why cant i get enough of ASIAN WOMEN..young and old. Something about them!

thai girls don't play games lol


So says dating app AYI.com, which analyzed 2.4 million interactions among its daters to discover that women of Asian descent were the most desired of the female population by all guys except one type:

Asian American men. They preferred Latinas, AYI says. Go figure.

It's true tho, out of all ethnicity's I've dated, Latina's were the hottest but also craziest lol. (I'm filipino). Through all the asian girls I know the ones that are more likely to date a black dude are filipino, viet, cambodian. For some reason I don't think the chinese or japanese, korean ones are down.
thai girls don't play games lol

It's true tho, out of all ethnicity's I've dated, Latina's were the hottest but also craziest lol. (I'm filipino). Through all the asian girls I know the ones that are more likely to date a black dude are filipino, viet, cambodian. For some reason I don't think the chinese or japanese, korean ones are down.
YOU will be surprise bro. Japanese girls like black culture. had a homie who went to japan. Korean girls idk so much maybe the americanized one
thai girls don't play games lol

It's true tho, out of all ethnicity's I've dated, Latina's were the hottest but also craziest lol. (I'm filipino). Through all the asian girls I know the ones that are more likely to date a black dude are filipino, viet, cambodian. For some reason I don't think the chinese or japanese, korean ones are down.
can u put me on to some fine filipina mamis??? my LA bredren
Pretty sure once I move out to LA, Imm cuffing a filipino broad within weeks
men they like those light skin pretty looking soft *** ******. Im dark skinned lol

Lol dude dont blame your failings on skin color 2 of my black friends are married to Japanese women and they are pretty black. It isnt as much of a hurdle as some of you are making it out to be. You do need to be in a city where there is a large population and constant exposure. If you're black befriend some Asians, and teach them the inner workings of black culture.

Or just order a Thai prostitute but y'all too picky with the no FOBs. Beggars can't be choosers.

Anyhow easiest way to get Asian women established is to be successful and white. Even Asian dudes are struggling lol.
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Filipina mestizas are 
.  Not really into any other Asian's though. 

 at fetishism though.  Its always rubbed me the wrong way. 
I heard in cali they have alot of asian-black relationships. Asians arent for me. I ******g hate their worship of white people. Wouldnt want a kid who hates his skin color because he aint white. But filipinas and southeast asians are fine tho
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As a mestizo filipino, I prefer black chicks for sure. Mm. :smh:

I also prefer the darker asians and native americans. :kanyeshrug
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I heard in cali they have alot of asian-black relationships. Asians arent for me. I ******g hate their worship of white people. Wouldnt want a kid who hates his skin color because he aint white. But filipinas and southeast asians are fine tho
the asian encounters ive always had were rather extreme on both ends... from leaning over to lock doors as i walk by they car. or a true genuine friendship.

my ex was hesitant to date me cause i was black. she thought her parents wouldnt have approved.

i once was walking late at night back to my apt and (not to offend anyone) but this really FOBy asian girl approached me asking for directions... it was a great feeling. usually they walk the other way.
thai girls don't play games lol

It's true tho, out of all ethnicity's I've dated, Latina's were the hottest but also craziest lol. (I'm filipino). Through all the asian girls I know the ones that are more likely to date a black dude are filipino, viet, cambodian. For some reason I don't think the chinese or japanese, korean ones are down.

That article definitely applies to me. Half Korean half white (German ancestry) here, majority of the girls I've hooked up are Latinas.

A lot of my friends back in NY and now here in LA are into asian chicks. I've never had a problem throwing em the alley when it comes to talking to asian girls. A decent amount of asian girls are into half asian guys for some reason, so it's always been pretty easy for me to talk to them or have them approach me wondering what mix I am. Game is game, if you can talk to girls it should be pretty easy to talk to asian girls, it's not that different in my experience.
I heard in cali they have alot of asian-black relationships. Asians arent for me. I ******g hate their worship of white people. Wouldnt want a kid who hates his skin color because he aint white. But filipinas and southeast asians are fine tho

worship of white people? haha all the asians that I know worship black people more than white people.
I heard in cali they have alot of asian-black relationships. Asians arent for me. I ******g hate their worship of white people. Wouldnt want a kid who hates his skin color because he aint white. But filipinas and southeast asians are fine tho

worship of white people? haha all the asians that I know worship black people more than white people.

Many (won't say most or even majority cuz idk) see an Asian female getting a successful cookie cutter white male husband as the pinnacle.

There are a great numbers in Cali, especially the Bay, who do love to emulate black culture. One of my ex's was a mixed black chick and the majority of her friends were Asians like that
i date an asian, cus im in asia. 8)

but op, youre missing out if you dont inculde thais and vietnamese girls. go visit bangkok and hcm city, yellow feverrr.

bangkok is cray

Where in Asia are you?
Korea? (judging by your sig)
I'm in the mainland :/
I love white girls and asian girls but I'm starting to like white girls more... I'm an asian dude and there is a stigma with asian guys dating with white girls. Every time I see an asian dude with a white girl, I just want to give daps or give one of those creepy grin w/ subtle head nod gif. Btw, this thread need pics. :nerd:
:smh: when my parents be hitting me with this.. like you dont even know this dude like i do :smh: :lol:

This is one thing common with all types of Asians. My mom STAYED telling me "Why can't you be a nice, good respectable boy like ______" cause I have tats, go out and drink a lot, etc. Dude she compared me to puts up the biggest innocent act in front of all the family friends even though he's been arrested twice, sells coke, has wrecked 3 cars while street racing drunk/high, etc. I have nothing against the dude at all but it irritated me like no other to be thought of as a "bad boy" by my fam and their friends even though I'm the most "clean cut" out of everyone :lol: Whatever though, ever since I started my career, none of this @#$% matters anymore
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when my parents be hitting me with this.. like you dont even know this dude like i do
This is one thing common with all types of Asians. My mom STAYED telling me "Why can't you be a nice, good respectable boy like ______" cause I have tats, go out and drink a lot, etc. Dude she compared me to puts up the biggest innocent act in front of all the family friends even though he's been arrested twice, sells coke, has wrecked 3 cars while street racing, etc. I have nothing against the dude but it irritated me like no other to be thought of as a "bad boy" by my fam even though I'm the most "clean cut" out of everyone
Whatever though, ever since I started my career, none of this @#$% matters anymore
dude.. when the other guy does something wrong its "oh my boy is such a good kid" and when i do somethign wrong its "why cant you be like him"
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