Wrestling Thread Sep 15-Oct 5 | October 5th, 1982 A Wrestling/NT/Cat Legend Was Born

I haven't watched raw in weeks and I don't miss it one bit. It has been incredibly lackluster to say the least. I'm good with content on the network
I haven't watched raw in weeks and I don't miss it one bit. It has been incredibly lackluster to say the least. I'm good with content on the network
it has i still like predicting although i never partcipate in PPV partially bcuz i always illegal stream 
Dolph Ziggler said on Twitter that United Airlines has lost his IC belt. A burial is probably imminent for him cause Vince will blame it on him regardless, at least that's what I think... :frown: :smh:
Dolph Ziggler said on Twitter that United Airlines has lost his IC belt. A burial is probably imminent for him cause Vince will blame it on him regardless, at least that's what I think... :frown: :smh:

Welp, it was fun while it lasted. I for sure won't be tuning in tonight. He gonna job to Mike Chioda tonight
Dolph Ziggler said on Twitter that United Airlines has lost his IC belt. A burial is probably imminent for him cause Vince will blame it on him regardless, at least that's what I think...
Good he don't deserved to hold that title anyways.
Welp, it was fun while it lasted. I for sure won't be tuning in tonight. He gonna job to Mike Chioda tonight
he gonna job to mark henry
Ziggler jobs to ......
Lana wears ........ suit
Which diva eats the pin ......
Good he don't deserved to hold that title anyways.
My response to all of this :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: But yeah, Dolph is about to get washed on a frequent basis. He may never hold another belt again after this.
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I thought I read some where that the champs carry around a replica and that production brings the real ones with them.

Or maybe that was the MITB briefcase
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