Who the hell doesn't pick up their dog's +#%* ???

dudes are really mad in here lol....
is it that serious to hope someones kid to get bitten because they didn't pick up poop. Oh...
I hate this !$$*

Bottom line: if it's not your yard, or anywhere that someone else will be walking, pick it up, it's one of the responsibilities of having a dog

This lady in my neighborhood lets her dog run around, rip up peoples trash, and !$$* in people's yards, no one says anything out of courtesy

More than once I've thought about kicking that !@!#*** dog in the throat, but I don't wanna get Mike Vicked

Imma probably just do the oldie but goodie and put a sample of my human defecate in a paper bag and put it in her mail box
That is gross. Its good for the grass
Originally Posted by BLinK

Only if someone is watching.

haha this

Take them to the park.  They poo some times i do sometimes i don't

I do if its on someone elses property but the park is fair game to me
My dog goes in the grass in front of my apartment building. I always "forget" to bring a plastic bag, so when I see him about to %$*@, I pretend like I dont see him and when he starts walking I start walking.

Im not proud of that though. Im going to and be more mindful about bring a bag with me in the future, but I dont walk him often so I always forget.
when i walk my sister's dog i pick up after him. i swear if somebody's dog %+%+* in front of my crib and doesnt get cleaned up. im making them eat it
I would if I had a big dog that laid human sized turds. I have 2 chihuauhuas and thier turds are pretty much irrelevant.
Originally Posted by Mojodmonky1

Originally Posted by techmen31

I have trained my dog to poop in the middle of the street when I take him for walks. Don't pick up.
if you get rundown by a drunk driver while walking your dog out to poop in the middle of the street, not a single tear will be shed.
training your dog to poop in the middle of the street

and getting hit by a drunk driver.

II try to make my dog poop in like bushes or areas no one walks threw.
Originally Posted by SpeakUp23

My dog goes in the grass in front of my apartment building. I always "forget" to bring a plastic bag, so when I see him about to %$*@, I pretend like I dont see him and when he starts walking I start walking.

Im not proud of that though. Im going to and be more mindful about bring a bag with me in the future, but I dont walk him often so I always forget.
my goal to prolong my dogs craps are telling him "squirrel! sick em, onde?!" (mexican dog that hates squirrels.)

usually prolongs it till he gets to this corner with plants where he always lands his dookies.

anyways just out of curiousity, what kinda dogs you guys got and how big is their *#%%%?

I got a jack russel. Little *#%%% ftw
Simple solution to this problem guys. 

1. Buy a bunch of cayenne pepper and sprinkle it around the border of your yard.  Get it in there good.  Apply once every two weeks.  The next dog that comes into your yard will get a snout full of pepper and will burn like all hell.  That dog will never come close to your yard again. Ever.

2.  Tell this method to your neighbors.

3.  ????

4.  Profit
I watched a dog for a week one time. Didn't pick it up once, wasn't my dog...

But one time my neighbor was tryin to pull that +@+@. I stared her down and watched her panic and then pick it up while I smirked at her
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