Why do you believe that there is a god?

Son said I don't like facts and evidence and then his source is a wikipedia article

I'ma leave you alone brother...your a couple levels below me....I just have to put you in your place sometimes.
Nah Anton, I'm going to borrow a page from the Believer's book and just ask for forgiveness, CLEAN SLATE! Then I'll do it all over again, ask for forgiveness, waste 2 hrs next Sunday singing songs that seem to never end, hear a sermon from a guy I guaran-Jesus-tee you has and is currently breaking every commandment/law in the Bible, and I'll be good to go. Gotta love having loopholes

And to be honest, tell me Heaven doesn't seem UBER LAME from every description you have ever heard of it.

Gold plated streets- OK that's cute I guess, property values probably stay high. I bet real estate is expensive than a *#+!% up there, plus H.O.A fees to keep it clean unless they just make someone from Hell do it for free.

Floating around on a cloud playing the harp in a half robe/toga? Nah, I'm good. For one, I got manboobs so I need something with more coverage because I'm self conscious. You stay the same age and condition as you died in, forever, correct? Well, assuming I die of old age, sucks. I don't want to be old forever, young forever, blind forever, fat forever, etc. There is no consistent description of Heaven really. I wonder why. I guess because it's totally fake and made up. Again, I'll use Santa Clause for comparison. He's generally considered a jolly old fat white man with a white beard, unless you couldn't get one and then he's a skinny white man with a fake beard, or if you're a black family he's a jolly old fat black man, Asian man too if you have enough specialty stores in your area or just some yellow paint.

Now let's talk about Hell. First off, EVERYONE who has ever done anything fun is there. Secondly, haunting people seems like fun when I see it in the movies. They say it's burning and hot, but hell if you can live through it for eternity it must not be too bad.

And not even to cosign Anton like that but Smooth, dissing the source is a weak copout. Just a 2 second google search produces the same results from a multitude of sources. It's no surprise you are so easily manipulated to believe in that which isn't, and can't possibly be, true. Ask and ye shall recieve, seek and ye shall find.



Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

Son said I don't like facts and evidence and then his source is a wikipedia article

I'ma leave you alone brother...your a couple levels below me....I just have to put you in your place sometimes.

Wikipedia is actually fairly accurate in a wide range of subjects, I use wikipedia to study for some of my exams *shrugs* Here's another source-At least i didn't use yahoo answers



I dunno either way Nigeria is actually has one of the highest GDPs in the world, not sure what the rank is but we're top 10 in oil production I believe-My point is there are far worse countries than Nigeria

Top oil producers in 2006




Ranks about top 10 on average, you could do some research yourself if you care that much

This is what you consider putting me in my place

I'm mad I'm over here defending Nigeria in a thread that has nothing to do with it
Someone doesn't believe in your religion, say something negative about their country. It's the Yahweh WAY.
I don't understand how people can believe in a god when there are TONS of other religions that believe in different gods.

If Jesus, or whoever "created" us, why wouldn't everyone believe in just ONE god?

Makes no sense to me..
Originally Posted by BossPlaya0625

Seriously dont even know what to believe in anymore.


Believe in nothing, anything and everything

I know that sounds trivial but it's pretty much my approach to life
Originally Posted by Boi

I don't understand how people can believe in a god when there are TONS of other religions that believe in different gods.

If Jesus, or whoever "created" us, why wouldn't everyone believe in just ONE god?

Makes no sense to me..

well if you think hard enough maybe it is just one god. only the name and interpetation has changed. thats why nobody should say that their god is greater when everyone is probably praying and worshipping the same god...
them atheists can never let boys cook.

always want to say why one is wrong.


and tell saying silly putty went in...

but sc shift its holding it down too.

if religion improves ones quality of life, then what's wrong with that?
Originally Posted by NobleKane

Originally Posted by Boi

I don't understand how people can believe in a god when there are TONS of other religions that believe in different gods.

If Jesus, or whoever "created" us, why wouldn't everyone believe in just ONE god?

Makes no sense to me..

well if you think hard enough maybe it is just one god. only the name and interpetation has changed. thats why nobody should say that their god is greater when everyone is probably praying and worshipping the same god...

Some religions have multiple deities to which they pray....ones "responsible" for many different aspects of our life
Originally Posted by NobleKane

Originally Posted by Boi

I don't understand how people can believe in a god when there are TONS of other religions that believe in different gods.

If Jesus, or whoever "created" us, why wouldn't everyone believe in just ONE god?

Makes no sense to me..

well if you think hard enough maybe it is just one god. only the name and interpetation has changed. thats why nobody should say that their god is greater when everyone is probably praying and worshipping the same god...

This is a popular go to explanation for why there are so many different religions, "it's the same God, in diff religions"

Problem with this logic is that some religious traditions were polytheistic and had hundreds of Gods within that same religious tradition-so Yahweh is not Zeus AND Ares
Originally Posted by pookieman

Originally Posted by NobleKane

Originally Posted by Boi

I don't understand how people can believe in a god when there are TONS of other religions that believe in different gods.

If Jesus, or whoever "created" us, why wouldn't everyone believe in just ONE god?

Makes no sense to me..

well if you think hard enough maybe it is just one god. only the name and interpetation has changed. thats why nobody should say that their god is greater when everyone is probably praying and worshipping the same god...

Some religions have multiple deities to which they pray....ones "responsible" for many different aspects of our life

Well, good looks you just echoed what I said in response to the one God, many interpretations theory
There are over 300 known religions on this planet and all of them SWEAR that their religion is the only right one and that everyone else is wrong. We humans as a whole are confused. We've all used our intelligence to come up with all kinds of silly theories and stories. The whole God thing is no different than santa, the tooth fairy or cupid. I am an Atheist, im going to live and enjoy my life the way i want to and when i die, whatever happens to me will be my problem and no one else's.
Originally Posted by ricky409

if religion improves ones quality of life, then what's wrong with that?

thats what i want to know. it makes atheists look like douche bags. why does it matter that someone believes in a god?

we get these types of threads every two weeks and its always started by an atheist... its like they take it too personally...
Originally Posted by Steinbeckballa

Ya we all were born in sin. What I mean by free will is by choosing between right or wrong. ex. Cheat on a test or not cheat on a test. You have the ability to make the decision you want and if you don't make the right decision then that's sin. We are all going to make mistakes in our life, but all we can do is ask for forgivness, strentgh, patience, and wisdom to get through whatever the individual is going trough.

Are you playing devils advocate? What are your beliefs So Nyuh Shi?
No, I know what you mean by free will regarding sin, but you said that we were created to make senses. In other words, we were created to sin. If we were created to sin, then we do not have free will to choose between right and wrong because the almighty creator created us so that we would do wrong. Do you see what I'm getting at?

No, I'm not playing devil's advocate. You said some things that I felt were interesting and I'm just trying to have a discussion on what you said. Personally, I don't feel that we can know or understand whether god exists. This is why I originally asked you about how one can know whether god is answering their prayers or whether something else is accounting for their prayers being answered. For any instance where prayers are answered, or a miracle occurs, we can't actually determine that god was a part of that.
Originally Posted by ricky409

them atheists can never let boys cook.

always want to say why one is wrong.


and tell saying silly putty went in...

but sc shift its holding it down too.

if religion improves ones quality of life, then what's wrong with that?
I strongly agree

Personal spiritual growth and benefits is not my beef with religion-it's the hypocrisy, hatred, and ignorance that comes along with it that bothers me

You can believe in the lochness monster if it improves your quality of life-and in return I ask for religious folks to respect my right to say your God doesn't exist

It's almost like religious people require external validation for them to reap the benefits of their religion-why do you need to convert others? Why are crusades and missionaries necessary? Religion should be a personal spiritual bond between you and your chosen diety and nothing more. There were times in human history and even today were having unpopular religious views puts your life in danger
Originally Posted by Boi

I don't understand how people can believe in a god when there are TONS of other religions that believe in different gods.

If Jesus, or whoever "created" us, why wouldn't everyone believe in just ONE god?

Makes no sense to me..
I want to also mention that this is a very good point. I dont know what created us or how we started, but one thing that I do know is that every single living organism in the universe will all have the same fate. There can only be one destiny for every living thing. There cant be a Jesus, Allah, Moses, Jedi Master, Supreme Kai or God co existing. We all ultimately have the same fate regardless if we all believe in something different. The fact of the matter is that most of the Human race is too ignorant to accept this.
Originally Posted by So Nyuh Shi Dae

Originally Posted by Steinbeckballa

Ya we all were born in sin. What I mean by free will is by choosing between right or wrong. ex. Cheat on a test or not cheat on a test. You have the ability to make the decision you want and if you don't make the right decision then that's sin. We are all going to make mistakes in our life, but all we can do is ask for forgivness, strentgh, patience, and wisdom to get through whatever the individual is going trough.

Are you playing devils advocate? What are your beliefs So Nyuh Shi?
No, I know what you mean by free will regarding sin, but you said that we were created to make senses. In other words, we were created to sin. If we were created to sin, then we do not have free will to choose between right and wrong because the almighty creator created us so that we would do wrong. Do you see what I'm getting at?

No, I'm not playing devil's advocate. You said some things that I felt were interesting and I'm just trying to have a discussion on what you said. Personally, I don't feel that we can know or understand whether god exists. This is why I originally asked you about how one can know whether god is answering their prayers or whether something else is accounting for their prayers being answered. For any instance where prayers are answered, or a miracle occurs, we can't actually determine that god was a part of that.

and we cannot actually determine that he was not. somebody answered my prayers cuz nobody can have that much luck

Originally Posted by NobleKane

Originally Posted by So Nyuh Shi Dae

Originally Posted by Steinbeckballa

Ya we all were born in sin. What I mean by free will is by choosing between right or wrong. ex. Cheat on a test or not cheat on a test. You have the ability to make the decision you want and if you don't make the right decision then that's sin. We are all going to make mistakes in our life, but all we can do is ask for forgivness, strentgh, patience, and wisdom to get through whatever the individual is going trough.

Are you playing devils advocate? What are your beliefs So Nyuh Shi?
No, I know what you mean by free will regarding sin, but you said that we were created to make senses. In other words, we were created to sin. If we were created to sin, then we do not have free will to choose between right and wrong because the almighty creator created us so that we would do wrong. Do you see what I'm getting at?

No, I'm not playing devil's advocate. You said some things that I felt were interesting and I'm just trying to have a discussion on what you said. Personally, I don't feel that we can know or understand whether god exists. This is why I originally asked you about how one can know whether god is answering their prayers or whether something else is accounting for their prayers being answered. For any instance where prayers are answered, or a miracle occurs, we can't actually determine that god was a part of that.

and we cannot actually determine that he was not. somebody answered my prayers cuz nobody can have that much luck


You don't think its a tad selfish that he answered your prayers and has forsaken so many who pray to him/her daily, some of whom were in much more dire situations than yourself?

And what about a non-believer like myself, I'm doing way better than most people on this planet-and I consider myself one lucky ba$tard[h6]
[/h6] how do you explain that?
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by NobleKane

Originally Posted by So Nyuh Shi Dae

No, I know what you mean by free will regarding sin, but you said that we were created to make senses. In other words, we were created to sin. If we were created to sin, then we do not have free will to choose between right and wrong because the almighty creator created us so that we would do wrong. Do you see what I'm getting at?

No, I'm not playing devil's advocate. You said some things that I felt were interesting and I'm just trying to have a discussion on what you said. Personally, I don't feel that we can know or understand whether god exists. This is why I originally asked you about how one can know whether god is answering their prayers or whether something else is accounting for their prayers being answered. For any instance where prayers are answered, or a miracle occurs, we can't actually determine that god was a part of that.

and we cannot actually determine that he was not. somebody answered my prayers cuz nobody can have that much luck


You don't think its a tad selfish that he answered your prayers and has forsaken so many who pray to him/her daily-some of whom were in much more dire situations than yourself?

And what about a non-believer like myself, I'm doing way better than most people on this planet-and I consider myself one lucky ba$tard, how do you explain that?
How do you explain what better is? There is no real definition of better because people have different standards for their relative situation based on their wants and desires. 
What if in reality the poor people of this world have a more authentic experience? 

You THNK you have it better...and thats the point...America is 'better' for you buts its miserable for me..but you refuse to look at things outside your own point of view and it shows. 

at the end of the day....atheists complete the circle....dis-belief is a twisted form of belief....the people who call themselves atheist know God exits but are so wrought with contradiction that they can't express it....

thats not to say that religion is perfect, because men are NOT perfect, religion is only a cultural expression. religion is NOT GOD. and thats what people need to realize.  All is one. 
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by NobleKane

Originally Posted by So Nyuh Shi Dae

No, I know what you mean by free will regarding sin, but you said that we were created to make senses. In other words, we were created to sin. If we were created to sin, then we do not have free will to choose between right and wrong because the almighty creator created us so that we would do wrong. Do you see what I'm getting at?

No, I'm not playing devil's advocate. You said some things that I felt were interesting and I'm just trying to have a discussion on what you said. Personally, I don't feel that we can know or understand whether god exists. This is why I originally asked you about how one can know whether god is answering their prayers or whether something else is accounting for their prayers being answered. For any instance where prayers are answered, or a miracle occurs, we can't actually determine that god was a part of that.

and we cannot actually determine that he was not. somebody answered my prayers cuz nobody can have that much luck


You don't think its a tad selfish that he answered your prayers and has forsaken so many who pray to him/her daily-some of whom were in much more dire situations than yourself?

And what about a non-believer like myself, I'm doing way better than most people on this planet-and I consider myself one lucky ba$tard, how do you explain that?

i cant explain it. like i said i dont know why hes been there for me and not for others. i only can explain what i experienced. i have atheist friends who turned atheist because they prayed for things and their prayers fell on deaf ears. but like i said i can only explain my belief on my experiences
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