Why do you believe that there is a god?

Originally Posted by Steinbeckballa

It's always God, but my answer is based on faith. He created us to be knowledgeable, wise, understanding, and strong, but also dependent on him.

He seems to be failing many of us then....
Originally Posted by pookieman

Originally Posted by Steinbeckballa

It's always God, but my answer is based on faith. He created us to be knowledgeable, wise, understanding, and strong, but also dependent on him.

He seems to be failing many of us then....
please explain
If god is all-knowing, then we're all just puppets. Your entire life story was written before you were born, so why bother praying? If there is a god, he made me this way and there's nothing I can do about it.

Originally Posted by an dee 51o

If god is all-knowing, then we're all just puppets. Your entire life story was written before you were born, so why bother praying? If there is a god, he made me this way and there's nothing I can do about it.


You're right.

Originally Posted by an dee 51o

If god is all-knowing, then we're all just puppets. Your entire life story was written before you were born, so why bother praying? If there is a god, he made me this way and there's nothing I can do about it.


Furthermore, If God already has a plan for you, who are you to question his plan?  By praying, you are asking God to change the plan that he has already laid out for you.  Do you think you really know better than God?

Put me in my place if my reasoning is wrong.
Originally Posted by Steinbeckballa

Originally Posted by pookieman

Originally Posted by Steinbeckballa

It's always God, but my answer is based on faith. He created us to be knowledgeable, wise, understanding, and strong, but also dependent on him.

He seems to be failing many of us then....
please explain
If we, the human race, hell, all living creatures....and we are dependent upon god, then he is failing us.  We have millions of people over in eastern Africa dying of famine, they are depending on God too, but where is he?  Oh wait...could be the wrong god. 
Originally Posted by Steinbeckballa

It's always God, but my answer is based on faith. He created us to be knowledgeable, wise, understanding, and strong, but also dependent on him.
So we're literally incapable of solving our own problems? God created us to be so incompetent that we can't do anything without him? In just about any religion, we are responsible for our sins whereas any good that we accomplish is immediately attributed to god. This sounds pretty broken.
For AirForc1 and an dee:
Praying is based on faith. Your life story is written, but you don't know what is written about your future. Only God knows. 

For: Pookieman

Im gon be real, I don't know the complete answer to that, but what I do know is that if those people dying of famine are dependent on God and have complete faith in him then they'll go to heaven. But it's not for me to say who goes and who doesn't. Just answering the question based on what I read in the Bible.

Not trying to bash yall that don't agree or put anybody in their place. Thread is going pretty well so far
I didn't say we were incompetent. God gives us the free will to make decisions hoping that we make the right one. He gives us the necessary tools to solve our problems, but we can't fully succeed without him. He is perfect and sin free. All this is based on faith tho.
Originally Posted by Steinbeckballa

Originally Posted by il prescelto

srs question, why doesnt God help me out when I ask him for help? like, when im doing math hw?....for being all-powerful/omniscent/etc., he sure acts like a little $%#@

oh, and BasedGod > God


He's not not going to just write the answers down for you. There are resources that he placed for you to learn and study the math material. It's up to you to put in the work. 
Why not?
Originally Posted by an dee 51o

If god is all-knowing, then we're all just puppets. Your entire life story was written before you were born, so why bother praying? If there is a god, he made me this way and there's nothing I can do about it.


Something that always bothered me as a child when introduced to church. Like whats the point if its all planned out by a man in the clouds. It really used to frustrate me. Now I just don't know somethings point towards there being a 'God' and somethings don't.
Originally Posted by Steinbeckballa

I didn't say we were incompetent. God gives us the free will to make decisions hoping that we make the right one. He gives us the necessary tools to solve our problems, but we can't fully succeed without him. He is perfect and sin free. All this is based on faith tho.
We can't do what is right without god, so this suggests that god either failed when he created us or he created us as imperfect, incompetent beings.
I'm sorry but religion is just very funny to me... don't get me wrong, I love the idea of god(s)... its just religion is the only mass accepted thing on this planet that has no physical proof to back it up... IMO its like magic, nothing but smoke and mirrors with very well trained people performing it...
Originally Posted by Mycoldyourdone

you people don't know how unimportant we are.
Your right.

   We can't do what is right without god, so this suggests that god either failed when he created us or he created us as imperfect, incompetent beings.

  I'm imperfect and need God at all times.
Originally Posted by sillyputty

Originally Posted by foreveryoung

My question is, you mentioned your job, what do you do?

And also do you have a family, children, or a significant other?

Thats a shame. I wanted to read them. 

 Why can't you be honest and just say, i just want to be free to think what I want to think with no evidence?

 If you can't even suggest it reasonably why should anyone else listen to you? 

I do research under a physician in connection with a medical school...but that doesn't mean anything. What I do for a living doesn't legitimize my claims or my evidence or my statements. 

Listening to your parents say there is a god doesn't mean they were more or less right than the professor at harvard. The claims must stand on their own regardless of who initiates them. 

I have no kids and i'm not married. Not sure what that again has to do with anything or how that adds to or subtracts from the claim there is a god. 

BTW, you witnessing a miracle or where I think you may be trying to take this or bait me... doesn't mean there is a god. Not being able to explain something just means...YOU CANT EXPLAIN SOMETHING. 

Why can't people just say "i don't know...but i'd like to figure it out" instead of just saying "welp, god did it"... How does that explain anything? If anything it takes you FURTHER from really getting to learn something. 

I think youre mistaking my whole stance on everything
. I say what I feel is irrelevant because of regardless of what I believe you are going to want some sort of factual evidence, which I cant nor feel the need to supply to anybody ha. Its how I feel. It just seems like its an insult to you if somebody says: thats what I believe.

As far as why I asked about family and children, the only reason was to ask about love.

Love is not a quantifiable thing. You cant prove you love somebody any more than you can prove you believe in God. You either feel it, or you dont. Theres no formula.

But until one feels it, or has an experience where they have felt it, it is an abstract concept.

If someone told you to prove you loved your parents, what would you do? (If you dont I apologize. But you get my point)

“Religion does three things quite effectivel­y: Divides people, Controls people, Deludes people. – Carlespie Mary Alice McKinney
First off...I am an Agnostic Theist. (I think that's what you would call it)

- I was raised in a Catholic home and went to Catholic school as a child. Like most kids that did...I want to say that I was brainwashed to believe that there is a God or follow Catholic religion.

- As I got older (high school), I started to question MY religion and God's existence. For example, if there is a God, why aren't we created equal? Why are there third world countries where people are dying of hunger and diseases? As far as natural disasters, why did it happen there and why did that many people die/get hurt? Did they do anything wrong to be punished as such?

- At the same time, I studied (read) about evolution, science websites, the universe, went to bible classes (Christian and Catholic), watch documentaries about Muslims, Egyptians, Paganism, etc...

- I was an Atheist (read the last part, for my change of heart)

- I don't follow a particular religion nor believe in their Gods and I don't care much about heaven and hell either. I don't go to church either...unless my girl wants me to go. :/

- I do believe that there is a higher being somewhere out there. I do pray from time to time and I ask for guidance, make smart decisions, protection, keeping my friends/family safe, etc. I also Thank him/her for all the good things/blessings that are going on in my life.

- Honestly, I can't really explain why I believe in a higher being, there are just things that happened to me that could've got me killed, in big trouble, etc. But somehow I feel like there is someone watching over me.

- Believe it or not, I was in a pretty rough spot a few years ago. I was always a hard worker, got paid and was pretty good financially, I always great friends, good relationship with my family, an awesome social life. But I just wasn't satisfied or happy. No matter what I did, I've always felt crappy and unhappy. I don't think I was depressed or anything. But I've always felt like #^$%. Then one day, I decided to ask this higher being for help. The crazy thing is...it worked. I don't know how and I don't know why, but it worked. Call it stupid luck or what not.

This just MY own belief and came up with MY own conclusion. I'm not saying my belief is correct and anyone else's is wrong. Frankly, I dont even care about religion.
Originally Posted by Steinbeckballa

He created us to make mistakes. We were all born in sin. So my mistake, I guess we are incompetent.

So you worship someone who "created you to make mistakes"? Okay, makes a lot of sense
God is the only one that's perfect and I'm far from it. And it actually does make sense to me, but that's just my belief.
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