Recent content by luckyp25

  1. luckyp25

    President-elect Obama VS. 50 Cent vol. who had the bigger buzz?

    Even after I say "please," you still insist on saying son? You originally said I was comparing the president to a rapper. That's not what I was doing, so you we're wrong then and you're wrong to continue telling yourself otherwise. You are comparing the president to a rapper. What the...
  2. luckyp25

    Why did the white man cross the road?

    how? what? no...
  3. luckyp25

    Digital Gravel Sucks

    Ordered a Large shirt from there and got a medium
  4. luckyp25

    Why did the white man cross the road?

    That white guy knew what he was doing, the black guy hiding something behind his back look at his arm.
  5. luckyp25

    NT I can't sleep

    on youtube if you look right of the video it says Embed and just copy and paste that into your post
  6. luckyp25


    damn neither of you guys are funny , its like i know i wont like it but i keep watching. Like a car wreck or some $*%#.
  7. luckyp25

    6 months for profanity in Court..(vid)

    "who the hell groaned back there" ? wth lol. This guy is taking it to far.
  8. luckyp25

    Ever get pissed seeing people not appropriately dressed for winter?

    40 degrees aint cold enough to be wearing a beanie and scarf covering your mouth. Looking like a ninja inside whole foods smh.
  9. luckyp25

    I dont usually buy toys but....Dark knight related

    its not a doll man its a action figure
  10. luckyp25

    So I Hit my Sister.... smh

    I agree with this. You have to approach your sister on a more sympathetic level and explain to her why you did it. You NEED to get back her trust.She might be feeling alone right now since she was arguing with her mom and then you hit her. Let her know that your with her AND your mom and get...
  11. luckyp25


    Hey off topic but does anyone know a forum or something where i can get a English paper looked over?
  12. luckyp25

    So I was in class right.....

    The buns you speak of, ARE in fact the OP's buns. It is vital that the people who are viewing this thread and those who will view in thefuture DO NOT see this photograph.
  13. luckyp25

    So I was in class right.....

    excuse me?
  14. luckyp25

    When is Will Smith gonna play a villian?

    Its kind of true, He always plays the strong willed alpha male character.
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