, but that only undermines the other amazing attributes about them. They love their family with all their heart, are god-fearing, can cook better than anyone you know, and love their men and will do anything for them.

I'm with a white woman, not because there weren't any good black women, but because she was the one I feel for. I've had black girlfriends before, but they just weren't the one. That's all it comes down to.

Black men should not be the scapegoat for why black women can't find a good man. We had nothing to do with who we love. It just happened.
Well said Sir, well said.  I grew up in Casper, Wyoming and anyone that thinks that just Black women have a sense of entitlement are out of their minds. The same people that generalize Black women are the same ones that blow a gasket when people generalize all Black males as lazy, violent, thugs, etc. My mother, sisters, aunts, and grandmothers are strong Black women as well and you're right when you said that it all comes down to fit.  None of my girlfriends (all black) have ever been loud, emasculating, ghetto.  In fact they were all great people.    
Dirty are you Elton from the comments on that Jill Scott response?

Anyway, this is a tough subject to tackle. I was wrong for jumping to conclusions about Jill Scott. After listening to her interview on CNN, I see where she's coming from.
Peep this black chicks out number us black males therefore we have options. the same way they choose to consider me a bad black man because I don't drive a benz. Is the same way I choose to skip her but over and get a woman that likes me. If she wants to continue the black gene pool she better reevaluate her since of good and bad real fast before she ends up like a lot of black women with no kids . I understand jill scott but she doesn't know good and bad and therefore won't get a good black man . Yo we should treat our sisters better but we shouldn't have to be forced to marry her because she black. I should date her because of her mind and beauty. IF two rich black people marry thats good. At the same time alot of them become bougie and instill into their children just like other rich ethnicities do that if your boyfriend isn't from a certain family or makes a lot of money then don't date them.
Originally Posted by aepps20

Well said Sir, well said.  I grew up in Casper, Wyoming and anyone that thinks that just Black women have a sense of entitlement are out of their minds. The same people that generalize Black women are the same ones that blow a gasket when people generalize all Black males as lazy, violent, thugs, etc. My mother, sisters, aunts, and grandmothers are strong Black women as well and you're right when you said that it all comes down to fit.  None of my girlfriends (all black) have ever been loud, emasculating, ghetto.  In fact they were all great people.    

Originally Posted by RenaRene

She's just mad because nobody wants to put their cream in her coffee
She's married to a Black man ... what is she mad about?

I'm in a long-term relationship with a Black guy also, but I understand where she's coming from.

Black dudes would be UP IN ARMS if we (Black women) said that we don't want to date them.

It's literally a slap in the face ... you only see White women with successful Black men.

Why aren't we asking why White women date Black guys? Because we know the answer.

Better yet ... ask why Black guys date White women, and I bet you someone brings up preference.

I prefer my guy (or else I wouldn't be with him), but I'm not going to say "I would never date a White guy because of ________."

That's straight up ******ed, ESPECIALLY, if the person you wouldn't date is your ETHNICITY. That just means you hate YOURSELF.
Originally Posted by bittersweet

Originally Posted by RenaRene

She's just mad because nobody wants to put their cream in her coffee
She's married to a Black man ... what is she mad about?

I'm in a long-term relationship with a Black guy also, but I understand where she's coming from.

Black dudes would be UP IN ARMS if we (Black women) said that we don't want to date them.

It's literally a slap in the face ... you only see White women with successful Black men.

Why aren't we asking why White women date Black guys? Because we know the answer.

Better yet ... ask why Black guys date White women, and I bet you someone brings up preference.

I prefer my guy (or else I wouldn't be with him), but I'm not going to say "I would never date a White guy because of ________."

That's straight up ******ed, ESPECIALLY, if the person you wouldn't date is your ETHNICITY. That just means you hate YOURSELF.

If you aren't a black man how can you be sure of how "we" would react to anything? I've been stationed in Virginia since last summer and I've seen PLENTY of black women that only date white guys. It doesn't bother me in the slightest. The heart wants what the heart wants. All this white women only get with successful black men is complete basura as well. Again I ask what is successful anyway? If black women are only upset when a black man with money to blow gets with a white woman and not the man that works 9 to 5 to make ends meet then throw out all this slavery and hardship discussion. A man's "success" shouldn't be a determining factor in your feeling of "betrayal" if he decides to date outside of his race. If it is then what does that say about you?
Alright, well it seems as though I just don't know what racism is, so I will politely move on from this convo. Thanks for all the replies peoples, I think I kinda get what shes saying...maybe
Originally Posted by bittersweet

Originally Posted by RenaRene

She's just mad because nobody wants to put their cream in her coffee
She's married to a Black man ... what is she mad about?

I'm in a long-term relationship with a Black guy also, but I understand where she's coming from.

Black dudes would be UP IN ARMS if we (Black women) said that we don't want to date them.

It's literally a slap in the face ... you only see White women with successful Black men.

Why aren't we asking why White women date Black guys? Because we know the answer.

Better yet ... ask why Black guys date White women, and I bet you someone brings up preference.

I prefer my guy (or else I wouldn't be with him), but I'm not going to say "I would never date a White guy because of ________."

That's straight up ******ed, ESPECIALLY, if the person you wouldn't date is your ETHNICITY. That just means you hate YOURSELF.

Answer me this...
Why can't someone have a personal preference?
Why can't someone be attracted to a person of a different color more than one of their color without "hating themself?"
That doesn't even make sense...
I'm italian and I am more attracted to black women than women of my ethnicity...
So you telling me I hate myself because of that???
You act like people cant have preferences in life...
Originally Posted by YoUNg bR3aD

Originally Posted by bittersweet

Originally Posted by RenaRene

She's just mad because nobody wants to put their cream in her coffee
She's married to a Black man ... what is she mad about?

I'm in a long-term relationship with a Black guy also, but I understand where she's coming from.

Black dudes would be UP IN ARMS if we (Black women) said that we don't want to date them.

It's literally a slap in the face ... you only see White women with successful Black men.

Why aren't we asking why White women date Black guys? Because we know the answer.

Better yet ... ask why Black guys date White women, and I bet you someone brings up preference.

I prefer my guy (or else I wouldn't be with him), but I'm not going to say "I would never date a White guy because of ________."

That's straight up ******ed, ESPECIALLY, if the person you wouldn't date is your ETHNICITY. That just means you hate YOURSELF.

Answer me this...
Why can't someone have a personal preference?
Why can't someone be attracted to a person of a different color more than one of their color without "hating themself?"
That doesn't even make sense...
I'm italian and I am more attracted to black women than women of my ethnicity...
So you telling me I hate myself because of that???
You act like people cant have preferences in life...
Have you ever generalized Italian women though?

The Black "boys" on NT constantly do it. There's no problem with dating others, but when dudes just are so disgusted, that's a problem.
Originally Posted by bittersweet

Originally Posted by YoUNg bR3aD

Originally Posted by bittersweet

Originally Posted by RenaRene

She's just mad because nobody wants to put their cream in her coffee
She's married to a Black man ... what is she mad about?

I'm in a long-term relationship with a Black guy also, but I understand where she's coming from.

Black dudes would be UP IN ARMS if we (Black women) said that we don't want to date them.

It's literally a slap in the face ... you only see White women with successful Black men.

Why aren't we asking why White women date Black guys? Because we know the answer.

Better yet ... ask why Black guys date White women, and I bet you someone brings up preference.

I prefer my guy (or else I wouldn't be with him), but I'm not going to say "I would never date a White guy because of ________."

That's straight up ******ed, ESPECIALLY, if the person you wouldn't date is your ETHNICITY. That just means you hate YOURSELF.

Answer me this...
Why can't someone have a personal preference?
Why can't someone be attracted to a person of a different color more than one of their color without "hating themself?"
That doesn't even make sense...
I'm italian and I am more attracted to black women than women of my ethnicity...
So you telling me I hate myself because of that???
You act like people cant have preferences in life...
Have you ever generalized Italian women though?

The Black "boys" on NT constantly do it. There's no problem with dating others, but when dudes just are so disgusted, that's a problem.
Did you not generalize white women by saying they only go for successful black men? You also suggested their reasons for dating black men are less then genuine. Sounds like generalization to me love. No big deal we all do it to an extent but don't blast NT for it.
Originally Posted by bittersweet

Originally Posted by RenaRene

She's just mad because nobody wants to put their cream in her coffee
She's married to a Black man ... what is she mad about?

I'm in a long-term relationship with a Black guy also, but I understand where she's coming from.

Black dudes would be UP IN ARMS if we (Black women) said that we don't want to date them.

It's literally a slap in the face ... you only see White women with successful Black men.

Why aren't we asking why White women date Black guys? Because we know the answer.

Better yet ... ask why Black guys date White women, and I bet you someone brings up preference.

I prefer my guy (or else I wouldn't be with him), but I'm not going to say "I would never date a White guy because of ________."

That's straight up ******ed, ESPECIALLY, if the person you wouldn't date is your ETHNICITY. That just means you hate YOURSELF.

To the first bold section:  I know of white women with black men of various socio-economic standing (on both sides).

And to the 2nd - you do not know why someone dates someone else.  Even if you personally know that person, you cannot say with 100% certainty why they chose their mate.  You just can't.   Ok, maybe in a few select cases you can *cough* but generally speaking.  No. 
Originally Posted by bittersweet

Originally Posted by YoUNg bR3aD

Originally Posted by bittersweet

Originally Posted by RenaRene

She's just mad because nobody wants to put their cream in her coffee
She's married to a Black man ... what is she mad about?

I'm in a long-term relationship with a Black guy also, but I understand where she's coming from.

Black dudes would be UP IN ARMS if we (Black women) said that we don't want to date them.

It's literally a slap in the face ... you only see White women with successful Black men.

Why aren't we asking why White women date Black guys? Because we know the answer.

Better yet ... ask why Black guys date White women, and I bet you someone brings up preference.

I prefer my guy (or else I wouldn't be with him), but I'm not going to say "I would never date a White guy because of ________."

That's straight up ******ed, ESPECIALLY, if the person you wouldn't date is your ETHNICITY. That just means you hate YOURSELF.

Answer me this...
Why can't someone have a personal preference?
Why can't someone be attracted to a person of a different color more than one of their color without "hating themself?"
That doesn't even make sense...
I'm italian and I am more attracted to black women than women of my ethnicity...
So you telling me I hate myself because of that???
You act like people cant have preferences in life...
Have you ever generalized Italian women though?

The Black "boys" on NT constantly do it. There's no problem with dating others, but when dudes just are so disgusted, that's a problem.

But you generalized white women....
How do you know their reasons for dating black men?
You know what... Why don't you tell us their reason since you know...
And on top of that I know some Black dudes that aint #$%^ that date white women...
How you gonna say white women only date successful black men?
Dude I know Eric aint had a job in 3 years and lives off a white woman...

You saying "boys" on NT generalize black women but you generalizing white women.... 
So you can do it and its ok?
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