What Life Questions Are You Still Looking for the Answers To?

May 20, 2013
Like the title says, any life question that you've pondered for a while and aren't much closer to an answer.
Is Jadakiss really as hard as it gets?

You're not a real NTer if you didn't at least think this. Even if you don't think it's funny, you knew it was coming. :lol:

Why hasn't loud become reggie yet??
What tf is racist white people's problem?
Who in the hell thought casting Maggie Gyllenhaal as Bruce Wayne's love interest was a good idea??
Honestly would have been disappointed if it wasn’t wasn’t the first response.

Also would have been satisfied with “where is ja rule to make sense of all this?”
Why did Bush knock down them towers
Why you round them cowards?


Why are some people (so) lucky, fortunate, brillant, gifted, so beautiful, etc?
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