What takes more skill to excel at: Halo or Call of Duty?

I loved halo to death but the series is over. I tried with reach it didnt keep me hooked. And 3 was turrible.

Halo def takes more skill, any experienced fps nub can put up numbers on cod.

Bf3 over all
At the highest levels of gameplay they both need skill. CoD you need good reaction, Halo you need good execution. IMO Halo is better..
I grew up playing Halo2&3 and i went to a couple tournaments but i never had that top level skill
... That's the harsh thing about these games you either have it or you don't.
EDIT: And Halo:Reach is complete garbage
My little brother plays both constantly, but he used to excel at the Halo games. Halo takes skill and tactics to master, you can be good at COD if you have good reaction time. I beat my bro a few times at COD, but I've never ever beaten him at Halo. The kid is like the dude from that flick Wizard when it comes to the Halo series.
Halo, definitely. The fact that your bullets pretty much go exactly where you aim means you can't just get a bs headshot out of nowhere. CoD is primarily about who gets the first shot off also. In Halo, because it takes longer to kill someone, you actually have a chance to recover and outplay your opponent. I wish the Halo series were still doing well, I'd play that over CoD for sure (MW3 was such a disappointment for me
if you want to be good at COD by a beast connection and always pull host
you will consistently get 2-3 bullets downrange before the enemy can even aim down sight
Originally Posted by ChicagoKid23

if you want to be good at COD by a beast connection and always pull host
you will consistently get 2-3 bullets downrange before the enemy can even aim down sight
now its changed so you need the worst connection to beast.
also i played halo the other day for the first time in 3 years and beasted on kids. all you do in halo is jump in the air and shoot. dont need to aim down sites or anything
Originally Posted by TennHouse2

Neither play street fighter
now that takes skill

yup, +1.

the dexterity, timing, strategy & reactionary/motor skills required to excel at street fighter makes cod look like child's play.  the learning curve for cod isn't steep at all, you can be good at it after playing 3 weeks straight.  while if u wanna master sf & be the best player out there it'll take multiple years.  execution on sf is waaaaaayyy harder to master than cod.
Definitely Halo.

Sadly, I've converted over to COD. I simply can't stand shooting dudes who run around corners...using armor lock and invisibility and all of that garbage anymore.

I hope Halo 4 comes back strong.
I've been to mlg events and have placed top 24 which is pretty good. without question halo takes way more skill.
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